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Posts posted by norrona

  1. Judging by the OP's question I would advise if you are on the condo committee not to upset anyone as it's not just Thai's that would snitch on you to immigration about work permits whistling.gif

  2. perhaps OP you are 'boring' to them....

    I can't say in my time as a single man living and working in Pattaya that I have been short of female company...in fact I had to be quite rude to get them to leave my house and very selective on who had my actual number and not my pay as you go throw away one...

    married man now so can't comment of late....but I had a great time with all the girls I met on a social network site, majority of them were BKK ladies and were up for installation if it was there!

  3. Sure the OP may have a point, but when standards are low you don't have to lower your standards. There are people with real jobs and families posted here and working in nearby industrial estates. Plus many others who, probably like the OP, stick to themselves, for fear of making eye contact with serial complainers, potential sex maniacs, liars, cheats, women beaters, child molesters. Make friends with people in bkk; it's a bigger pond there. Just weed out people you don't want to associate with eg farang builders, estate agents, dodgy developers, serial bar girl shoppers, alcoholics or whatever. If that makes you a snob, so be it, just be a happy snob. I know I am. biggrin.png

    doesn't leave you with many options then does it!

    when I lived and worked in Pattaya as an 'estate agent' some of the worst and snobbish people I ever met as customers were the farangs who worked in BKK, they had such an high opinion of themselves and were the biggest tyre kickers ever, all they wanted to do when they came to my shop and you asked what price range they were interested in was be vague and then it was a stand off as then they said they didn't have a budget and would look at anything....I used to shake their hands and say 'i've never met a millionaire before'

    Give me an old boy from the UK or Europe especially Norway who has just discovered Thailand and sold everything back home and is never looking back.... the perfect punter thumbsup.gif

    Yes, you are right it does not leave me with many options but I am looking for quality (at least, my definition of it) and not quantity. I have lots of friends in BKK and overseas, they visit often and vice versa so I am in no dire need to go out inviting conversation with people whom I have nothing in common other than the fact we are foreigners in Thailand.

    Sorry if you are offended, I included estate agents in that list by way of example only. I am sure you'd weed me out on your list and that's OK because it's your list and nobody else's. Thank goodness we can get to choose.

    not offended at all, quality over quantity for me any day as well.... thumbsup.gif

  4. Sure the OP may have a point, but when standards are low you don't have to lower your standards. There are people with real jobs and families posted here and working in nearby industrial estates. Plus many others who, probably like the OP, stick to themselves, for fear of making eye contact with serial complainers, potential sex maniacs, liars, cheats, women beaters, child molesters. Make friends with people in bkk; it's a bigger pond there. Just weed out people you don't want to associate with eg farang builders, estate agents, dodgy developers, serial bar girl shoppers, alcoholics or whatever. If that makes you a snob, so be it, just be a happy snob. I know I am. biggrin.png

    doesn't leave you with many options then does it!

    when I lived and worked in Pattaya as an 'estate agent' some of the worst and snobbish people I ever met as customers were the farangs who worked in BKK, they had such an high opinion of themselves and were the biggest tyre kickers ever, all they wanted to do when they came to my shop and you asked what price range they were interested in was be vague and then it was a stand off as then they said they didn't have a budget and would look at anything....I used to shake their hands and say 'i've never met a millionaire before'

    Give me an old boy from the UK or Europe especially Norway who has just discovered Thailand and sold everything back home and is never looking back.... the perfect punter thumbsup.gif

    • Like 2
  5. Pineapplesamui

    Posted Today, 12:39

    "She claimed that he was using them to give to the lady she had rented the motorbike from but I don't believe this story."

    Let us clarify that first, before the young woman, how young?,

    I think young when you are only 25 young, is accused of trying to pull off, a "serious capital crime"

    Do you know, that she had a problem to rent a Motorbike in her name?

    That she tried to do so?

    Did you know, that she would try to rent a Motorbike in your name?

    Would you have agreed to that possibility, she rents a motorbike and official you are the person that is responsible in the contract?

    If not its a possibility, that she tried it differently, also it would not be fair to you!

    Why you do not believe that easy version of events? whistling.gif

    ok Alfredo

    regardless of whether she was really going to rent a bike in his or her name and whether or not he was in agreement...

    she still acted sneaky and got caught, had she have got away with just renting a bike who knows what she thought she could get away with....

    but if you are free and easy with your personal documents with your horizontal companions then I wish you luck wai.gif

  6. If you are residing in Samui(the island run by mafia) as your username suggests my advice would be to move as is possible her boyfriend might do something, there is no way this girl is acting alone....they haven't got the brain power for that.

    Her possessions I personally would box up and keep hold of to give to her, you've already smashed a phone and probably the best advice is to make some kind of report to the police station so it is on record because if she goes there first and tells them tales then thats when you got to prove yourself innocent, what if someone beats her up cos she got caught and then out of spite she says you did it?

    Yes it is paranoid but I am a former guest of the soi 9 pattaya police station because somebody made up stuff about me and I didn't cover myself and that cost me quite a bit once the crocodiles were involved.

  7. I have never cheated, so you are wrong if you say all cheat. If you are trying to say that most western men here cheat, I would say you have a flair for the obvious.

    I never said that all cheat, I said that all the men I have met in Thailand do.

    Neither am I "trying" to say that most Western men in Thailand cheat, I am saying so. Obvious it may be but it is these same men who complain about Thai women lying and how it is embedded in their culture (unless I am supposed to believe that thaivisa members are in no way representative of expats in Thailand as a whole), which was my original point. A pity it needs so much explanation for some to understand.

    Weeeeeeeeeeell, l live in LOS and have never ever thought about fooling around. My ex UK wife of 25 years, l never fooled around, seems she did, BUT, perhaps l am a fool, don't know, BUT, in myself l am happy. thumbsup.gif

    Me too!

    you two fellas really need counselling to get rid of them white witches and their evil ways they have ingrained into your minds thumbsup.gif

  8. I used to be a croupier at westcliff casino in southend on sea Essex, Chinese are at it every night after their restaurant/take away closes, the Thais are rampant though these days....as far as I know you don't get many eastern Europeans there....

    A ex work colleague(thai) of my missus has had to move away due to getting in over her head, her husband has had to rent the house out and move into the seperate garage....

    As above yes any Thai woman or women from anywhere that are married etc in these place will end up to no good....Southend seafront or Glasgow casino on a cold winters night are not exactly Vegas are they....

  9. So is every Black African you meet a drug dealer then?

    Not sure such a racist topic should be continued..

    You may as well say that every Fat English guy you meet is a sex tourist!

    They are aren't they?

  10. I get three or four requests for a job every day in life........to one extent it's heart rending to see, on the other hand I am convinced that the UK is on the right path.

    The downgrading was a good thing, it reminds us all that the debt problem is the biggest single issue facing the UK and we can't slacken off in regards to tackling it.

    There's been far, far, far too much feather bedding and a jobs for life attitude in the UK. Abysmal teachers and nurses are virtually unsackable, many people skip onto long term sickness on full pay at every opportunity.

    My sister was the third in command of Burger King in Scotland, she spent 20 years in private industry, she took an adult degree course and changed careers to join the NHS Human Resources department as a senior manager in my home county. What she found horrified her, I've mentioned it before on the forum so I won't repeat.

    She says that the NHS unions have far too much power, however she also says that the unions have now started to support management when it comes to addressing the long term sickness problem, as even they have been disgusted and horrified at some of the stories being uncovered. People being off sick for 12 YEARS!!

    We're all in it together, I was going to semi-retire this year but instead of that I'm starting a new company, I'm in the process of renovating the premises right now. I reckon that I'll have about 15 new employees and trainees by the end of this year. I want a lot more next year.

    There are far too many talented and experienced people retiring far too early. I wish they would come out of retirement and put their shoulder to the wheel, we need them. My parents are 68 this year, they are coming out of retirement to help my new company.

    It's easy to ladle opprobrium against the current government, this government was left holding the baby, and the baby ain't happy.

    Do us UK based members a favour, and give us a break........we've got our shoulder to the wheel, we're all in it together, so rather than moan about all things British, try a radical new approach. How about supporting us? and some of you guys that are young enough, how about stepping out of the bar, walking off the beach, and coming back to give us a hand?.

    I know two men that have returned from overseas retirement to do exactly that, these guys aren't skint, they saw their old companies struggling and they came back and put the working gear on.

    You have no idea how proud of these men I am. Come on gents......let's get to it.

    bloody hell, thats a speech written for parliment mate clap2.gif

    • Like 2
  11. At 48 she is a bit late in the day to be having sleepovers week in and out, perhaps once a month if she has a night out with the girls?

    Maybe she is going through a mid-life crisis or something?

  12. "The culture of benifits,mass immigration and a work shy facebook generation, puts the UK in Kanakazi mode."

    You've not been here for 15 years. How do you come by the above info? You been reading the DM?

    don't need to have returned to know this...it is one of the most factful and true things that has been written on here for quite some time!

    Although I don't pity the 4 pensions and rental of 2nd home and 3x kids at private school bit....perhaps send the missus out to get a job or something?

  13. My funeral will have very special instructions.

    Anybody wearing dark will be thrown on the fire with me by security.

    After some of the monks solemn chanting.....an Australian comedian will start his 30 minute routine.

    While the crowd is cracking up and the monks are wondering <deleted>.......the comedian shall announce the bbq has started and the esky is open.

    and I thought a funeral was about the dead person.

    Oh...and my stash goes up in smoke with me.

    stash of shorts and wife beater vests? whistling.gif

  14. beer chang vest or the like

    combat shorts with a load of pockets on them

    sandals and a nice pair of black socks

    Please wear the above, if you are one of the only foreigners there then many local people will notice you and have a good look, failiure to wear the above will alter the Thai stereotype of the Johnny Foreigner a.k.a farang thumbsup.gif

  15. some interesting opinions and then the expected pull the thread to bits whatever way we can responses, furry muff can't deny that I haven't commented on another thread in the same way in the past....but I can say I have never been as pedantic as to go on about punctuation or grammar, I am sad but don't think I could get as sad as that!

    I don't smother/spoil my wife, I might even have it all wrong but from my observations on the supposed 'happy couples that bother me' the fellas doing the running about here, there and everywhere get no more respect from their wives than I do from mine and have told me, what I have said to them is as long as they are happy then crack on but there is a feeling that they wish they'd never been so easy to do it in the first place and can't say no now?

    You do before why you not do now na?

    You used a couple commas - good job! Now a few more periods and you'll be on to something!thumbsup.gif

    you are about as funny as having weeping piles and getting the trots......good day stavros tongue.png

  16. some interesting opinions and then the expected pull the thread to bits whatever way we can responses, furry muff can't deny that I haven't commented on another thread in the same way in the past....but I can say I have never been as pedantic as to go on about punctuation or grammar, I am sad but don't think I could get as sad as that!

    I don't smother/spoil my wife, I might even have it all wrong but from my observations on the supposed 'happy couples that bother me' the fellas doing the running about here, there and everywhere get no more respect from their wives than I do from mine and have told me, what I have said to them is as long as they are happy then crack on but there is a feeling that they wish they'd never been so easy to do it in the first place and can't say no now?

    You do before why you not do now na?

  17. i think the OP has it backwards.

    Any time i have heard the phrase "take care", it wasn't the girl who was expected to do it.

    I agree, part of the reason for the post actually, a lot of my wifes thai friends that live here in UK are treated by their husbands as if they are their oldest daughter in terms of they get spoilt rotten, not monetary but these blokes are provider-taxi-sort out everything when they going somewhere and sort out everything when it all goes wrong!

    Sounds like a normal thing to give your wife transportation and help her with whatever problems she might have. And I thought we were talking about men being spoiled by their wives? Is it happy couples that bother you the most?

    yes happy couples bother me, you got me there....

    I don't mind giving the wife a lift somewhere but running them here there and everywhere...no thanks, I liken it a bit like letting a puppy pee on the kitchen floor and getting away with it, you allow it and next they will be crapping on it whilst you eat.

    my observational comment was just that, a comment based on the other side of the OP.

    Are you and your partner a happy couple....I think you are and you will bother me sad.png

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