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Posts posted by Lickey

  1. Ok yes, i will own up, we have been together in Thai for near 5years and got married last month, but on the other hand, on a second visit, is there anything wrong about applying for a family visit,? at least she can say, oh sorry, i didnt realise BF is not family, then can appeal and get a visit visa?

  2. This is really strange, my GF came to UK on a visit visa in 05, said to stay for 2 months but stayed for 5.5, she came again in 08 on a visit visa for a month, and last year, she got a family visit visa for my daughters wedding last September, GF does not have any related family in the UK atall, so why was the family visa granted?

    Do you think that her reason [buisness/family commitments] were greater in Thailand than they would ever be in the UK? i dont know, do you?

  3. Dear Mods, i would think i can write on behalf of a lot of us who are fed up with multiquotes,

    EG, i read a post that has 2 MQs, at the end is the posters answer, "i agree" next post has 3 MQs, at the end, "me too" then 4 MQs, at the end, "count me in" and so on, its just a waste for genuine posters as opposed to those who want to get there post counts up for some reason,

    Isnt there some way that when you load a MQ,you have to write at least 4 words, 2 MQs 8 words,3 MQs 12 words ect or it wont get posted, Im sure TV would be a better [if possible] place if this was in effect,

    Thanks for your considerations, Lickey.

  4. I like the word Falang better, it helps those learning english to pronounce the letter L, bil used to say, what did you have for runch today? 5 years ive tried with the L sound, so now he says, Did you eat arready?

  5. A copper [bib] came to the salon yesterday, and he had the same plate on his truck, he spoke good english and i asked him if he family ties in Germany, he said no Why? i explained that the D surrounded by stars is more or less what they have in Duecheland, , he said he bought the cover in a BKK shop for 300 odd baht, and it looks good,

    So no, it dosnt mean anything, just a cover, [unless you are german]

  6. Ive been a bit disheartened recently , and allthough i always read the forum, i havent posted much atall, below, is the main reason.

    5 years ago, i decided [after the house build] that i needed a hobby, as the mrs was busy in the new salon allday, so we went to the family farm, 40rai, it was totally run down, just a jungle, family had made there own way in life and all agreed to let us do what we wanted, so in came the tractor, [hired] cleaned the Tamarind orchards weeds and brush, the trees were pruned, i had the dryed up borehole extended, laid out a Papaya plantation, planted 1000 banana plants, 2 15 raised bed salad covered gardens, once all was in place, fitted irrigation to all sections, things seemed fine, i was making some good beer money on fruit sales ect, and it kept me busy, well, till the thai thing of a more is better mentality killed of the salad beds for 18months,, since then i banned chemicals on the farm, and with loads of help and backing, we got the organic forum started, saved a lot of money on chems, and i was well pleased,

    Till just before last Xmas,that is, SiL came to the house and said, in 2 days time, i have tractor coming to clean my ground, so go take fruit tommorow, and she walked away, Mrs went after her, but she was adamant, she was going to do it, we picked the fruit the next day and people were there already cutting down the Tamarind trees, 2 days later and all the banana and papaya had been ploughed in, I bought a small bottle of Regency and a few bottles of Leo that night and got a bit drunk,, it was like loosing a loved one or very similar.

    New year was the usual family gathering, [no sil] and we all went to the farm, now 2 brothers were convinced she had taken too much land, so bil [police captain] got the village boss and the land papers from the bank and had it all measured out, she had taken 4 rai too much,so until the new borders are sorted, i cant do much, BiL has said he will have a borehole done on his ground, put electricity on ect, i just use my pump and grow what we want, With which i can re-start my hobby farm on a lot smaller scale, but its gonna take time to re-kindle enthusiasm, once its definenitley sorted border wise, then ok.

    I suppose ive lost about 120k in 4+ years, which would be about normal from start-up.

    Anybody got any similar type stories, did you get over the problems or just give up,?

    Cheers, Lickey.

  7. Yeah, well, im not in BKK am i,!! i live in a small market town, and the ONLY tea here is Liptons, if i want to travel 220ks, i would have a bigger choice, right?

    The op asked , any ideas, i gave him my idea of how i make ,or have to make tea, is that ok with you??

  8. I had the Norton Domi 88, 1957 vintage, I bought it in 1968 for 12 quid, it was all in bits, but complete, cleaned up the chrome tank and mudguards, put some reverse cone megas on it, It had a wideline featherbed frame and roadholder forks, but only a 7in front drum, Yes, the primary chaincase always leaked, and the front mounted dynamo used to leak at the fixing joint after a long run,

    I sold it and a Triumph T110 for 20quid in 1973, [both in pieces] to a sidecar racer Steve Sinnott, from Lincolnshire, and put a deposit on a Triumph T150V, and consequentaly, tried not to look back. . . . ... . . ..

  9. Being a Brit and loving my morning cuppa, ive finnally worked out the best way from a jug kettle, as soon as the hot light comes on, pour half a cup, this will get rid of any ants and the cooler water in the dispensing tube, then pick the kettle up and shake it a little, when the heating light comes on and goes to hot, make your tea, or when the heating light comes on, open the top so it near boils,

    Milk is a matter of choice too, i use foremost low fat uht, and lipton teabags, Its good enough for me, although we brought 200 tetly tea bags from uk last year, well, thats a different story!!!

  10. Couple of years ago, we used to go to a jap resturant in Udon thani,, there was a nice dog wandering about in the resturant, when i used the toilet in the middle of the kitchen, [stand and deliver, no paper, no hand towels] and comming out of the toilet, saw a chef patting the dog and then continueing mixing the salad without washing his hands, i felt a bit sick, and left before the food was brought to our table, I will agree that we us westerners need to improve our imune system, but there are limits, I vote, no animals in resturants....

  11. There is something that doesnt ring quite true here, for instance, no roses in the pics, and 8+ rai under plastic/glass, should be a year round income with all the computerized irrigation and air system, a set-up like this must have been around 10mil bht, and the land lease [no idea] but high, and the owner says the ground is sold and op has to move out? perhaps just a story to make op sell all to him cheap? but if true, and somebody buys all the houses and transports it, it will be very expensive, I would call his bluff, tell him you are staying, and get some roses planted!!

  12. Hello all you Moto GPers,, so nice to be back in 2011, a very exciting year ahead i believe, as usual, my money is on Rossi, you cant help but like the bloke,

    TV on screen prog display on True Visions 107 goes like this..

    Saturday 19th, 23.55-0100.

    Sunday 20th 0700-0800.




    I would say that the 1 hour progs are practice, Racing will be the 4 hour programme Sunday night, but as we all know, things might change..

    Happy Viewing, and may your man win!! Cheers, Lickey.

  13. Was great to meet you Windy, we had some good chats and nice evenings together, and look forward to seeing you again in May, a good positive post...

    Rickthailand, just a Namsom update for you, the school you taught at is near twice the size now with over 2000 pupils, but no more native english speaking teachers, Somkit is the main english teacher now,, And the Temple in the lake stared to tilt a bit, so now its been bolstered up with a concrete wall all round, and temple is re-painted, looks really smart now, The Green near the temple bridge has been made into a football field with a small stadium, a running track, badminton courts, netball, ect, so that gives the kids something to do after school and weekends, A canadian friend of mine has built a swimming pool complex with a bar and some falang food, The veg/meat market is now covered, same with the food market near the Kasikorn bank, it seems like Namsom is really on the map now...

    Windy, i will pass it on to Pan that she got top prize for her fish & chips, She will be pleased, Thanks mate,,

    Lickey [aka Alex]

  14. OK IA, must admit i didnt go to the link you posted, but having been there before, and it seems Stickman is {im busy at the moment,will reply later} so again my old mate, i dont think anybody will get a lot of joy from his posts, what people post is interesting, the reply they get is not, he wouldnt even make a good agony aunt in the british tabloid press

    Sorry mate, Lickey.

  15. Yes, lets have an accident scenario, Ive crashed, and lying in the road in a twisted heep of legs and arms ect, the compound leg fracture is obvious, the bleeding from my nose and mouth, although im wearing a full face helmet is also obvious, so whats the first thing you HYPV would do?

    Pull out my badge, put on my orange HWP vest and switch on my vehicles lights and Hazard and park it to protect you.

    Check if you are breathing and if you can speak. Hopefully I speak your language. If you can speak and you have Insurance covering medical, call private hospital Ambulance. If you can not speak, but breathing call public hospital Ambulance or local rescue. Someone else has usually already called public ambulance/rescue and local police, but if you do have insurance I prefere to replace with BKK Hospital Ambulance/private hospital to reduce patients damages. Whle waiting, communicate with you and try to avoid you moving.

    When they arrive I try to make sure you are not robbed, and organize salvation of your vehicle and valuables.

    If you are not breathing, helmet must off to kiss you and kick you heart

    Romantic start :rolleyes:

    Garry HWPV , Highway police voulenteers,

    Thanks KBB, thats what i wanted to read,,some kind of comunication with the downed rider, even if unable to speak, even in a coma, people can still understand what is being said about them,

    Ive havent turned away fromm some of the posts here about taking the pis with a HWP card, those should really get sorted,

  16. GF has been to the UK before, so forget the visit visa, go for the family visit visa, its much easier, besides all the normal, form filling, you will need letters of approval from your family that GF is welcome to stay with them if need be, that is if you dont have an abode in the UK, she can of course stay for 6 months, but you have to convince UKBA that she has a reason to return to thailand after that time, does she work? will her boss give her 6months off ect?if so, she will need translated to english letter from her boss,

  17. Op, if this is a constant problem of having to prime your pump every time the Magaluf [intake pipe valve] gets stuck because of debris or mud, fit a T piece in the tank oulet, pipe it into the pump delivery pipe, [include a tap] turn on tap, prime pump and all set to pump after a minute or so,

    But really, we do need a bit more info on your system to give a qualified answer, is it a borehole pump? or an above ground type? what do you use the water before? dripfeed?house ect? how does the pump stop when tank is full ect, with this info, im sure we can help you further,,

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