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Posts posted by gummy

  1. W ell it least it shows Kim Jong In is not going to kowtow to the Americans.  He may be a raving  lunatic , but so is Trump, but at least he is proving he has the balls to stand up to the US. At the end of the day the scaremongering that NK will take 5 to 10 years to develop a miniaturised nuclear war head hides the fact that with an ICBM , a chemical warhead , which that nutter probably has, dropped on New York would most probably have the desired effect anyway.

  2. 16 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    UDD need to replace him at least until he is free. This is an critical time and they need all the leaders to prevent the military rape and dominance of Thailand. There are loose resistance groups but none has the organizational skill and support to deliver a strong message to the military that the people are not submissive anymore like in the past. 

    Too late. The military and their supporters have raped this country for decades.

  3. Just now, Thai Ron said:

    Yeah cos squeaky clean farang authorities would have passed his wealth on to the executor of his estate for onward transmission to a cat's home, wouldn't they?

    The US government absorbs or appropriates illicit wealth every single day, mate.

    Farangs are just as dirty

    You seem to forget that he "died" in custody,  prior to any trial so hence is  or was innocent until proven guilty.  Appreciate that under the Junta the life expectancy of some remanded people has dropped dramatically, it really is of epic proportions for the Junta to take money that legally is not theirs to take until guilt is proven..

  4. Well as you are so well traveled then you should know that Panama is not an ideal base being in Central America !!


    Suggest if your aim is to explore South America then it would be wiser to actually choose a base in South America.  For that you could go to Argentina. lovely country and despite the issue regarding the Malvinas, they are still friendly towards the Brits.

  5. 23 hours ago, Paul Catton said:

    As an oasis in a desert for a watering hole, more than fits the.bill.

    I did not see a "Martini stirred not shaken" on the drinks menu, as to boring, would depend upon the individuality of the farang, Yes?

    guess so. If you are the sort of individual who can spend hours watching paint dry,  then I guess it could be an exciting place.

  6. On 7/20/2017 at 7:20 AM, smedly said:

    armed red terrorists fled into the grounds of the WAT after attacking security forces while they were trying restore order in the city, the army returned fire and some people who were strongly advised many times to leave the danger zone were unfortunately caught up in the exchange, in my book that was their choice to put themselves in danger when they were well aware they were in a live fire zone and refused to take advice and leave.

    And what comics did you read ? 58 people shot in the back ( by the army ?) from the postmortems. You must have a pretty perverse sense of human rights to condone that.

  7. On 5/16/2017 at 0:27 PM, williamgeorgeallen said:

    i hear of it being sprayed under tiles and it lifting the tiles as it expanded causing leaks. i would just go for a good layer of pink bats ontop of the plasterboard. might even be good to put 2 layers.  only costs about 10 000thb per room so should be a cheaper option as well.

    Dine that never again.  Leak after leak after leak. What we saved in lower thermal gain we spent on repairing the damage due to leaks.  After the 7th time the i staller returned fir further remedial works I had haf enough. 

  8. On 6/23/2017 at 6:17 AM, colinneil said:

    A load of nonsense, Thais using electronic payment.:cheesy:

    Here in Issan even when buying a new pickup they refused my card, had to be cash.

    Only 2 places here in Banphai accept cards big C and Global house.

    But above all else with the totally corrupt government and RTP cash will always remain the payment of choice.  How else would the worlds most organised mafia get their tea money ?  And as for transfering money from say China to an offshore  account lets say as a thankyou for buying something from them,  then  that has an electronic trail so again cash will be king

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