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Posts posted by norrona

  1. I couldn't think of much worse really, pretty much every non thai settled in Pattaya went there on a holiday first so knows what it has on offer and to enjoy, to be there and not even treat yourself to a night out and staying confined to your room is the pits, I returned back to the UK after living out there for 8 years as my line of work was running thin and I couldn't face running low on funds and end up like how some of the desperates I had seen there who started with money and had spent it all....

    If it's that bad that you need to take a long hard look at your position and have the attitude I have now, at least I gave it a go...now I am settled and earning in the UK I can holiday there(Thailand) and enjoy all the benefits it has to offer, I also have changed my opinion that Thailand/Asia was the be all and end all and now enjoy holidaying in other countries too....

    good luck

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  2. anyone on here that thinks this kind of treatment on animals is ok is either a complete cretin or been in the Thai sun and heat far too long...possibly/probably both!

    the westerners in that video are just vile and make my blood boil, waist deep in water that the tigers have probably been pissing in for starters without the teasing that's going on....

    I will refrain from commenting on the natives as they are just chasing the baht...this happens in a 3rd world country!

    this has gone a bit more than viral, I see it online yesterday in one of the main U.K tabloids, we watched it in the office here and it attracted a lot of attention, pretty much all in disgust!

  3. A con-man called Ellis Ward has just been jailed for five years in the UK for, amongst other crimes, impersonating a police officer:


    You wouldn't get far in the UK wearing a tee shirt with 'F#%k You' written on the front either.

    I think in Thailand the phrase 'impersonating a police officer' is an accurate job description, not a criminal offence...sad.png

    like it clap2.gif

  4. shocking what happened and I just cannot believe some of the posters on here with the 'you make yourself a target' posts....quite disgusting really!

    OP I applaud your actions and the way you have conducted yourself thumbsup.gif

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  5. Sorry for your loss but.....

    Any educated person would just speak to the flight attendants, explain that they are with a nervous passenger and put their requests in that they need to be seated next to each other, not go bothering individuals and subject them to moving not once but twice as if the first move wasn't good enough...how do you know the Brit wasn't a nervous passenger?

    I did. The german flight attendants were busy. They said that only seats could be exchanged if people agreed otherwise they would not intervene. I explained her flight conditions to the attend. I explained it to him. They didn't care.

    I hope basis that info that you dislike and tar all Germans with the same brush then?

  6. Money is quite easy to make in Thailand if people want to work. To borrow to survive is ludicrous. When his business went under,he should have known he would need money to survive and take care of his family.If he is British. all of us who live here know he could teach english and still provide. Maybe not at the level he was accustom too, but be able to be a responsible adult and take care of his family. There are also numerous jobs for thai women. They maynot pay well but it is money earnered not borrowed.

    What baffles me is who would lend money to a guy who isnot willing to work? I would point him the direction of employment.

    Money lenders at extortinate rates?

  7. ...it appears that Submaniac is having the same.

    Now I can talk to the Pseudolus but not Submaniac. Does this have to do with we are both farangs? One could try to insinuate that but doing so without concrete proof that I'm a racist and a bigot would make it a foolish endeavour. Yet SM assumes this and that makes his statements not only invalid but also he is the one that comes out as a racist.

    I'm not saying that I totally agree everything the OP has to say but that is not the point I'm making either. To give creds to Submaniac that is he is a man of his words... He couldn't cope and is moving home but if he tried to actually talk to some westerners he would see that the skew perception some farangs have about Thais also applies to the Thais have about farangs.

    A few years ago I was in love with a beautiful girl from Vienna. We had talked about flying to Thailand for many many years. She had a terrible fear of flying. For three years, I tried to coach her onto a plane. It didn't work. Finally, finally, finally, I managed to get her on this plane. I wanted to sit next to her and hold her hand to make sure she did not have a panic attack. The airline had the plane at capacity. Everybody was there with someone--girlfriend, wife, kids, family. There was one British individual that was obviously flying by himself. I asked if he would mind changing seats so we could sit together. He initially said yes. But nobody was in their correct seats so everyone went to find their corect seats. When the correct seats were found, I found that I could still sit next to her if he changed. His response was, "no I've already tried to change seats onece and I am not doing it again." Now I had paid $3k for these tickets. I had tried to do this flight for three years. And, my girl was going to have some serious anxiety without me sitting next to her.

    But this Brit would not change. His attitude was well it's my seat you can't have it. The typical 50 year old thin bald British uppercrust "lord of the manner".

    It turns out that this flight, was the last time I saw her again. She died about 3 months later. And this was my last chance, and it was ruined by a British snob that was full of himself and his "Britishness" to do a simple thing to change seats. During that flight, I burned his face into my memory. And when I am in Thailand, I am looking for him. He may even be on this forum. (And if you are, know that I am searching for you.)

    But the crux of this matter is, that whenever I see some Brit on this board shooting his mouth off about Thailand, or the Thai people I think of the Brit on the plane. Yes, you think you are better and more important than me. You took away my lost opportunity to be with the girl I loved for the sake of your arrogance.

    I point out that there are alot of Brits here that I absolutely adore, and am friends with like Thaicbr, Bigbikebkk, BKKjames, and if you count the Scotts as British I adore eek, and theblether and smokie35 and whatnot. So I am not anti British per se. I am anti-the ones that think they are the lord of the plantation during colonial days, and we Thais are there little brown servants. That is what I hate.

    And Maxme, I know what I am about. I do not need your psychoanalytical drivel.

    Sorry for your loss but.....

    Any educated person would just speak to the flight attendants, explain that they are with a nervous passenger and put their requests in that they need to be seated next to each other, not go bothering individuals and subject them to moving not once but twice as if the first move wasn't good enough...how do you know the Brit wasn't a nervous passenger?

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  8. as a previous developer in Thailand myself I can see where they are coming from, you purchased in a estate so in a sense they have already gone to the bother of dividing the land into seperate titles and sold them at affordable sized plots they are there to make money same as anyone who goes to work or invests time/money.

    the build cost is where they were also going to make money out of you, they delayed that due to economic crisis and political troubles which you have stated and now they are good and ready to proceed in constructing and finishing the development, they do not want 1 house built this year and maybe 2 or 3 the next and so on as that makes the first person to finish building got to live on a construction site till everyone else gets their arse in gear.

    when you purchased your land you didn't just buy into a piece of dirt, you bought into a development....they now see someone like you who doesn't want to build as an idle investor who is getting in their way of progress....

    as spelt out to you previously....take the money being offered, it's a good deal.

    Or dig your heels in and get ready for court and possibly an investigation as to how (if you're not Thai) can you own this land?

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  9. If I were you I would thank my lucky stars that you are going to get that back, from nearly 8 years ago to now Thailand has changed in so many ways with regards to owning property especially land in a development.

    Now even if you do decide to build your dream home on this plot...do you really want to be on an island in a gated estate where the developer has a problem with you and the fact you haven't honoured your side of the deal.

    Take the money and run.....you don't say where you're from but I am assuming U.S.A, forget your laws over there buddy....they don't apply to how it is run in Thailand and especially 'mafia' run Samui....

    It is ashame you're not from the U.K and bought it as the FX differential from then to now is probably a money maker and would show a nice profit!

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  10. I have known several guys that took the girls out of the bars and married them.

    3 brought their wife’s back to the UK and each marriage was a complete disaster.

    One of the husbands in the UK was left with their kids when his Thai wife suddenly decided she wanted to be single and party again. Another’s wife got to be friendly with some of the lads in the local pub. A little too friendly in fact and at times would fail to arrive home in the evening and reappear the next morning, often recovering from a hangover of drugs and drink.

    Another guy married his Thai BG and in the UK brought her back to his a house in Surrey were they lived. It wasn’t long before the wife became involved with one of the many Thai massage services in the area, first without the husbands knowledge. After a time, hubby realised that he could not control his wife and that also ended in divorce, but he ended up losing his house and having to pay her off during the divorce.

    Of course there are many successful examples, but personally, I would not get involved or be prepared to take the risks.

    As for rescuing these girls, I think it`s a good idea, providing that at first it is confirmed that these women want to be rescued and are able to adapt to life outside their institutionalised sex industry, because it`s not as straight forward as some may believe, the above giving some typical examples.

    I know of guys in the UK married to western women that have had exactly the same as that above happen to them...I also know of guys in the UK that are on the other side of it all, as in 'they are the ones shagging someone else unhappy slut of a missus'

    what I am saying is the above kind of thing is not exclusive to thai bargirls and their crinkly farang husbands

  11. be content with the silences, I got home from work yesterday and the wife walked in from her job and started telling me about how her 'friend' at work is going to get new nom nom and taking a month off and going to Thailand for it all....apparently her husband who works on a factory salary is paying for it all.....I just said 'he sounds nice, wish I could have married him'

  12. Are the scams still going on daily? I don't walk the beach much these days.

    my first trip to the beach today.

    having collected my "hansum man " disguise at swampy i did a brief stealth sweep along the beach from mikes back towards walking st. not much happening, not many tourists about and starting to spit with rain about 16 15. some of the old worn and faded beach umbrellas have been replaced and a lot of tree cover hacked back but otherwise it's like i haven't been away.

    and so it was no great shock to find the old guy (looks like an extra from the water margin) shouting at a group of indians right next to the jet ski's opposite the best friend bars.

    so the answer to the above question is sadly yes

    Yeah Striderman, you're the best, keep up the good work. If you like i can order a superhero cape and mask for you on your crusade to put a stop to this horrible jet ski scam that is truly one of the worlds biggest issues at the moment.

    This is one of the worst threads going, it's like every page is almost the same - very boring!

    as in on every page there are reports of people getting scammed/ripped off/threatened with violence by the jet ski thugs?

    I would never have thought that with the title Sherlock, thanks for pointing it out thumbsup.gif

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  13. Compared to the some of the loutish, hoodie, council house, out of control feral kids that hung about the area, which I had to contend with in England, I now perceive that even the worst behaved Thai children are better brought up than the best behaved children in the UK.

    Notice the difference between the photsos?

    The Thai kids are 8-11 years of age. The western kids are 14-16 years of age.

    Not a fair comparison.

    Yes some western kids can be porrly behaved, but overall, they are certainly more considerate and polite than their adult contemporaries.

    At the local minimart, it is the European kids that hold the door open and that say thank you to the clerks. The local Thai kids do neither.

    I don't like children. The make noise and get underfoot. However, I have found Thai children to be polite with me.

    Sorry, but you really don`t have a clue.

    Since living in Thailand, I have never had: stones thrown at my windows, my car vandalised, graffiti sprayed over my property and vehicles, the outside fencing or walls kicked in, items on the property smashed or stolen, kids sitting on the walls or hanging about outside F/ing and blinding at the top of they’re voices, smoking, doing drugs or alcohol, verbal or threatened with physical abuse from kids that misbehave, kids breaking into the back garden trying to steal tools from my shed and too afraid to confront them in case they are armed with knives or take revenge on my children at school, packs of feral kids and youths roaming the streets so that we are all in fear of venturing out, kids dealing and doing drugs in the parks and in the city centres at night.

    Maybe many of you have not lived in the UK or perhaps have been away from Britain too long and have forgotten what it`s like?

    The children of Thailand, all golden little cherubs as far as I’m concerned and I know where I am better off.

    where on earth were you residing in Britain cos what you describe sounds like a council estate out of the TV show Shameless or some big block in South London!

    Or is all the above snippets from the mail online?

  14. Are you saying they will try and do something to me?

    I have many people i know in thailand! At least 20 close friends.. And grandad lives across the border is an influential busisness man who might be able to help... He has been in many situations like this... I dont believe the thai people would do such a thing?

    Troll alert coffee1.gif

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  15. living in the UK and being married to a Thai lady for nearly 2 years now I go to my wifes friends houses for bbq's parties from time to time with an array of Thai ladies who all work in the same factory, some are ex-bar and some are ex university/office workers and together I have seen them and you couldn't tell them apart to be fair, I understand a lot more thai than I can speak these days and have ear wigged the conversations and theres nothing sinister going on as far as I know...one thing I will comment on is the age differences are quite tight in comparisson to the horror stories we hear about with an old man in his 60's with a woman in her 20's and how he dies in suspicious circumstances and she is in a will...the age differences are 10-15 years max.

    I met my wife online, holidayed in Pattaya as being a single fella that's what suited me, she wasn't working in a bar but thats not to say she'd never done that, we both said to each other what's in the past is in the past as believe me theres no way I can judge after living/working in Pattaya for the best part of 8 years as a single man...I know men in the UK that won't let their wives out of their sight married to thai ladies, these girls are desperate for a night out with other girls and I think unless it changes things will go sour in that relationship...I even know of a lady who came to the UK with her son and her husband wouldn't relax and let her do anything on her own, not even go to the shops, he used to lock her in the house when he went to work...she now lives back in Thailand with her son after refusing to board the plane on their last trip back....

    so many avenues to go down on this....

  16. I agree on the whole with many in this thread with most thai food being over rated, that does come down to personal taste really as some people will eat anything...on a flight when they bring round the breakfast in the morning with the omelette and that half cooked grey looking sausage and it turns my gut but the person next to me is chowing down on it as if Gordon Ramsays just cooked it for them...

    as for eating habits, It was not unknown for me to wake up with the smell of peasent food or pork being grilled wafting under my nose at 1am...I had to put my foot down and have a word, now she's working it rarely happens, perhaps thats the issue of this thread and eating habits? the fact that theres no work to get up for in the morning?

  17. It would be nice if they made a show explaining the sex tourism is only a fraction of prostitution in Thailand in comparisson to what goes on in the country by it's own people....but they won't and ever will and besides 'dirty old men' are there to be lambasted in this day and age.

    Instead of poor country girls who haven't had a gun put to their head and chosen to do this for a living these NGO's need to concentrate on the traffickers and kiddy fiddlers....how coudl they rescue that woman in the clip with her 2 kids to feed?

    The answer in the UK is to set her up in a bungalow, pay the rent and give her hand outs all donated by the working tax payer....bet thai people would love that if it was put on them...not.

    missing the point about exploitation and slavery, what if that were your daughter, sister, mother etc, a culling at imigration when ticking the come for sexual tourism box

    and you are missing the point about prostitution being home grown in Thailand....the Thai brothels and karaoke bars are where the real human suffering comes from not the tourist bars, what that girl made was a life choice by going to work bar to gain material things/feed her children, we all know in Issan/Thailand that nobody goes hungry really not with the abundance of food that grows there...

    If someone is forced to do something then yes they have my fullest sympathy but I would like to think I could show my children the right way of going about things to coin a phrase 'lead by example'


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