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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. Hi, thanks for the reply. How about the panels being the roof or is that a bad idea? I was thinking of just the posts with steel framework on which to attach the panels. Minor leaks between the panels don't worry me and they should be cooler with no roof tiles close below them.
  2. As a follow up....asked a local sparky and he recommended this inverter. He doesn't have a financial interest as he suggested I buy myself. Anyone know if this is any good or not worth the money? Thanks for reading.
  3. The look of a man who's just had his Govt paid lunch cancelled before the first mouthful.
  4. "...at present he considers Thailand his home and did not think the incident would escalate to this extent." Shows he knows <deleted> all about Thailand.
  5. Years ago in wifeys home town a new drinking fountain was installed in the main square after PWA declared the water fit for drinking. The local mayor took a few sips at the opening celebration and people queued up to fill their drinks bottles. After a few days the tap started leaking and the local soi dogs found a new place to ease their thirst. The tap has been long closed. Our house is also connected to the same water supply and judging by the muck clogging up the filters on our water pipes I think I'll stick with buying bottled water.
  6. There should be no need for negotiation of compensation with the operator if proper insurance was in place.
  7. Police have just issued an arrest warrant for the owl for causing an accident and fleeing the scene.
  8. Yes, 30 bht no wonder there's such a problem in Thailand. Police friend of ours said pills can be got for as little as 10 bht which indicates no supply problem at all.
  9. Did you have a dash cam? Essential here in Thailand. I had a Thai driver suddenly stop and then reverse into the front of my car. Police took one look at the dashcam footage and told him to pay up which he did next day. A friend of mine had a similar I incident as yours. Guy who rear-ended him says he stopped too quick as did the Police. My friends insurance were having none of it and insisted the other driver pay up as he was obviously driving too close to stop safely.
  10. Sounds about right. Wifey has a friend who owns some land and her friend allowed a cousin to build a small shack about 10 years ago. Well wifeys friend has hit financial problems and wants to sell the land. Cousin doesn't want to move. Wifeys friend took the cousin to court and the judge ruled the land belonged to wifeys friend but that the cousin can continue living there for another 5 years or until she moves out.
  11. I would like the charger in the carport. My thinking was to have the inverter in the carport, under the panels, so I can use the portable granny charger.
  12. Thanks for the reply. Really appreciate your input on electrical topics.
  13. The pic in the op shows the delivery rider filling his drink from the CocaCola dispenser.
  14. Just going by what was described in the second paragraph in the original post. "mentioning that even when the staff voiced their disapproval, the rider continued undeterred."
  15. Hi thanks for your comment. The ideal place, for sunlight, for our proposed solar carport is about 40-50 metres from a connection into our house. Is this too far for a grid-tie inverter or not a problem? Please excuse my ignorance.
  16. Thanks for the reply and very envious of your setup. Really like your vids, have been binge watching waiting for daughter at school today.
  17. Haha I found that topic about 5 minutes after I posted mine. Yes it's useful thanks.
  18. Hi, last June we bought a Neta V for the school run which is about 120 kms per day. We can charge it overnight on the TOU tariff. I would like the option to be able to charge our car during the day using solar. Garden space is not an issue so I'd like to build a car port with a roof of solar panels. As a solar novice I'm asking for advice on what will be required, assuming panels, inverter and charger for starters. If anyone has any pics of a similar setup that would be great. Thanks for reading Ed.
  19. He wasn't being denied a drink of water he was asked by KFC not to refill his drinks bottle with CocaCola from their machine from which their customers have to purchase if they want a drink.
  20. Does water normally come from the CocaCola dispenser?
  21. Pretty sure the extra evidence will have several more zeros at the end.
  22. Good news as we live in Phanomtuan. The local village supply goes awol with the beginning of dry season every year and doesn't return until the beginning of the rainy season.
  23. Surely moving on would mean the winners of the last election being allowed to form a Government.
  24. Yeah, Move Forward to win in a landslide swiftly followed by disbandment and another military installed junta.
  25. One of wifeys friends recently retired after most of her life working for the Police. She speaks openly of the corruption amongst it's ranks and that there is absolutely nothing individual officers can do about it as it is so pervasive.
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