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Posts posted by norrona

  1. Get a Katoey to knock on your door and pretend you are long lost lovers whilst she is there.....

    It may turn her on...hey it may even turn you on....so I ask can you film it and put it on youtube and post us the results!


  2. Anyone who thinks/believes there is real trust is daft. coffee1.gif

    your old doris really did a number on you fella....have you thought about counselling?


    laugh.png , you may scoff, but perhaps one day you will learn. I hope not, but many of us do. smile.png

    I tend to get over things a bit quicker...but as with anything never say never thumbsup.gif

  3. Songkran for me in Thailand meant 4 days of staying on the moo ban with a fridge full of beer and food to graze on and dvd box sets....

    the actual day itself when I have been out in the pick up and witnessed it all I see is morons both thai and farang.

    I once witnessed in the run up to the main day a thai man in a mercedes loading something into his car and as he opened the back door another thai man ran up and let him have a bucket full...straight into his car...

    embrace the culture thumbsup.gif

  4. I'm sure the OP would be happy if a bunch of Thais moved to his home country and belittled the public holidays that his countrymen hold dear.

    oh dear rolleyes.gif

    lets be straight about this...... in my country if someone had an opinion and was from overseas I would be happy to hear it as I don't have this loss of face thing going on in my tiny mind....

    as for tourists and songkran....yes the majority of them are morons and feel they are safe to go after people who want no part of it, get kicks out of soaking people with mobile phones or gadgets that they haven't covered up and laugh at people falling off their bikes as they've had a face full and lost control....but theres plenty of Thai people doing it as well!

    In my country a bunch of Thais have moved in, they have opinions and think things are silly, no problem here with it....

  5. I am using a visa appeal firm but there are 2 issues here. I want to understand myself why some apparant clear cut questions were answered incorrectly. Like why UKBA said that I had been living with my wife since 2003 when clearly I hadn't.

    I might as well make my MP work for his money. In 2 years time he will be knocking on my door expecting me to vote for him. I might as well have some ammunition ready like, yes you did a very good job you can rely on my vote or you couldn't give a damn why should I give you my vote.

    I feel for you on your situation and know its very frustrating etc as my wife was denied FLR in this country and we had to go through the appeal route to get it over turned....we had to appear at the tribunal in London and was given a date.

    On the day we turned up and had a barrister representing us at my cost the UKBA sent nobody to argue why they had not granted the FLR and justify the reason etc.

    The judge listened to everything on our side and read the document the UKBA had provided upon denial of FLR, rolled his eyes and over ruled them.

    From what I have gathered after our ghastly experience is if they have a case they will show up....if not then no chance!

    So whilst I understand your frustrations you need to understand that you are just one of many fighting them and will probably never know as to why they have done whatever they have done...they are not accountable to the likes of us and it will never change!

    Good Luck

    when is your hearing?

  6. Tried to answer you before, something wrong with the quotes on here (hasnt been right since the last update).

    Anyway here goes,

    Excellent stuff,

    I think it's common knowledge that most Thai guys can handle themselves,

    you missed out the bit about, unless he has 5 or 6 of his mates standing by.

    he was a doorman not a 'security guard'

    Is there a difference, I thought in pasat Thai yam ben yam chai mai?

    maybe you should come out of 'retirement'

    Neither in retirement (or anywhere near it) or denial, but thanks for reminding me why I no longer visit the delights of WS, personally cant wait for the Russians to take it over.

    Soi LK or BK is where its at now.

    Good luck, thanks for the entertaining thread, BTW hows the thick lip doing?

    Personally I gave up on WS about 15 years ago, hasnt been the same since Electric Blue was closed.

    Plenty still seem to gather them self at Linda bar, hope you aint one.

    good night out in Linda bar.....

    never short of an opponent to arm wrestle in there thumbsup.gif

  7. H&H maybe you look a bit like the fella whose been giving the bouncers bird a portion and he just couldn't hold back....

    all the people on here having a dig at you because you contested the price of a drink in a bar make me laugh, ....WS has been in the news plenty of times about violence towards it's patrons, most of it was probably deserved but this is not a shock read/exclusive!

    Plenty of people been given a good hiding by bouncers in Soho for complaining about rip off prices as well over the years, you lay down with dogs expect to get bitten by fleas....

    Nice contradiction in your post there,

    WS has been in the news plenty of times about violence towards it's

    patrons, most of it was probably deserved but this is not a shock


    Agreed its hardly news, being happening for years, only recently these same security types were being cheered on here after some farang chav drowned.

    all the people on here having a dig at you because you contested the price of a drink in a bar make me laugh,

    Not laughing coz he queried a drink price, laughing at where he queried it, refer back to your earlier statement.

    you lay down with dogs expect to get bitten by fleas...

    Says it all really, its hardly front page news is it?

    Maybe those Insomnia bouncers would have taken better care of him.

    Oh my god..... you really are revved up aren't you....

    I sense a lot of pent up frustration in you.... you need to lighten your load?

  8. H&H maybe you look a bit like the fella whose been giving the bouncers bird a portion and he just couldn't hold back....

    all the people on here having a dig at you because you contested the price of a drink in a bar make me laugh, ....WS has been in the news plenty of times about violence towards it's patrons, most of it was probably deserved but this is not a shock read/exclusive!

    Plenty of people been given a good hiding by bouncers in Soho for complaining about rip off prices as well over the years, you lay down with dogs expect to get bitten by fleas....

  9. thing is with the extended family if you set yourself up as a really nice person who accepts/tolrates everything then they(not all of them)will exploit you in some way or another...there you are always smiling and tolerating whats going on around you whilst probably footing the bill/s so when the time comes that you have had enough(and believe me everyone has a breaking point) and you say enough is enough they will look at each other bemused as if it is you with the problem....and that will be where the real aggro starts!

    anyway if you are serious about this partner then whats wrong with being yourself...I understand some of the reprobates and farangs with the personality of a lettuce leaf need to put on a show but it's just not normal is it...and you can't stay in character forever!

  10. utter hogwash....you can pay a dowry if you like mate but don't bang that drum on here that it is the norm....


    I beg to differ on that point norrona, the traditional dowry is Thai custom. Yes, even Thai men show/pay it.

    The above is only meant as a guide.


    their culture/custom so let them get on with it I say.....

    I find it a bit strange that you are the peoples voice when it comes to farang/thai relationships to be fair and in my opinion if you act as gooey as you have written above with presents etc you will be mugged off as many over there take kindness as weakness....

    the best advice I can offer anyone when finding a thai partner is to get themselves an orphan....


  11. I have met a few good people here. It's not as bad as you think but sure if you make friends in gogo bars you won't meet the creme de la creme tongue.png


    Why not? the Russians have a very good saying - two things float: cream and sh*t.



    If you want to go and play "Rotarians" in Pattaya and go and slap on a black tie, you'll meet some of the biggest villains and lowlifes around. If you want to meet genuinely nice people, drop any imagined standards you seem to have set yourself and try meeting some people. As a species, we're not all bad....

    I do agree with you about rotarians in pattaya. Not long ago, a few paedophiles managed to slip in amongst the rank and file. I bet there are still a few lingering amongst that lot.


    Certainly not just Rotarians, and not just pedophiles - at one time the West Winds branch of the Freemasons was reported to number ten of its members on the Interpol pedophile watch list.

    Sad though the pretentious might be, desperately pretending to be something they are not and never could be elsewhere, the saddest of all are those who have perfectly respectable backgrounds and achievements but who feel obliged to "gild the lily" totally unnecessarily.

    The now infamous "Sifu" was a top international mixed martial arts champion, but that wasn't enough so he had to gild it with nonsense about his non-existent military service and mystical (and equally non-existent) training in Tibet. Why?

    One well known Rotarian and Police Volunteer (no longer in Pattaya) boasted of his 15 years "as a Central London Policeman" - not actually a lie, but 8 years as a Police Special (volunteer) with the Met followed, after the Met rejected several applications, by 6 years spent checking handbags at Victoria Station with the London Transport Police isn't quite the same thing. Why, again? Those checking bags probably saved more lives, albeit indirectly, than many beat policemen - it just doesn't sound as "sexy".

    The list goes on ...

    there was an aussie character trying to mimic him, last seen hanging onto the back of a baht bus with a bandanna tied round his head heading out to the darkside to play army games with a load of pretenders all gearing up to go Afghanistan and work as security... the mind boggles but this character could BS for his country in the Olympics!

    Last I heard he was in a wheelchair trying to sue the company that had sent him to Afghanistan!

    Bizarre and desperate cretin whistling.gif

  12. I have property managed in Thailand on behalf of owners and all I can say is the times I have gone to check someone out of their apartment/house and they said 'we have paid everything up to date, telephone bill, electric etc' that when you do the check and they haven't then start acting all simple as if they are the victim to then turning abusive when you inform them that you have to hold onto some of the deposit as to clear the bills they then get aggro and sometimes abusive....

    the OP surely is showing they are not to be trusted as they stopped paying everything on the last month, other way round and someone played that game on you how would you feel?

    The need for police etc and the outcome could have been avoided if you had just been straight and see what the outcome is....then come on here and moan-rant-get advice...

    as Tommo says.... send all them receipts to the tax office and get him paying the last 5 years tax on the rental.... if it makes you feel better thumbsup.gif

  13. perhaps OP you are 'boring' to them....

    I can't say in my time as a single man living and working in Pattaya that I have been short of female company...in fact I had to be quite rude to get them to leave my house and very selective on who had my actual number and not my pay as you go throw away one...

    married man now so can't comment of late....but I had a great time with all the girls I met on a social network site, majority of them were BKK ladies and were up for installation if it was there!

    And you never ever opened the wallet? you are a "very hansom man" indeed!

    I showed them a great time.... no complaints as far as I can remember....

    'hansom' yeah I been called that on occasions, thanks thumbsup.gif

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