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Posts posted by norrona

  1. Why is it that if someone says they met in a bar it is treated as a nudge, nudge, wink, wink remark. But if you are in Farangland and you met you farang partner in a bar it is ok.

    For those of you that met your wives in bars, normal drinking establishments, how do you answer this question without adding, 'but she wasn't a hooker'. Connotations, connotations.

    Perhaps UK bars are different. Farang land guys and gals go to bars, normal stuff, but it seems that perhaps nice Thai gals don't go to bars . smile.png

    do they go to the pub?

  2. I think this is a very good topic and should be brought out into the open, providing of course posters know where to draw the line, don`t act like idiots and not go over the top.

    I have over 30 years experience of Thailand and this is my perception, for what it`s worth.

    The Thais don`t particularly like farangs (Europeans), but they do tolerate us providing we tow the line and do not trend on their turf. All white people are considered the same to Thais; they do not differentiate between nationalities, Protestants, Catholics or Jews.

    Regarding other South East Asians, the Thais opinion of these groups are more of class structure rather than race. For example they regard the Japanese and the Chinese with high esteem, but consider the Cambodians, Vietnamese and Burmese as belonging at the bottom of the heap due to most of them coming from nations of no wealth.

    There is a saying among Thais. If one sees a poisonous snake and an Indian together, than put the Indian out of action first. This also includes people of the Middle East. Don’t know why? But the Thais have always been wary of South Asians and have a low regard for them.

    The Thais haven’t had much experience with black people as yet and intend to be a little scared of them, the same as they were with farangs during the past. A Thai girl friend of my wife in the States married a black man. All during the marriage the Thai girl’s family refused to be associated with their black son in law and even refused to meet him. So even here in the LOS, racism still raises it`s ugly head, only unlike in the West it lies more within the minds of the people rather than being brought out into the open as is typical of many things Thai. But sadly although racism can appear to be dormant in Thailand, it`s still there.

    back in the U.K I have quoted this saying in the office to people on the other end of doing deals with those of this part of the world when things have turned sour....I think it is a brilliant saying thumbsup.gif

  3. yes indeed thank heavens for ear plugs....I seem to attract couples with babies under 6 months old for the last 3 flights I have had...the problem these days is the online check in and letting people choose their seats, previous to this all infants were sat toward the front of the plane if I remember rightly sad.png

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  4. drinking meths in the gutter with piss stains in your keks, swearing at those bad English men and being dirty on them cos of William Wallace, Deep Fried Mars bars and Jimmy Krankie!!!

    thank the lord I have no sweaty sock blood in my veins whistling.gif

    Its bad enough having Jimmie Krankie; if you were one of us as well, we'd have no choice but to hang our heads in shame...

    We should be grateful for small mercies.


    I bet you can peel an orange in your pocket Rab C Nesbitt thumbsup.gif

  5. it's 100 meters from my house, I have been also thrown out of a shop on my own soi because it was muslim

    Quite frankly if I were a Thai Muslim who visited this website on a regular basis and saw the amount of racist discrimination that is discussed about them here, I would have a general dislike of westerners also, not to mention the ones who completely disregard their culture and customs on some of the Thai Muslim Islands where westerners go topless and treat the beach as if it were a commune in Southern France..

    what a weirdo...they may live there but they don't own them islands...besides many of those people are 'probably' making a living out of westerners being there topless or not!

    reason for edit...because someone was probably going to challenge me on whether I have proof or not with regards to anyone Thai-Muslim making a living out of a tourist island whistling.gif

  6. Which soi?

    Parts of that area resemble Taliaban Central.

    For the non believers, take a walk up Pattanakarn soi 20, walk past the old Nth Korean BBQ place and keep going until you hit the 7-11 at the bottom of On Nut 17.

    This place for years has been a muslim area, check out On Nut where it hits Pattanakarn, plenty of mosques and muslim villages.

    If you are of the PC brigade, dont read any further.

    Plenty of the followers of the religion of peace from sub saharan Africa now live in this area, and bring with them their own interpretation of how females should be treated.

    Almost like Kabul at times.

    makes you wonder about their visa status really? whistling.gif

  7. "why dont you <deleted> off back to your own country" is pretty much what rednecks and other lo-so types say the world over when confronted about their bad behaviour. Thailand is no different.

    Exactly, you adapt to the way of life or move from where you are. You think these Thai guys give a toss, I know I wouldn't if was Thai.

    Thais have got it made ( In Thailand) Farangs seem to be shit scared of them and will bow a scrape to avoid confrontation, many Farangs think ALL Thai guys are stone dead Killers just looking for an excuse to explode with extreme violence. LOL.

    Thai guys know this, and at certain times exploit it.

    Most Thai guys have a few mates that can back them up and help them retaliate if they lose face or lose a fight...they know that most farangs are solo travellers or at most have 1 mate as back up....that's why they think they are a bit handy.

    They will also believe that the law will be on their side as they thai...you farang!

  8. imo the suggestion of finding a new GF is the best option. However, if you don't want to find a new one, then try this:

    Calculate your income after tax

    Deduct your fixed expenses from this (e.g. Electricity, rent etc)

    Deduct the minimum amount you need to save each month to reach your target.

    Then from what you have left, give your gf a large portion of it. Tell her that she has to pay for all of your meals together, and her shopping etc, and that anything left over is hers to keep.

    Her spending will significantly decrease over the next few months as she learns how to save money lol.

    or she will carry on the way she is and the OP will waste away and go hungry....remember the pecking order thumbsup.gif

  9. Don't give her any, then she'll hang on to what she's got.

    If you keep shelling out time after time, she isn't going to save.

    Posts like this are rummy and there are many on here similar. It's almost like to some, having a Thai girlfriend is like having a pet that they need to learn to look after.


    and if you pet them they will only get worse....

    pet me for a few months and see how demanding I can get laugh.png

  10. Why would there be anything going on...last time I checked, Pattaya was in Thailand? The numerous thai religious and government holidays are enough to deal with, why would anyone want to slather on the American ones as well.

    Oh please. Why do French expats celebrate Bastille Day?

    The Venue Cabaret, Jomtien is doing a special July 4th show. I hear there will be free hot dogs.


    theres a joke in there somewhere laugh.png

    It may sound like a joke but I really heard there will be free hot dogs. In case you hadn't heard, hot dogs are normally not free in Thailand.

    honestly I wouldn't know anything about that....cheesy.gif

  11. Why would there be anything going on...last time I checked, Pattaya was in Thailand? The numerous thai religious and government holidays are enough to deal with, why would anyone want to slather on the American ones as well.

    Oh please. Why do French expats celebrate Bastille Day?

    The Venue Cabaret, Jomtien is doing a special July 4th show. I hear there will be free hot dogs.


    theres a joke in there somewhere laugh.png

  12. only been in the UK 14 years and still got poor English...what a vile creature

    I wonder how many expats there are in Thailand who have been here for 14 years or longer who either have poor Thai or would feel confident enough in their Thai language abilities not to use an interpreter if they were facing police questioning on a charge of murder?

    rolleyes.gif after 14 years in England I would hazzard a guess that she is actually a 'British citizen' and entitled to many of the benefits the country has to offer her including legal aid....after the same amount of years in Thailand what are you entitled to apart from 'If you don't like it go back to where you came from'

    difference is she was welcome to stay on in the UK even after her husbands death where as you will always be an alien/visitor/guest

    does that not count for anything at the very least learn the language or is she playing the foreigner I no understand english card which is what I was getting at...

    back in your box thumbsup.gif

    Getting a citizenship anywhere you SHOULD be able to speak the local language, if not then thats the flaw in the country's system in my opinion.

    Legal aid and everything else is usually how well the country is doing financially.

    Also the "If you dont like it here, well get out" is what a lot of coutries locals love to say.

    Man, I am tired, I need a beer.

    so you agree you have no real rights in Thailand and will always be an alien thumbsup.gif

    and the quote of if you don't like it etc is mainly touted by the embrace the culture brigade of ex-pats in Thailand in my opinion...I have lived a few places overseas and never heard it anywhere else!

  13. only been in the UK 14 years and still got poor English...what a vile creature

    I wonder how many expats there are in Thailand who have been here for 14 years or longer who either have poor Thai or would feel confident enough in their Thai language abilities not to use an interpreter if they were facing police questioning on a charge of murder?


    Or Expats here been here 25 years and screaming at the locals here for not speaking English. As I have witnessed first hand.

    see post 48....cheers

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