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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. There is a process to assess asylum claims and to allow or refuse entry to the UK. The Conservative Govt has been in charge of the country for well over a decade but has steadfastly refused to invest in the screening process allowing such a huge backlog of claims to build up.
  2. Genuine Asylum Seekers are not illegal immigrants. Illegal Immigrants do not have a right to remain or claim any benefits and the current mess is squarely on the present Conservative Govt who have been in power well over a decade but have done little to solve the problem of illegal migration. The Brexit debacle has compounded the whole sorry mess.
  3. People in the UK without a legal right to be there are not entitled to claim any benefits.
  4. Faster, certainly but better? If they are better why is the accident and death rate here amongst motorcyclists so horrific?
  5. This road was begun in 2014 and is still not opened. It was opened for a few days over New Year then closed again. Trees are growing out of various sections of the concrete work and for anyone at the Kanchanaburi end it's turned into a bad joke.
  6. "allow Thai passport holders visa-free access to the United Kingdom on short-term visits for tourism or business." Thai tourists aren't living in the UK so my take is all Thais will be eligible for 30days visa free.
  7. So in 6 months of investigation by the Dept of Employment, 306,577 foreign nationals were investigated, of which 1,689, a whole half percent, were working illegally and of those 721 were directly competing with work that should have been done by a Thai. Hardly a threat to the Thai economy is it?
  8. Well the weather map told us we were under a torrential downpour most of the day but it's time for bed now and not a drop has touched us in our part of Kanchanaburi.
  9. "....leading to a stern warning from the Department of National Parks" My God, only a severe warning left.
  10. Wonder what the artist was on conjuring up that fanciful image?
  11. Thai Law....'Rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty'.
  12. Stand by for the next reincarnation 'Lets go Forward'. I'd wager they'll win a clear majority following PT's duplicity after the last election.
  13. Dream on, she'll be hurling the loss of 38 million bht back at you for the rest of time.
  14. So was the mystery illness complications during pregnancy?
  15. The accident was reported by Thaiger yesterday. It appears as a cut'n'paste in Thaivisa today.
  16. Sometimes it pays to get a loan. A while ago the car I wanted was available on 0% interest. I tried to get a loan so I could leave the lump sum in the bank earning interest. 'Sorry don't lend to farang' despite long-term visa and pension well over immigration requirements. Cash it was and the bank missed out on some business.
  17. Bodies found weighed down with concrete in the Mekong suggest otherwise.
  18. ".....executives of Formula E will be scouting locations in Chiang Mai next week to ascertain the feasibility of holding the championship in Thailand" A long way to go before the actual GP is held then. Methinks the PM has jumped the gun somewhat.
  19. ".....held a press conference regarding the match of legends with a total investment of 860 million baht." I think I know why this event isn't going ahead.
  20. Thanks very much for the link.
  21. Just had the battery tested at 31,000 kms and it's still at 100%.
  22. Last June I sold my Triton and bought a Neta V. 3500 kms per month primarily for the school run was costing approx 8000 bht per month in the Triton. Cost for the NETA V has been between 1500 and 1700 bht using PEA off peak tariff. It gets charged up every night using the slow granny charger supplied by Neta. Really enjoying the EV experience so far and just waiting for a decent lectric pickup to appear in Thailand.
  23. Probably find somebodies record on the back of a passport copy at Immigration soon.
  24. Hi thanks for your reply. Exporting back to the grid is not a priority considering how low the rate is and how strict PEA is on the equipment used.
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