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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 5 hours ago, ezzra said:

    I did't see him forking out some, little some, of his vast fortune to help any Thai people during this harsh economic times either by helping with food or god forbid try to buy some vaccines on the open market and spend some of the multi billions he made on the back of his people, re-elect him? for what benefits? so he can make MORE money?... he's no leader, he's an opportunist...

    Put it down to the cost of doing business.....everything is seen as an investment.

  2. Thailand approves self-tests, self-isolation as COVID-19 cases climb

    They dont have much choice!  The people know they can rely on the govt to get their act together, as recent polls have shown, so the people are left to fend for themselves the best they can.  Not the ideal solution because difficult to keep tabs on the number of infections as Smedley has already pointed out but then again the people have little alternative and  who believes the govt figures anyhow?

  3. On 7/4/2021 at 5:45 PM, samtam said:

    I've watched these recently:


    Cruel Summer:





    StartUp (S1 so far, 2 & 3 are available too):



    Both very different, but good IMO.



    I thought Cruel Summer was going to be some teenage girl dribble and thus had my doubts about you lol but found it very entertaining.   The shifting back and fwd in time had me somewhat confused at times but still thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you.


    Couldn't get into Startup at all but thanks anyhow.

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  4. Just finished binge watching 9 seasons of Foyle's War.  Absolutely brilliant in my opinion.  I thought Foyle (Michael Kitchen) was superb having an intelligent answer or come-back for every occasion even if it was just a sideways glance.  Wonderful acting, scenery, storylines and an interesting look at a piece of WW2 history.  The show didnt mince words when it came to the US but it is what it is I guess.


    I highly recommend the series. (123movies and Dailymotion)

    • Thanks 2
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