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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Israeli Citizen Arrested Over Alleged Iranian Plot to Assassinate Netanyahu Fine him 5 dollars and send him on his way !
  2. Leave him alone, what difference does it make if he sleeps at home or in house sessions. (Not really possible to say he didnt notice the time and missed the session lol!)
  3. We dont actually, you are completely wrong again there. The N word is purely American and the English have completely different slang just as Australia has its own. Do some research before looking stupid spouting incorrect information. And what is it that makes you so obviously jealous of Australians?
  4. Ive got a mate back home exactly like you, do or say anything ridiculous just for attention. He even ate a cockroach one time on FB video just for attention, have you tried thatr one?
  5. And its now over 40,000 civilians killed already in Gaza? Why dont you tell us again next week, and the week after but in reality do sweet feck all! I bet it would be different scenario completely if it was 40,000 Israelis or Americans killed.
  6. Considering what those tuk tuks in Phuket charge they probably thought it included sex too.
  7. Actually Pom is almost a term of endearment in Australia as is bastard but nowhere near as insulting as the N word. Australians are not as ignorant of their history as some other western nations that consider themselves superior, so we know most of us originate from the UK or Europe. We speak and know how to spell the Queens English. We also know our govt lied to attract British migrants turning them into "whinging poms". Australians dont tend to put sh*t on ourselves or our forefathers so no, you are incorrect in saying Pom is a "derogitry" term and to describe it as such considering the facts, makes no sense at all. My father was a Cockney and my best mate came from Liverpool but we still called english people Poms as did they. Could you not raise the 1 pound required for assisted migration and so missed out?
  8. Australians dont drink Fosters, we just export the <deleted>e.
  9. When you consider who the TAT has been attracting of late I think Pattaya is lucky its only urinating at the beach thats a problem and not yet the other bodily function in the streets of Pattaya.
  10. Sounds like couple of mates of mine who would get into brawls just for the fun of it. And I mean with each other. I seen them smash up a whole lounge room brawling amongst themselves and laughing all the way. Didnt always involve alcohol either. I would get right out the way once I noticed their eyes roll back lol! One would often get into bar fights, just a whirlwind of fists fighting like the Tassy Devil in the cartoons, give any taker on a flogging and look for more. But when it was all over he'd be found huddled in some dark doorway or corner howling his eyes out and throwing up every where!! "Sometimes the factory makes faulty machines" Lol!
  11. Pretty sick species. There are also reports of the French police under the Vichy regime rounding up Jews and seizing assets BEFORE the Nazis ordered them to.
  12. For me most songs I like are a key to some time in my life.
  13. A mate of mine had shingles a few months back and from what he said about the pain and ignorance of the local 'doctor' , it sounds something worth investigating.
  14. I plug my laptop into my TV and watch from streaming sites such as lookmovie2.to. You need an adblocker and patience as somebody else said earlier, for anything free off the web.
  15. How long does this comedy season last?
  16. Now that we have them interested change the rules. Oh and as from midnight tonight no more free visas on arrival, fine them as they enter.
  17. Bahh! You guys have just forgotten what its like to really party lol!
  18. Bit hard to use a taser and carry a phone!
  19. Indian? lol! My guess is he wouldnt accept "no" as an answer as per usual and the LB tired of his pestering.
  20. Agreed. I am sure you will also find The Savage Peace quite rivetting. At the end I had to remind myself who are the supposed 'good' guys and who are the 'baddies' as it gets quite blurry. Last night I watched Soldier Blue (1970) aka American Diplomacy and the Indian Solution. Nothing has changed, just like today the soldiers with cannons had the "right to defend themselves" against savage women and children armed with white flags.
  21. There is obviously a definite need for more weapons in the US. Every child should be issued a gun at their first communion in order to defend themselves against others with guns. God bless America! The insanity of it all.
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