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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Simple solution would be to drink more Hi IQ milk surely?
  2. I remember this guy from the last big red shirt protests encouraging people to collect petrol to burn down Bangkok. His punishment was to spend a few weeks in a holiday camp in Sattahip! Wish my holidays were that easy to organise.
  3. Sure he is not a real cop, seems to fit the model?
  4. Yes I worked for the big chain of private schools and we were told to keep testing till they pass?? No more teaching just the same test till they pass lol, ie you dont go home till they magically come up with the correct answers.............get it!
  5. I thought he knew more about everything than anybody else? Im sure Ive heard him say that often.
  6. I like the way you simplify things!
  7. Thats not true!! Up my way many many use their indicators all the time, even when riding in a straight line theyre on!
  8. Do you have a source for that please? (A friend is interested)
  9. You sound like my brother when we went to the movies as kids. He always cheered madly for the bad guys................anything for attention!!
  10. But she got away with it plus an all expenses paid holiday overseas. Sems ugly and shameless pays of (if you have money). I wonder how her health is?
  11. Its against the law here too but no money in it for the bib to get involved.
  12. What do you mean the music is too loud?? lol!
  13. Limescale is an alkaline, you need an acid. Vinegar works but comes in various strengths. Let it sit for a while before scrubbing.
  14. But nobody wants them. They tried to ship thousands out of Nazi held Europe in WW2 but no one would take them.
  15. Israel doesnt allow evidence. Unlike other wars Israel has Gaza isolated and fenced in. Journalists, apart from IDF, are not allowed and are usually murdered "accidently" gathering such evidence.
  16. There is also talk of a "Hannibal Directive" where the IDF is ordered to kill Israelis rather than have them taken hostage.
  17. Greater chance its Israeli propaganda again...they are the lie masters.
  18. Well Steven, at least no parents were murdered for weed in this one lol!
  19. "You farang, have monny muck muck, you pay more" Reminds me years ago travelling through Africa and very 50 kms or so the army block the road "We are the army, we are the government, this government road, you pay!"
  20. Bit of a cheek considering the USA refused to make its promised reparations for its unfounded devastating war on Vietnam. Next thing you know the Taliban will be sueing the US for the billions of dollars of weapons it dropped when it advanced in the opposite direction from Afghanistan lol! .
  21. Good onya girl, make the Bib do their jobs properly. Back home in Mumbai already?
  22. Its what Indonesia's Suharto called "Guided Democracy" (while him and his cronies were stripping the place bare).
  23. Yes why get rid of this law when ridiculous laws like this makes Thailand what it is today. Especially when everyone knows you can go next door to the Mum an Pops and buy as much as you want at any hour lol.
  24. Israel knows where you are if Al Jazeera shows up?
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