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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. Well after 2 attempts customer service managed to stop the 'verify account' requests so I attempted a small transfer and lo and behold I received an error message saying there was a problem with my account. Customer service sorted that out after an email so I had one more go at a small transfer.....'Please verify your account'....what a crock of <deleted>e. Avoid.
  2. What a shambles their app is. Went through the verification process, identity confirmed, tried to use it and need to confirm my identity and address again. Think I'll give it a miss.
  3. How about a parade for Saint Jude, the Patron Saint of Lost Causes?
  4. Here in Kanchanaburi the air quality has been absolutely dreadful for weeks. Sugarcane burning goes on and seems even worse than the last couple of years when it improved with more use of the mechanical cutters but crazily we're not seeing so many of those this year. Rice fields are going up in flames everywhere in anticipation of the canals opening and being able to grow a new crop and flames seem to be devouring every hillside for miles around. Thoroughly depressing and nobody with the power to actually solve the problem gives a flying <deleted>.
  5. "Thai motorists demanded police take action against two foreign men riding electric unicycles, or e-unicycles, on a crowded road in the northern province of Chiang Mai." Yeah, traffic looks nose to tail in that pic, gridlocked even.
  6. 870,000 pieces worth 8.3 million bht is less than 10 bht per piece.
  7. If only his grandmother was Chinese, there wouldn't be any so called controversy then.
  8. Or this one. https://www.seattletimes.com/business/boeing-aerospace/dramatic-ge-engine-explosion-on-boeing-767-poses-puzzle-for-investigators/
  9. And how long ago was that incident and how many since?
  10. Seems Thailand's own Ministry of Truth is at work.
  11. Years ago, before I met my Thai wife, I had a Chinese girlfriend who was taking a Business course at University in the UK. Her dad was a board member of a large construction company and every so often sent his daughter a very substantial amount of money to her in the UK for her studies. This arrived by way of a courier, a stewardess, with a major airline. My girlfriend would arrange to meet her at her stopover hotel in Heathrow Airport and collect her money. I'd imagine connected individuals are still using methods like this.
  12. "....projections suggesting that the year-end figures will likely mirror those of the previous year..." Hardly a surge then if figures are similar to the previous year when visa free travel for Chinese wasn't available.
  13. So the revising of the recent revision of the previous revision of the old revision of revamped bus numbers has yet to implemented and the date may be subject to revision.
  14. No surprise as he was doing the army's dirty work. Took a change of Govt to expose him.
  15. Alleged? Most superfluous word in the whole article. One of our friends got conscripted a while ago against his wishes. He was allowed to avoid service as long as he didn't take any pay, that was to remain with those higher up the chain. Rotten to the core.
  16. Last year's drought hit production hard. All our neighbours have had a reduced crop, some by as much as 30%. Now they've been told the canals won't be opened for the foreseeable future as there's not enough water in the reservoirs. Looks like some rice farmer's will be lucky to get half of their usual money.
  17. Looks like the cow-pat in our rice field I nearly stepped in this morning.
  18. At least Pita didn't end up in the Mekong with a concrete overcoat so hope he carries on the good fight.
  19. Hopefully you're not a real teacher because your moral compass is <deleted>.
  20. The tax payable on 400k bht per year for an expat is hardly massive, about 1700 bht per month. Even less if they are officially retired, over 65 I believe, when the allowance before being taxed goes up substantially.
  21. I read recently, sorry can't find the link, that Thai Revenue have briefed several big law firms and accountants as well as representatives of big business. Rest assured the little guy will be last to find out the details of implementation.
  22. There were friends of this woman who must of suspected, but weren't quite sure, that she was a <deleted> moron. She's just gone and removed any lingering doubt they may have had.
  23. EVs are alot less likely to catch fire than an ICE. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/nov/20/do-electric-cars-pose-a-greater-fire-risk-than-petrol-or-diesel-vehicles
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