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Posts posted by norrona

  1. The same Thai Women who are paranoid and jealous when their "partner" communicates with other females are the same ones likely to dump the man when it suits their Position , such as better rich pickings elsewhere

    everyones looking for the B.B.D mate.....

    the bigger and better deal thumbsup.gif

  2. "A 10 Million Baht Burglary"

    I have a total lack of sympathy with the sort of pea-brain who has 10MB worth of jewellery lying around waiting to be stolen.

    Such a shame that the police have to waste their time on bling thefts. There are many useful things they could be doing, like breath-testing drunk drivers etc.

    You have zero sympathy for people whose house has been robbed?

    Shame on you and zero sympathy to you if your place of residence/home gets robbed rolleyes.gif

    • Like 2
  3. Many thanks to TheOldGit for above post, further on from that please find an email below to confirm thais do not travel on either visa free or visa on arrival....

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    With regards to your enquiry, kindly find below the reply:

    Only those who hold a UK,EU or USA Passport are eligible for a free entry stamp.

    You will need to submit a fee of £15 in cash if submitting your documents in person, or postal order if so by post.

    Best Regards

    Egyptian Consulate

    For detailed information, kindly check our website:


    Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/egyptconsulatuk

    Join us on Facebook: [email protected]

    It is very sad that people are posting links to unstable websites and leading others to believe their unfounded and unproven posts when they have never had any personal experience in these matters let alone this topic being pinned and at the top of the page, I have already been mis-informed through these forums so now I do my own detective work on these things...I suggest if people haven't walked that path then do not post or comment on things.


  4. why would I need a wife who is University educated.....my school was the 'school of life'

    I have been out with some educated women in my time but some of them tended to be a bit 'know it all' and after a while some what boring...

    apart from maths I'd say my wife is more clever than me....she can speak/read and just about write English where as most of my Thai is pillow talk....works just fine here thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  5. Hmmm, is it not what and how your partner conducts themseleves once they are in the relationship with yourself rather than what had happened before you met?

    in the western world we hear the stories about uni girls with the rugby teams or the pub bike...most of these girls end up marrying and living a normal existence, some of them get into a steady relationship and then cheat on a really nice bloke with his best mate or something or vice versa....

    I am a late 30's white bloke living with a late 20's thai girl both settled and working in the UK, we met online and have been married 2 years...previous to this I lived/worked in Pattaya for a good 8 years and apart from the odd short term relationship I was a single man so really do I want to start revealing all of my conquests!!!

    This is a great troll thread to really get some people to react but really when you think about it bar girl or hi-so, farm girl or factory worker unless they've had a chastity belt fitted to them and you had the only key how can anyone be sure of what their partners previous is?

    • Like 1
  6. Too late people it has already spread ! blink.png I have just been to Tesco and they have two Brie cheeses for the price of just the one. I of course ripped of the second cheese as I only wanted the one but she still charged me the same price. Biatchhh !

    I threw the other cheese on the floor and stamped on it

    That showed her not to mess with a Farang !

    Two for the price of one is not the same as two for the price of two.

    He said that the bar tab was 75 baht twice and on another occasion where he poured the FREE beer into a plant pot was given a token. Show me a bar anywhere in thailand especially Pattaya that sells a beer for 37 Baht 50 satang ? A single beer cost him 75 Baht. He was offered a second free one but declined. he is nothing but yet another Tight ar#ed cheap Charlie wanting to get a beer in a bar for 40 baht or less.

    I suggest he sticks to drinking outside the 7/11 as that seems more in his budget range !

    I hope this has cleared things up for you as you seem to be struggling to come round to the BOGOF system thumbsup.gif

    I once saw an amusing blackboard sign outside a bar here.

    BUY ONE !

    GET ONE !

    ALL DAY ! biggrin.pngcheesy.gif

    where did the OP mention what drink it was they poured away?

  7. I appreciate that Sharm El Shiek is now saying that Thai nationals can get visa on arrival providing they are staying within the sinai area and their resort but the link is wikipedia which has no come back to it if it is wrong info so has anyone actually travelled there with their Thai partner and tested this out?

    She is here on FLR which is due to run out in July 2013 and had UK ID card to show that along with her Thai passport of course.

    I fancy a weeks worth of sun thumbsup.gif

    I will answer myself on this one....British citizen visa for Sharm El Shiek for spouse who is Thai with Thai passport

    Dear sir,

    Only British citizens can obtain upon arrival.

    Your partner will need to go through a pre approval process before she can apply for a visa through us before her travels.

    The process of section one requires you to provide the consulate with:

    1) A photocopy of your passport

    2) A filled out visa application form

    3) 2 passport sized photographs(45mm x 35mm taken against a white background, with the name of the applicant written on the back)

    There will be no required fee as of yet for this process.

    You may provide these documents in person at the consulate or by mail.

    Our opening hours are Monday- Friday, 9:30- 12:30.

    This process takes between 2-6 weeks and we will contact you via sms once the application has been approved or denied.

    Please see our website www.egyptianconsulate.co.uk under section 1 for details of the preapproval as well as opening hours.

    Best Regards

    Egyptian Consulate

  8. I appreciate that Sharm El Shiek is now saying that Thai nationals can get visa on arrival providing they are staying within the sinai area and their resort but the link is wikipedia which has no come back to it if it is wrong info so has anyone actually travelled there with their Thai partner and tested this out?

    She is here on FLR which is due to run out in July 2013 and had UK ID card to show that along with her Thai passport of course.

    I fancy a weeks worth of sun thumbsup.gif

  9. if it is indeed a family business where by the mother and brother are present then what is the worry, surely it is all just harmless fun and conversation?

    If she starts being frosty to those who are friendly and like to talk to her then perhaps they won't be repeat customers?

    But really you hanging about all day with no agenda and always looking out the corner of your eye I personally think could ruin their business and most of all your relationship, it's just not healthy!

  10. to the OP, If you are living in Pattaya and letting your missus walk all over you like it appears she is....well you might as well be living back in your home country and taking crap from the women there, after all that appears to be the biggest complaint of most men who move to Thailland about why they are not with women from back home!

    Women are like puppies, especially those women who inhabit Pattaya, you let them pee on the rug and don't tell them off then they will keep peeing on the rug....train them right and show them who is boss and it can work....

    I don't know of many thai men who would tolerate the behaviour from their wife like you describe aside from the scum bags that leech off their women and let them sell themselves to pay for his whisky and existence!

    Try and man up and report back to us, let us know how you get on whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  11. why not have done hiring some farang people and showing up when a problem occurs and impounding directly the jetski's and imprison the scammers ??? that would bring some fear into those crooks, but noooooooooooooooooooooo

    like them farangs they get to go into the short time rooms with the marked money.....then they all run in after he's had a go....that's a shake down my friend this is a show of face to reduce the loss of it thumbsup.gif

  12. their response is normally 'just buy new one' in my experience.....

    I was brought up in a frugal house but see my father and mother work hard for everything they had, there was no dad watching me at school sports day or to take me fishing, he was out working...but if I got a bike or a new pair of trainers and I wasn't looking after it then they would certainly say something and I am like them now...

    my experience I am married for 2 years nearly now we live in the UK and every now and then I go through the same thing, show some respect for the home, clean up your shit and tidy up after yourself....I just got back from a business trip and walked through the door of our 2 bed flat...walked into the kitchen and a pot of the most rancid fish gut curry was sitting on the stove with the lid off.....in my rant I said to her I thought someone had taken a dump on the floor, I could rant more but want to hear others experiences first....

    It's a big learning curve, for you and her. sad.png

    I have been far too lenient but all that's gonna change, i remember when i lived in thailand and see places after they had been supposedly cleaned by 'maids' it was very half arsed....before anyone gets offended i know some thai ladies who have taken the western approach and are very house proud and take care of things

  13. their response is normally 'just buy new one' in my experience.....

    I was brought up in a frugal house but see my father and mother work hard for everything they had, there was no dad watching me at school sports day or to take me fishing, he was out working...but if I got a bike or a new pair of trainers and I wasn't looking after it then they would certainly say something and I am like them now...

    my experience I am married for 2 years nearly now we live in the UK and every now and then I go through the same thing, show some respect for the home, clean up your shit and tidy up after yourself....I just got back from a business trip and walked through the door of our 2 bed flat...walked into the kitchen and a pot of the most rancid fish gut curry was sitting on the stove with the lid off.....in my rant I said to her I thought someone had taken a dump on the floor, I could rant more but want to hear others experiences first....

  14. word of warning if you choose the ebay route, a colleague of mine just had problems with scams on there where they buy the item, pay by paypal and you send the item, then about a week or so later they send back a parcel that needs to be signed for that is supposed to be your item returned but it has nothing of any worth in there...

    the fact that you signed it means they have a paper trail and proof they were not satisfied, paypal sides with the buyer, refund their money and deducts it from your account....

    if you do a google search theres plenty of info on it

    just a word of caution not scare mongering thumbsup.gif

    • Thanks 1
  15. I agree with the above about imported food always carrying a premium in Thailand....at the same time back here in the UK in the asian supermarkets if you want the unripened pappaya to make som tum and things like that they are quite pricey in comparisson....always freaks me out as this is the fruit that you see growing pretty much everywhere out there...next to toilet blocks and the like...

    still back here in the UK if you want to go really cheap theres always Iceland or Lidl to do your shopping in....I think i'd rather pay the premium though than shop in them places bah.gif

  16. I loved it, made me a fair bit of dosh and at the same time saved me going down the police station to pay a traffic offence, nothing better than walking in a jam packed place like the lands office and not having to wait to get what I needed done....

    on the other hand though I witnessed and even had personal experience of people paying police to arrest/hassle/shake down either people in competition with them or ex business partners, that's when it can leave a sour taste in ones mouth...

  17. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry.Here we have an immigration offender, an overstayer who has freely admitted to working illegally, who has been apprehended and is currently detained in a secure institution at considerable public expense but has not been removed seemingly because his newly acquired free legal advisors are negotiating on his behalf with the UKBA for him to remain in a capacity for which he is not qualified.First things first. It is common knowledge that many language schools are nothing more than visa factories for bogus students whose primary aim is to live and work in the UK in circumstances not available to them otherwise. The crucial foundation to this niche business was the immigration rule whereby full time students could qualify for employment of up to 20 hrs per week and, more importantly, for as many hours as they wanted during term breaks. This has now ceased. Not surprisingly, the colleges that provided this avenue of migration to opportunist students are going bust since the primary reason for their market share, access to employment, has been withdrawn and with it the profits from those school fees which now only buy tuition and therefore fail to meet this type of student's needs.Nevertheless, it's quite incomprehensible that this man should be still here. He has no legal status and any application to remain must surely fail because he has no current visa on which to base any extension. Unless of course, there is some other reason which may well resolve to a procedural error although if that were to be true then it's a moot point whether he would wish to remain now he can no longer work legally.We are a soft touch indeed but I see that as no cause for celebration when hard working immigration staff have been denied pay rises for the past 3 years in order to defray public expenditure on all those nice, humane facilities etc for those who seek to abuse our laws.Call me old fashioned but it just makes me rather sick to my stomach.

    the one thing you missed out was...he is in the U.K so of course has rights as a human and the 'case worker' will advise him.....where as in my experience being married to a foreign national in the U.K we have no 'case worker' helping out the filling in of forms etc and are left to get on with it!

    If we want advice on procedures from a professional we have to pay for it....

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