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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 1 hour ago, Mister Fixit said:

    Who says we'll divorce?  She's almost 52 and I'm 72 - she relies on me to survive, so she'd be shooting herself in the foot. 

    Oh, wait, that's their forte ...


    It isn't going to happen though, she's been as straight as a die for 14 years 


    If you are going to build a house in Thailand you have a good chance of divorcing especially if you dont speak Thai....believe me I have been there!

    • Confused 1
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  2. 1 hour ago, wombat said:

    There is no such thing as a bad dog, only bad owners.
    The instrument of Karma takes many forms.

    Yes and it is little surprise the dog attacked its owner considering the treatment the dog had been receiving from its 'master' (confined in a small box sometimes for days at a time).  I also heard it was a freak incident occurring as a very large thunderclap struck as the guy was handling the dog.

  3. On 4/13/2021 at 12:58 PM, overherebc said:

    Ok, this is a general question/rant.

    What is it with sound tracks on movies lately.

    Two people talking, it's almost impossible to hear them ( movies on tv ). You turn up the volume to hear them and then suddenly an 'action scene' starts and the blast of noise nearly knocks you off your chair.

    I surely can't be the only one that 'suffers' from it.

    Do people really want that level of noise and why?

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I thought it was just me.  The wife is always going balistic about the volume and I keep telling her I cant hear the dialogue otherwise.  I have fiddled with my laptop and TV sound settings but was starting to lose my mind over it.  But I have also noticed that speaking in an almost whisper seems to be the trend nowadays, especially the bad guys.  And then add that to the overbearing music/action volume I am finding some shows too uncomfortable to watch....or listen.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 4 hours ago, SomchaiCNX said:

    Same as prostitution, make it legal. I can not believe why so many governments are interested in controlling the sexual needs of their citizens. Probably religion and that some people (BIB and those in power) may lose a lot of illegal made money.

    The government will not legalise sex toys until some minister has finished setting up his sex toy franchises.  Locals will be permitted to manufacture sex toys after applying for a permit  but sales are restricted to the government only under another expensive permit.

    • Haha 1
  5. 21 hours ago, xylophone said:

    Now I'm not sure whether this can be found on any of the usual places, but I mention it because it was a documentary which threw a new light for me on the Israeli/Palestinian problem.


    I've always sort of sided with the Israelis, because everything we hear about the Palestinians in the news is predominantly bad, however this doco made me think again about the whole situation.


    Most enlightening and the name of it is, "The Occupation of the American Mind", and I saw it on Al Jazeera last night, so it could be available elsewhere.


    Well worth a watch.

    Just found it on Youtube for anyone interested.......and you should be!



    • Thanks 1
  6. On 4/9/2021 at 1:53 PM, TooBigToFit said:

    Here's one in the torrent world and on youtube. Beautiful on a flat screen. Murphy's War.


    Murphy's War (1971) – Mike's Take On the Movies ………. Rediscovering Cinema's  Past


    I also want to watch The Man Who Would Be King again.



    The Man Who would be King I only watched last week for the first time and enjoyed it.


    I went to watch Murphy's Law on Youtube but somehow it jumped to the next movie.  Fortunately it landed on a little gem called Missing In America starring one of my favourites, Danny Glover.  I always remember him in The Bounty Hunters and believe he deserved a lot more credit as an actor than he received.



    "A haunted Vietnam veteran (DANNY GLOVER), living in exile in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, is faced with a life-changing decision after he is visited by a former platoon member (DAVID STRATHAIRN) and his young Amerasian daughter."


    Now back to Murphy's Law.

    • Like 1
  7. Found this today on tinyzonetv and found it extremely interesting:


    Seaspiracy (2021)  IMDB  8.6


    'Passionate about ocean life, a filmmaker sets out to document the harm that humans do to marine species - and uncovers alarming global corruption.'


    Mention is also made of slavery and corruption within the Thai fishing industry as well as the hypocrisy of "Dolphin Safe" and "Sustainable Fishery" labels because it seems no-one, and especially those guarantying  the labels, can come up with a fitting definition of 'sustainable'???

    • Like 1
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  8. 4 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Women use sex to their advantage day in day out all over the world, especially at work

    I agree but I dont know if they are always aware of it, I think it just happens naturally.


    However your comment reminds me of a joke I use to have with my daughter when she was younger.  Whenever she raved on about how good Kylie Minogue, Madonna, or Janet Jackson etc was, I would enquire:


    "Ahh yes, but cant she sing with her clothes on?"

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. On 3/20/2021 at 11:46 AM, jack71 said:

    We have so many restaurant options in our city but all of them play music like this and I find it a wind up to be honest.

    I think there-in lies the problem....it is not our city....it is their's and therefore they have the right to listen music as loud as they like.


    I do agree that it is too loud and therefore often distorted with the base shaking every window nearby.  Even in our small village we have the vendors in pick-ups winding the sois with their huge speakers blasting....especially voting time.  While if really p#@@es me off I have to hold back and remind myself I am only a guest.

  10. On 3/6/2021 at 12:08 PM, sanuk711 said:


    Watched Crisis last night.... 3 stories interwoven  in the Movie , about the world of opioids drug smuggling Fentanyl  between Canada and the U.S ....OK movie. Gary Oldman lead role, still one of Britain's top I think. Its worth a watch.



    "More people died from opioid addiction in the US in last two years than died in the Vietnam war"!!  

    • Like 2
  11. 3 hours ago, sandyf said:
    On 3/13/2021 at 6:36 PM, ThaiFelix said:

    Sorry my mistake, I meant to say they are not interested in the YB or Pink ID card.  But my main point was that my passport was not needed every time as you state, only when first registering.  And it was at that point I found the YB and ID card was not enough for them....only my passport.

    I never made any such statement, I am quite aware that each hospital has their own way of doing things.

    Posted Saturday at 11:14 AM

      On 3/7/2021 at 8:39 AM, sandyf said:

    Yes indeed. I am registered with 5 government hospitals but 2 of them and in particular the one I use the most have a system that has your photo on the appointment card. You only need to show ID card if no previous appointment.

    The ID card is great improvement on the old days when you had to keep handing in your passport.

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