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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 6 hours ago, BestB said:

    There are many ways to deliver same message. 

    I do not know if it’s reporters choice of words or actual words of authorities but it sounds as if feeding leftover food to a street dog.


    final result is the same no matter what words one uses , but I wonder why send the message in this way, not in a more nicer, welcoming way

    I thought exactly the same!  Maybe something lost in translation, I hope, otherwise its worded in a way to try to cause trouble.

  2. 3 hours ago, AquaThai said:

    Well which is it, this article  states easing restrictions,  but the previous article  states its not going to happen.  So which is it.  Its almost comical that a Nees medoa source prints two completely opposite article in the same issue ....

    Its all part of the distraction!  Confuse the people enough and they are not sure what to argue about.

  3. On 5/25/2021 at 9:29 AM, pixelaoffy said:

    Wouldn't trust ANYTHING to be pumped into my body produced by a certain nation 

    Are you talking about Russia?  North Korea maybe?  Or the Muslims.  Oh yes of course its China!  They are the imminent threat now to the land of creating enemies.  (Creating an external enemy is the oldest trick in the book to unite the people internally when the country is turning to sh##t#.  We dont have to mention what country that is do we lol!

  4. 8 hours ago, RocketDog said:

    Anybody receiving USA social security payments and Medicare pays taxes on it.

    Minimum Medicare payment (taken from your SSA stipend) is around $105/month if income is minimal, more for higher incomes. From the beginning of the vaccinations they were free to Medicare recipients in America but not expats abroad. So we paid for it but don't get it, as with Medicare itself except when I'm home. Don't forget inheritance tax either. Americans are subject to taxes on income for life, regardless of where they live and earn money. Only two countries in the world are like this.


    In that case I wouid guess most Americans here pay, or are subject to, taxes; I certainly do.


    That said, I'm enough of a realist not to expect much from my government beyond increasing taxes/ inflation/ property taxes/ bureaucracy, and decreasing police protection and social services, all reasons that I'm here.


    I fully expect to dodge the virus in semi-quarantine until I can get and pay for a REAL vaccine here, probably near year end.

    That's my plan and I'm sticking to it.

    Its the same with my Australian government.  Because I'm an expat I am not entitled to any services, no health care, pension refused etc but still want their pound of flesh in taxes from a rental property I still have there and tax on money I may earn here?? 

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  5. 3 hours ago, rasmus5150 said:

    The more I hear about WHO the less I trust them. They love patting each other on the back, and spend vast amounts on bureaucracy that doesn't help the needy.


    After their last reports regarding whether or not the virus was man-made in China, I don't trust them at all. They seem to be either afraid or bought by China.


    Glad that US President Biden and other Governments are starting their own fact-finding research to unveil the truth.

    I thought the OP was regarding Thai public health not China bashing?  How come you missed bad mouthing Sinovac? 


    I wonder if you have actually read (or comprehend) your own footnote?

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