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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. If those vermin were destroying my home they wouldn't be around for very long.
  2. Maybe the bus driver needs to get ready for the manufacturer launching a defamation suit.
  3. Tax on an income of 400k bht, married man's extension, is 17,500 bht per year. Wonder if they'll throw in free Govt Healthcare and a Thai pension as benefit's?
  4. What's nearly as disturbing as the original story and comment is that somebody thinks them funny. Some readers are pathetic, sick <deleted>.
  5. "He was the leader of the Student Federation of Thailand in 1998/9 and a founder and editor of the Fah Diew Kan political magazine." I'm sure there are supporters of the previous administration already scouring these sources for political dirt in the hope of a charge that disqualifies him from political life.
  6. Probably because hospitals and clinics are very reluctant to carry out an atk test for whatever reason. We all tested for covid when we got sick as we got a warning we'd been in contact with a victim.
  7. Don't know about flu but covid is making it's presence felt at my daughter's school again. We all had it 10 days ago and she went back to school yesterday. She was poorly for 24 hours, wifey and I achey all over for the same but the cough seems to b hanging around.
  8. At least half of our village would be in jail, really! Astonishing how many homes have illegally held weapons here.
  9. “The debt relief will be offered to small-scale farmers and SMEs without the need to prove any hardship,” Sounds legit. Say your deep in debt without having to prove it and wait for the cash. No scope for corruption at all.
  10. Standby for deja vu all over again.
  11. I concur as my kidney stones totally cleared up following my introduction to Mrs Palm and her five daughters.
  12. You don't, either something was lost in translation or the journalist had little clue about the subject they were reporting.
  13. Try contacting the Thai Office of Consumer Protection, they maybe able to help you with a refund.
  14. All that's been outlined so far is a reduction of conscription quotas, no figures at all that I can find. Saying they'll be moving to a voluntary system next April, as in the article linked, is fanciful at best.
  15. https://thainews.prd.go.th/en/news/detail/TCATG230904125047634 Only a reduction in conscripted numbers, not an end to conscription itself.
  16. I think PT has burnt any bridge it may have had remaining to Thai youth with it duplicitous dealings since the last election.
  17. "His parents, a renowned doctor specializing in mental health, and a renowned physician, remain uninvolved in his criminal actions." Turning a blind eye should never be labeled as 'univolved'.
  18. Youngsters won't do it and when a Thai state pension is only 600 bht a month oldies have to find work somewhere.
  19. Maybe he was knocked out somehow and drowned. This is what happened to a guy near us a couple of years ago. Flipped his car into less than a foot of water and drowned after getting knocked unconscious.
  20. "promised to surrender herself" is a whole lot more believable than the promise to repay over 2 billion baht.
  21. "The officer guarding the room left when he saw Wachira fell asleep" Usual RTP professionalism on display I see.
  22. What?! Nothing about Thai being a Lingua Franca? That won't go down at all well with the rabid nationalists.
  23. Good job, smuggling is definitely an occupation reserved for Thais.
  24. Well the Thai elite didn't give a <deleted> about Thailand's image after the army rigged the system and took power these last 9 and a bit years so why should anyone care about a returning leader of a party that won many more seats than any of the previous mob?
  25. A large classroom could easily require 2 or 3 ac's. Use proper industrial units and throw in a decent maintenance contract and it doesn't seem that inflated.
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