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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Judging from my experience yesterday I would imagine the Thais were not wearing masks.  My 1st stop was the local service station:  owner, wife, and two attendants, none had masks.  2nd stop local photo shop:  two in attendance, old lady had mask, young guy none.  3rd stop:  a govt office:  approx 6 in attendance all wearing masks however two of them, who I noticed were quite attractive ladies and wondered whether that was relative, wore their masks on their sleeves even when wandering back and forth to adjoining offices.  And friends call me paranoid coz I dont like to leave home?


    Myth & Mogul: John DeLorean


    In the automotive world, John DeLorean rose from engineer to executive to icon. But under the hood of his self-created legend lies darkness and deceit.



    While watching this series my mind kept jumping back to a series I watched a couple of days before and I could not get over how much these two characters had in common:


    Dr. Death: The Undoctored Story


    Follows the whole and real story of Dr. Christopher Duntsch told by the people who survived it.



    Both of these guys could get caught red-handed standing in front of a burning house with a can of petrol in one hand and a Zippo in the other and would not only claim total innocence but would declare that the fire would be of such great benefit to the residents, the city and the whole universe. 


    I also think its a good reminder that its not just in Thailand where, if a lot of money is involved, you can get away with murder.

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  3. I hope this hasnt already been mentioned before but I found it especially interesting.  I have long been a fan of Val Kilmer who I find to be a most unusual character as well as a very under-rated actor.  So sad to see Val now after his bout with throat cancer which has left him half the man he was physically but still incredibly positive mentally.




    This in turn led me to what I consider one of his best performances:  The Doors (1991) and left me wondering just who else could have played the part of Jim Morrison so perfectly.




    avail on tinyzonetv.to

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  4. 23 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    He meant that the man hunt  is finished  because they have caught the suspect . 

    I actually read it differently.  I imagine the police are under a hell of a lot of pressure to clear this case because the bean counters are fearful of its effects on the Phuket sandbox.  If I was in that position my thoughts would be that prospective tourists need not have any fears coming to Phuket because the culprit has been caught.


    "its finished" I think, was said in very bad taste because I believe it will be a damn long time for it to be finished for the family and friends of the poor victim.

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