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Posts posted by gummy

  1. On Mon Mar 13 2017 at 7:36 PM, ddavidovsky said:

    Someone tell this woman that she can't keep calling for referendums every few years.

    If she says the goalposts have changed because of Brexit, well, Brexit hasn't happened yet. They should wait several years at least to gauge the effects of Brexit, then she might be able to say things have changed enough.

    what  will happen if 1.  She does not get  support for a referendum 


    or 2.  She does but UK goverment does not allow it


    or 3.  there is another referendum which she subsequently loses

  2. 10 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


    You really don't understand how the oil markets work, do you?



    Word of advice. I know this guy, never hard the privaledge of working for him but I can assure you he knows exactly the markets and he had brought in some of the largest projects around.  That is why the largest oil company in the world aske him to delay his retirement. What he does not know is not worth knowing so as I said take some advice.

    Anyway Sturgeon is not going to get her nationlistic ways so all you Jocks can lift up your kilts and flash your disapproval and continue shouting and screaming like a bunch of banshees

  3. 18 minutes ago, sanukjim said:

    The LOS army raids these shops and bars that are getting the brown envelops  to the bib from the owners to show the BIB that they and not the BIB are really in charge here ,Also when ever the army gets involved with any real mission of protecting LOS they usually come out with the short end of the stick.

    Thats possibly because the vast majority of the army are so incompetant if the were given anything other than sticks they would shoot themselves in the foot

  4. 1. 12 Month Extension based on Retirement.

    800,000 Baht in the bank. OR 65,000 monthly income. OR a combination of both.

    2. 12 Month Extension based on Marriage.

    400,000 Baht in the bank or 40,000 monthly income.

    3. Multi Entry Non Imm O Visa from Savanakhet Laos.

    This would give you almost 15 months but means leaving the country every 90 days.

    You can get a 60 day extension at Immigration which would give you a bit more time to sort things out.

    So what do I need to do . Are the forms available on line or where can I get them from please ? Also for extension based on marriage can it be a combination of income and money in the bank ?

    Currently I have a non imm B visa with extension based on work. Will that be cancelled and I have to apply for a new VISA outside of Thailand or can I get an extension to that visa category based on marriage ?

  5. Well it is finally happened. After working here for a long time today I got made redundant effective tomorrow. The issue is I have a Thai wife, Thai school age children but not a lot of money in the bank. I am over 50 so I would like some serious and urgent advice as to what visa I should get to enable me to stay with my family and the best way to go about it.

    I am currently living in Pattaya I work in Chonburi but could also live in Udon Thani if it makes any differance

    Mods please move this if I have posted in the wrong forum

  6. Pinned. Flood information only please. No politics.

    And no trolling I might be so presumptuous to add.

    Thankfully dry in Don Muang ..

    Warpspeed, where are you in Don Muang. I am in Dechatungha ( the road that runs West for Don Muang police station) and still dry as a bone but noticed yesterday that they had sandbagged the army barrack entrance but by lunchtime today still no sandbags at the Royal Thai Airforce at the other end end of the road, so someone is right I guess, hopefully the airforce !

    You too are near me. I'm in Thaninton village.

    Go along your road, turn left at Don Muang police station, go past Grand Canal, and you'll approach the back entrance to my village. The main entrance (off Wiphavadi Rangsit) is half-way between the airport and Zeer.

    Lots of concrete flood walls and sandbags being put up around here today!

    just the panic syndrome I suspect, one do they all do. Still dry in Dechatungha and nearby

  7. Let's do a few sums. Apparently there is around 6000 billion cu. mtrs of water approaching. Never mind who made this calc but lets just take it as fact for now. Assuming it is moving at 5 KMH and is spread over a front of approximately 50 km by around 100 KM long (and we assume it is the Engilish billion, not the American one ) then what depth could the water be excluding any surge factors ?

    so:- per hour the equivalent of 5000 x 100000 x 50000 = 25 billion sq. mtrs of water movement. So if 6000 billion cu. mtrs is approaching then we are either going to be under 240 mtrs of water or perhaps their figures are wrong ? - or my maths.

    It is not your maths that is wrong, it is your assumption that speed is involved. They are talking about a volume of water which is , as far as a simple rectangle shape is involved, is length x width x height which = Volume. So Height = Volume/ width x length So we have 6000,000,000/50,000 x 100,000 which equals 1.2 metres in height. Hope that helpsclear it up.Unfortunately, as you point out, that does not take into account surges and man made blockages..

    Of course you are right, it must be too much wine on my part. I am having to drink as much as possible in order to build a raft out of the empties.

  8. Let's do a few sums. Apparently there is around 6000 billion cu. mtrs of water approaching. Never mind who made this calc but lets just take it as fact for now. Assuming it is moving at 5 KMH and is spread over a front of approximately 50 km by around 100 KM long (and we assume it is the Engilish billion, not the American one ) then what depth could the water be excluding any surge factors ?

    so:- per hour the equivalent of 5000 x 100000 x 50000 = 25 billion sq. mtrs of water movement. So if 6000 billion cu. mtrs is approaching then we are either going to be under 240 mtrs of water or perhaps their figures are wrong ? - or my maths.

  9. Bangkok residents could in the meantime move their belongings to uipper floors or move up power sockets, he said. If not for this year, this might be useful in the future, who knows," he said.

    Is that the best they can do???

    I'd be fuming as many of you are. I feel for you I really do. I'm living a stress free life in Phnom Penh, not missing LOS too much at the moment. IMO, BKK has passed it's 'use by' date, just a dirty polluted mess, and that's without the floods.

    And the Thai politics, is it all worth it? Surely some of you must be considering your options!

    My advice; sell up and ship out!!!

    Probably good advice for some but not so easy if you have a family and/or business here. Mind you it could get worse and the politicians evacute BKK for Pataya !!

  10. "The problem now is now bigger than before, please don't panic"

    Well that must be the understatment of the year. Where do these buffoons get their ideas from. Firstly to be a problem bigger than before is he saying before he spoke yesterday, before last week or before he had his lobotomy ?

    Secondly to make such statements, "please don't panic" guess what will happen ?

    I suspect that so long as their own residences are not hit their primary concern even now is how the billions of aid and re-development that will be needed is going to get skimmed to this country's leaders friends and families businesses and associated cronies rather than spending it on a 50 year water management scheme that all of Thailand could benefit from, rich or poor!

    Funny about calling "them" buffoons. It was just a few years ago that the "Global Warming" hoax buffoons had people fooled and all the followers of those buffoons said that the rising waters caused by the (hoax) of global warming would flood Bangkok. This is major flooding over a few month period of raining. Yet people heeded the global warming panic and started to worry about Bangkok getting flooded by rising seas levels, something if true. would be very slow in happening, not a 48 hour event, rather a 48 year event.

    Well that hoax has been exposed. The only thing rising was the money in the bank accounts of those who profited off the global warming hoax. It has been getting colder, not hotter. After thousands of years of rising sea levels, sea levels have gone down over the past 10 years. Bangkok will not sink because of a warming climate that is not warming. Mother Nature has caused todays flooding problems, not the politicians. They are doing the best they can against a very formable force, Mother Nature.

    Enough of the political games. PS- a certain ex politician was not around when property for new airport was purchased, yet he got blamed for it in this on going political game.

    Err, sorry to correct you as you clearly have not been in Thailand long or perhaps not now either, but the the airport's planning dates back to between 30 and 40 years. Adequate time for most of the "families" to buy up swamp land cheap, which is what it was, knowing full well that they would capitilise upon the eventual decision to build there. It was not if it would be built - it was when. It wasn't known as cobra swamp for nothing and the "glinting of gold" which effectively this then worthless land became was too much to ignore for any corrupt politician or their cronies no matter of what political persuasion they were. At that time it was fully realised that the location was a major relieving flood plain for BKK.

    As for the fact we are not going through a period of global warming well I guess that is for you and the climate scientists to debate.

  11. Some of the comments on this thread are quite frankly , disgusting.Blaming the Leader for a monumental natural disaster is a new low for those trying to discredit the new PM and her government.

    Hang your heads in shame!!!

    She is blamed for the mismanagement not for the natural disaster which would be far less monumental with some government which does not need to call in Dubai for every step they take.

    That's why from the very beginning, they should have brought Thaksin back and install him in power. I bet a lot of people wished this was done instead of the petty bickering of the anti-T's.


    Why? Does he have a successful track record in flood and drought prevention to show from his five years in office with almost absolute power?

    No but he has unblemished record of allowing his cronies to skim of a lot of the cash appropriated for flood wall building !

  12. Correct to do even volountary work requires and appropriate WP. Given the general Thai arrogance and brainwashing why would they want volunteers anyway ? as any Thai will tell you Thais are experts at almost everything and have totally closed minds to "foreign" ideas. It is all part of the conditioning system to ensure compliance with the feudal system and keeping the influential families here disgustingly rich and the others in their place.

    Anyway if anything goes wrong it is never their own fault anyway is it ?

    Of course being brainwashed into a non-confrontational and even unwilling to challenge others is the reason why Thailand has stayed still in terms of social responsibility and development.

  13. "The problem now is now bigger than before, please don't panic"

    Well that must be the understatment of the year. Where do these buffoons get their ideas from. Firstly to be a problem bigger than before is he saying before he spoke yesterday, before last week or before he had his lobotomy ?

    Secondly to make such statements, "please don't panic" guess what will happen ?

    I suspect that so long as their own residences are not hit their primary concern even now is how the billions of aid and re-development that will be needed is going to get skimmed to this country's leaders friends and families businesses and associated cronies rather than spending it on a 50 year water management scheme that all of Thailand could benefit from, rich or poor!

  14. Wether it is 30000, 100000 or more it must be the opportunity of a lifetime for those lucky folk who have had the benefit of not having to go home and thus have further delights from Thai hospitality. They can also thank their lucky stars that they have made a positive contribution to reducing green house gasses by those planes not flying. It is possibly a debt of gratitude that they will be unable to repay for the rest of their lifetimes.

    They must be thanking their lucky stars that they lose their jobs and important business meetings, their children miss schools, etc. Lucky stars indeed. Tell me you're joking, please.

    I have reported Esprit for trolling already.

    Don't give him any oxygen.

    Actually Grandpops, considering the recent date that you joined TV and your vary recent tirades, I suspect that indeed it is you who have been a troll, am I correct ?

  15. Thai language website Matichon is reporting the head of the Metropolitan Police as saying the police have 10 'methods' to effect a dispersal and will begin with negotiation over the phone. They are also producing a document outlining the operation and will seek opinions from the law society etc. Apparently the operation will be entirely televised.

    Obviously it will have to be billed as a TV comedy show :o:D:D

  16. Strange to me to get such a bad rating. I always fly Quantas in preference to BA from BKK/UK/BKK. Always find BA staff so arrogant and the standard of cleanliness also leaves a lot to be desired, especially the last 10 years, compared with Quantas. It must be a problem though judging from the reports in the other classes but I only fly 1st so for me compared to other airlines ( BA and Thai ) I find them far superior. I also consider that the aggrevation factor of changing planes should be considered should you choose a non-direct flight.

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