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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Cant they just print more like they do when theyre short of money?
  2. Lately I have been struggling to find much to keep me entertained on the screen but after a bit of searching I came across some movies I somehow missed before that kept me interested. Its a very varied bunch of movies I admit but maybe someone else will find something to interest amonst them: The General 1998 (7.2) Brendan Geeson, John Voight. Irish crime boss Martin Cahill's true story. The Savage Peace (7.6) 2015 Documentary on the suffering begun in Europe after WW2. Harrison's Flowers (7.0) 2000 Rescue of a missing journalist in worn torn Yugoslavia. Greedy People (6.2) 2024 Cop crime comedy. James Dean (7.1) 2001 His story. Northwest Passage (7.0) 1940 Spencer Tracy, classic cowboys and indians saga. The Wiper Times (7.0) 2013 War/comedy, WW1 trench newspaper producers. Apollo 13: Survival (7.3) 2024 The story. Night Moves (7.1) 1975 Gene Hackman Crime/Drama. PI tracking runaway teenager. Buffalo Bill and the Indians (6.1) 1976 Paul Newman as Buffalo Bill in a wild west show. Cosmic Psychos: Blokes You Can Trust. (7.9) 2013 You may need to be Aussie to enjoy this Aussie outback grunge band and its humour. Good viewing!
  3. Did she drown in a canal as per the article or in the dam mentioned as the location in the picture? Or was she washed down into the dam from the canal?
  4. Maybe just me but Koh Phangan would not be anywhere top of my list of locations if I was hiding from the jacks.
  5. No not like Rahil or Gunga Din. Maybe he is one of the original white natives.
  6. Have patience! If you remember not long ago, during the covid pandemic, Thai agricultural innovation involved growing crops on idle taxi roofs. They will get there in time lol!
  7. I think thats the whole point, she wants answers as to how it failed!
  8. I think Thailand has enough traffic problems already without encouraging 100's of straw carrying actors and actresses dancing madly in the streets because they managed to finish another crap movie!
  9. Could you please provide a credible source for your claims re cannabis causing schizophrenia ?
  10. Not to mention the mess halls that were refurbished by Haliburton while at the same time being replaced with a new mess hall down the road because beyond repair? And no-one in Haliburton, or elsewhere, spotted the duplication error.
  11. The actions of ex supporters of Trump are quite understandable, its those still supporting him that have me confused.
  12. You have to break the rules. Every year I would have at least one high so entitled child who rules at home and thinks he or she can do what they want like at home. Parents are no help in often they allow their kids to take toys into class. Its seems quite unfair really and I do feel sorry for some kids because they dont know any different. Although it is against the rules I kicked them out explaining their behaviour is disturbing the other students. Outside away from the others they soon realise they have to toe the line and are soon back with the others. It has always worked, except for one spirited girl who decided kicked out of class was a good opportunity to do some sight seeing around the rest of the school. Alarm bells went off, I was called to the directors office and the parents were called in. The parents, surprisingly supported me and punished the girl, the school let it all go because the most important factor, the cash flow, had not been affected. The girl and I had quite a special relationship after that, she respected me and I admired her mischievous spirit. But although tempted a few times, I have never struck a child.
  13. Why dont they make it easy and just call them 'Head Kickers" so everybody understands
  14. Check with your local office, they all can vary slightly. Or tell us what office and ask for help from those also using that office.
  15. Well according to some of the know-all-but-never-tried on here you will need to keep using stronger and stronger gummies or weed until after you have killed your parents for weed money a few times. By then weed wont work anymore so being the ideal gateway drug you now must proceed to smoking opium and then injecting heroin if you havnt already gone completely insane from cannabis' well known brain destroying qualities. . If youre a woman you wont get that far because you will probably die early from injuries sustained from your continual sexual cravings and encounters.
  16. Maybe its the expert blow-drys??
  17. Overtourism. Thailand has to stop relying on farang to survive. You cant keep selling your country, environment and society for cash. Find another way.
  18. I cant even cross the road without her trying to help!
  19. Thai police pretending to be fake cops to avoid detection I reckon. The cunning devils!
  20. Bwahahahahaha! the man couldnt even lift his ego let alone the poor out of poverty. He gave them 20 baht phone cards and it made him a hero among the poor in Isaan who the other political parties had ignored for years.
  21. Stop with the trolling, there is no such thing as too much sex, weed, or money.
  22. Stop the yank bashing please, keep on topic which is about Chinese!
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