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Posts posted by Lickey

  1. You mean Yourgay Lorenzo? Yes its going to be a hard season and after the 2nd race, politics are starting to play a part in it, it sort of takes the spirit out of racing really..

    I wonder if Moaner is Kosinski re-incarnate? he even beat Foggy at moaning, who was a WC moaner!!

    I always remember Kosinski and Foggy WSB brands hatch, JK slid of into clearways [ahead of Foggy] the crowd cheered,, when he got up, they booed,, Perhaps Moaner will get the same treatment one day?

  2. That video link was good and taken from an entirely different angle to the ESPN broadcast, looks like they both got attention at the same time? i would think there will be loads of views at the investigation thingy,

    This leg out buisness, we have to remember all top bike racers do Moto X in the off-season to keep in the groove and keep fit, and that is a certain leg out sport, perhaps it will die off as the season wears on? but it is supposed to be good as it helps braking and pulling the bike into the corner. Some say that braking into-mid corner is asking for trouble, i dont really think so, a little back brake keeps the rear steady under small throttle openings, Pretty sure most GP riders have the rear brake on the right bar nowadays, M.Doohan started this after his bad crash at Assen leaving him with a buggered right foot.

    Might be me, but i think there is more leg out on right turns than left?

  3. Firstly, i saw the whole race tonight, and yes, Rossi got the marhalls to help him, pushed him off ect, and did you see what happened, Mr Moaner sat on his bike waving at the marshalls to help him! oh please Moaner, if you want to rejoin the race, look as though you want too, not sit there like a lemon, get off your bike and start to push, then you will get some help, looked like he was waiting for a hotdog at a drive-thru,,,,

    Secondly, after many years of marshalling, it was never wise to re-start bikes at the same time, specially if one thought the other was to blame for the crash,, whoever was the cause, the lead bike would be first,, 30 secs later the next bike would get a push, Starting both bikes at the same time with riders full of adrenalin and agression will only cause more probs round the track..

    Thirdly, They didnt push my bike far enough to get it re-started!!, now i wonder why that was? would it be it was a MOTO GP and the conditions were slippery to say the least? did the marshalls want to push him forever and have an underlying fear that any minute another bike would slice into them?

  4. Im from the south eastern counties of the UK, if i go further north than Newcastle, i need a translator, but of course you are right, a native english speaker??so pray tell us, do you understand an english educated indian doctor or teacher better than a broad scots dialect? i do, and i think that goes for many people, dialects are interesting, sorry you scots readers, no offense, just a thought on dialects..

  5. This leg out thingy, ive always read that as to admit the rider has gone a little wide of the apex and blocking the way for any undertakers from coming through, I would guess and say that if a rider did try to come through and hit your leg, then that would be judged as contact and dangerous to those involved, or on the other hand, Rossi on the warm up lap is always ajusting his nuts, so perhaps its another way he has of cooling them down?

  6. This leg out thingy, ive always read that as to admit the rider has gone a little wide of the apex and blocking the way for any undertakers from coming through, I would guess and say that if a rider did try to come through and hit your leg, then that would be judged as contact and dangerous to those involved, or on the other hand, Rossi on the warm up lap is always ajusting his nuts, so perhaps its another way he has of cooling them down?

  7. This leg out thingy, ive always read that as to admit the rider has gone a little wide of the apex and blocking the way for any undertakers from coming through, I would guess and say that if a rider did try to come through and hit your leg, then that would be judged as contact and dangerous to those involved, or on the other hand, Rossi on the warm up lap is always ajusting his nuts, so perhaps its another way he has of cooling them down?

  8. This leg out thingy, ive always read that as to admit the rider has gone a little wide of the apex and blocking the way for any undertakers from coming through, I would guess and say that if a rider did try to come through and hit your leg, then that would be judged as contact and dangerous to those involved, or on the other hand, Rossi on the warm up lap is always ajusting his nuts, so perhaps its another way he has of cooling them down?

  9. Thankyou TA, ive been very wary for a few years now, i dont really have a lot of money to throw about, so tread carefully and think things through is my motto..

    Dom, good to hear from you mate, pity it wasnt in a better light, have you found the responsible family members yet, or you still wandering about with a scatter gun?

    Yes what you say is true, i can concentrate more on a smaller piece of land now for a few years, it will suit me better, BUT i would have liked to know the family plans at the onset, and plan acordingly, and as we all know [and at a great expense to you Dom] thais cant plan beyond the next meal,

    Cheers Lickey..

  10. Issan aside, if this fella went or wanted to work in Pattaya or Phuket where there are a lot of russians, he could make a mint, teaching mixed parentage kids russian, the above posts were not atall helpful, they were taking the mick, its not fair and you know it, if they dont want to help people who want to get on in the world, they should refrain from making such posts,

    My bil can speak,read and write chinese,japanese,thai and english, and hes a shopkeeper, so why not try to help people who want to use their lanuage skills to help others? albeit non-native english, you also have to remember Thailand is at least 30 years behind a western culture that embraces commonwealth input, or any other come to that.

    Food for thought before you run down a fellow human..

  11. A German friend recently went to Udon Immi office, they told him he must have at least 100k bht in bank for 2 months before appliny for a visa, he wants to use his pension of 51k a month to make the visa, rather than the 400k in the bank option, he knows he needs a certified letter from his embassy, no problem, i can advise him on the retirement visa, but not the marriage/income visa, help welcomed,

    Thanks, Lickey.

  12. Swissie, Tzvi has posted in the Teaching forum, and waiting replys,

    Thing is, i dont understand why in this World Community why Tzvi should get all these negative racial replys? for many years in the UK, Asian teachers/nurses/doctors have thrived, and continue to do so,

    So hows your Cryllic written Russian? hows your spoken Russian or Hebrew? Hows your MA coming along in America? and all you can do is mock somebody who is trying to make his way with his family in the world.

    If you posters are not ashamed of what you wrote, I am..

  13. Lets not forget the UK riders, Bradley 4th moto2 Taylor Mac 4th, Danny Webb 5th 125cc, ok, bad conditions, and a lot of top riders got off there bikes before they stopped, but to me, good results for the UK boys, Isnt that how Schantz won his 1 wc, with the demise of Rainey?

    The Rossi-Moaner incident is on youtube already, you have to agree, it was a fair undertaking manuvere, and when Rossi spun up the rear to clean it, Moaner ran into the back of him bringing them both down, the marshalls saw this and thats why Rossi got help first, which was right, cos Moaners bike wouldnt start..

    Simplechelli, why did he not just regulate his race? yes, it was a difficult race for all, even the Gentleman Edwards and spies jumped off, For me, whoever finished that race is a true proffesnial,,,,,

    15 years of Marhalling in the UK Soihok, i must have picked you up somewhere?

  14. Ground rods in Thailand,you must be having a joke :whistling: (that's other than ex-pat's houses and probably some up-market residences and industrial installations)

    In Australia the earth wire is usually clamped to an external water-pipe somewhere convenient (no plastic used, normally copper or galvanised steel) and given a good coat of paint.

    Pretty sure this practise was outlawed in the early 70s in UK, as alkathene water pipe was used as a delivery into the house, but if you have a steel pipe going into the earth, perhaps ok, anybody want to confirm this?

  15. A falang came to our house last December, ive met him a couple of times over the last 2 years,, he asked mrs if she knew a tipper truck company, mrs uncle has a fleet of 8 tippers, he wanted to build up a rice paddy to build on, and he asked for a quote, mrs motivated uncle next day, he went to the site, measured it up, access, distance to cart soil, fuel ect, and added 500bht per truck on a wear and tear basis, done a written quote and gave it to falang, and guaranteeing he would stick to the quote, come hell or high water.

    He came back 2 days later and said his gf knew somebody who could do it cheaper, mrs said ok, how about a drink for my uncle for his time ect, reply was, hes a buisness man, he should take a knock now and again!!!, i said that he had probaly lost near 3k bht that day cos he wasnt driving tipper truck, and it would be only fair to give him a drink, 3/4 leos or similar, and that if his new contractor put anything less than red clay backfill on an old rice paddy, it wouldnt last long,,and it hasnt, the recent small rain has taken down the sides of the raised area, it looks like pure dirt topsoil, no good atall.

    Since this happened, he has lost his pick-up, the ground he bought, 200k from a joint bank account, poor sod, he was likeable enough, and has gone home vowing never to return, he couldnt see that his thai gf was on the make from him all the time, she has gone back to her thai BF..

    Love really is blind!!

  16. Mrs says it is a Buddha thing and she does it often, it cleans the path to her Buisness [salon] and people who see this will realise that they are going to see another fellow Buddha of great faith, and will be happy to visit her salon, if the salon is quiet, she does this, and the work load picks up, so there you go, as far as mrs is concerned, its a Buddha thing.

  17. About 3 years ago, mrs was getting shocks off the electric/gas oven & hob, i pulled it out and found the earth lead still coiled up on the back, Bought a 2ft copper earth rod with a bolt as a wire clamp, drilled the floor behind the cooker, through about 6in concrete, banged the rod home, attached the lead, and covered in a heavy water pump grease, poured about half gallon of water down the side of the rod to help with earthing, and its been fine, I would think that the heavy grease is good for outside use also, nothing short of a high pressure steam clean will shift it..

  18. We have 4 Hatari wall mounted fans and all seem to have gone bad at the same time, slow start-up, noisy, on initiall inspection it seems the front bearing has worn out, strip down reveals the bearing is ok, its the amature shaft that is worn, making enquires, the amature costs nearly as much as the complete fan, [for a falang anyway] so what im looking for is Loctite Metal repair paste, used to use it a lot in UK on old car/bike restorations, water pump spindles, distributor drives ect, ive looked for it in Udon Home Pro, Tool Pro ect, no joy, anybody seen this??

    Thanks, Lickey..

  19. Thanks for the messages folks, but please understand that things are under control, just as IA suggests, yes, i am sitting on the fence so to speak, [well, when the fence has stopped moving] , It was a real kick in the teeth to what happened, but now thats out of the way, i can plan for a smaller piece of land and perhaps cope better alone,

    Mrs sold nearly all her land as her contribution for the new buisness/accomadation for us, about 30% of the builiding cost.and i dont really have any fears about doing something on the land next to the sil land, this land belongs to the police captain bil who will retire in about 6 years, till then we can do what we want on the land, knowing this, i wont be throwing a lot of cash at it, so i will have my hobby back as soon as the family sorts the land out,

    IA pointed out a family issue, we have the same also, when mrs sold her land for building, she lent her debt ridden sis 80k, not 1 satang has been returned for over 3.5 years now, her rekoning was to clear her land, sell it, pay off her debts, but has since planted cassava on it??

    I cant believe that IA,Gary, and myself are the only farmers to have had problems, if so, the rest of you are extremly lucky or not telling!!


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