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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Around the corner on the opposite wall under Warhole from memory.
  2. Aaaaah but it worked, it got your attention (and the parents too I bet) lol!
  3. There should be peaceful protesting, I have been to a few and I agree with what most are protesting today but this kind of idiotic vandalism causes unending damage to any cause they might have had. And I dont care if its a Van Gogh or a telephone box...its not protesting its vandalism!
  4. Whats it got to do with the court??
  5. Dont give your award away so easily Donald, you lied extremely hard to get that!
  6. Agreed. When I first came here some 40 years ago fat people were uncommon, seemed almost everybody was slim. Even the men seemed small in comparison to westerners. But at the same time it was difficult to find milk, even in tourist areas and a loaf of bread, if you found one, was not much bigger than the Thai red building bricks you see everywhere. Chips/french fries and potato crisps non existant. Kids didnt have the money for coke or the milkshake drinks you see everywhere now. I worked as a teacher for 10 years till 2013 and was astounded by the diets of these school children today. Although they are given traditional Thai dishes for lunch many either dont eat it or eat little. But as soon as they are allowed to leave the tables they are queuing up at the chicken stand for their fried chicken and chips. Now sure you can say fried chicken has been around here as long as fire and you'd be correct. However its the quantity consumed I think, not the species. Traditionally Thais eat a lot of rice, the greatest part of a meal and then lots of vegetables/salads with the meat (pork, fish, chicken etc) being the much lesser part of the meal along with the sauces. I believe economic development since globalisation has lifted the economic well being of the average Thai and is reflected by the way thet eat. They are eating less rice but bigger portions ofmeat because they can now afford it better. Look at the Japanese during 1940's WW2 who were typically short in statue whereas today over 6 foot is not uncommon and mostly attributed to increased consumption of beef after the war. Now add to that the sedentary nature of kids today who to me seem to spend most of the day staring at little black screens compared to the much more active kids of yesteryear fishing, hunting, exploring or playing sport etc.
  7. I dont think you could get more logical for that.
  8. Exactly what I said in an earlier thread. A toast is very difficult to refuse but if a toast why before a meal and tea is not something we would normally associate with toasting. Maybe some cultural angle not obvious to us?
  9. Its possible, as I responded to bananafish's comment above, that someone was making a toast, something difficult to refuse at any time.
  10. Yes I wondered the same but along the lines of drinking a toast to someone/thing where its difficult to refuse.
  11. I am certainly not disputing recent reports however I find it curious that they would ALL want to drink coffee/tea before even touching their meals?? I am a serious coffee addict but would never drink coffee/tea right before a meal?? I also note how their meals were laid out and find it odd. It looks more like how a group of foreigners would eat at home, everyone eating the same. Ive lived in SE Asia for over 20 years and usually find Asians tend to order together but different meals but making them centre bowls for each to share and each member just having a plate with rice in front of him/her. Just my humble observations.
  12. They have been to my place before. I didnt even hear their knock so they went and asked the neighbours about my comings and goings and then left without a word. Might try that next time lol! But yes the Kalasin guys are ok ..........if you are ok.
  13. Aaah yes another benevolent Portuguese legacy! I saw similar in Mozambique but not quite that bad.
  14. Yes much less violent to manacle the victims, stack them in a locked sea container in the sun and let them slowly die from suffocation or thirst.
  15. I have no knowledge of any such actions and if by chance I was aware of any such actions I would not be at liberty to discuss any such incidents if in fact they did exist.
  16. Of course it was! He has lied and connived his way through every other dirty trick in the book, not much left to garner sympathy from. Why is it so hard to find sane men in US politics? The Tin Man is disintergrating in front of our eyes but is still on a par with Trump??
  17. So they change the law to allow 99 year leases to help clear a lot of unsold units just like they changed the law making cannabis legal but now, people who invested in cannabis are going to be out of pocket because now they want to reverse that law?? Gives me great confidence in investing in condos or anything here for that matter.
  18. I prefer Fruit Tingles to Lifesavers
  19. You should be grateful youre allowed to speak here.....well so far!!
  20. I think thats the idea, somewhere for the water to go next it rains.
  21. Which culture is that, the one we know exists but cant talk about or the one that doesnt exist but they want us to promote??
  22. Supporting a mia noi is not a public benefit??
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