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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. Any religion is a scourge on the planet. One of wifeys friends recently converted from Buddhism to Christianity and has been ostracized by many of her friends and family for no good reason.
  2. "...procurement of a submarine with a “low-quality” engine..." Stand by for a defamation suit for that remark.
  3. After beating his brother to death with a table leg, if it goes to court he won't have a leg to stand on.
  4. The only way they'll qualify for the finals, expensive though.
  5. "Police have charged Jampa with intentional murder under Section 288 of Thai Criminal Law, which carries severe penalties including the potential for life imprisonment or even the death penalty." Life imprisonment isn't going to be that long is it. In reality he won't even make it to the next amnesty.
  6. Not to worry, the organisers public liability insurance is sure to cover all damages right?
  7. Could have served in Northern Ireland, the conflict there spanned the 70's to the 90's.
  8. Surely wearing that jacket disqualifies somebody from holding office.
  9. How can a fake cop carry out the scam at a Police Station?
  10. "Thanks for voting PT, now <deleted> off"
  11. ".....the two had been drinking together before the argument took a violent turn" Should be in any Thai journalists cut'n'paste to save time.
  12. Read it sometime ago, sorry can't find the link although there is a good post below with similar details.
  13. You can get the increased amount as soon as you return. If you stay in the UK for 6 months or longer the increase becomes permanent.
  14. Thai father in law had terminal lung cancer about 4 years ago and towards the end was in alot of pain. He was only given morphine in the last few days something I considered very cruel withholding of pain relief. Nobody should be allowed to suffer in such pain when there is a simple way to alleviate it to near zero.
  15. "The Thai government is keen to fast-track the project...." The Thai Govt Parliament first approved initial proposals of a HSR Network in October 2010. Fast tracking left the station years ago leaving a long haul the only alternative.
  16. Because you get fined the full amount if you pay into an official account. If you agree to pay a reduced fine without receipt you're directed to the personal account. It's a way of saving some money. Agree, the officer is a moron for involving his gik's account. Should have just asked for a cash handout as everyone knows what going on anyway.
  17. Yeah, given me a couple of tips in the past.
  18. Maybe it can be built next to the world's tallest flagpole that never got built.
  19. You'd rate a Celerio that highly? Couldn't even drive one comfortably and I'm only 6ft. Build quality was appalling, even wifey turned her nose up at it so we went for the NETA V for the school run. It fulfills the task brilliantly, cutting the monthly fuel bill by 80% compared to the Triton we used to run.
  20. My daughter and her own family love Thailand and went back to the UK last weekend after their fortnight here. Her husband told me that the entire trip, for two adults and three youngsters, has cost nearly £11,000! £5500 was for 5 economy flights. They are quite well off but if prices keep going up they will be seriously considering destinations other than Thailand.
  21. Wifeys friend doesn't burn her rice straw. She turns it into rice bales and sells it to increase her profit even more. I have no idea why other farmers don't do the same as the guys doing the baling will do it for free and then give you a price for each bale they take away.
  22. We've got one in our village with a long hose so people can easily fill a big tank whilst it's still on the motorcycle. We stopped using it after seeing people give the local dogs a drink from the hose.
  23. https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/pensions/article-9803095/Is-UK-state-pension-REALLY-worst-rich-rival-countries.html EU is definitely not worse than the UK, most countries are ahead of the UK pension.
  24. Hydrogen fueling stations are very expensive unfortunately. I'd love to be able to generate my own hydrogen from solar/wind and use it to power my home and transport. Hopefully will happen one day.
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