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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. Wifeys uncle used to breed fighting cocks and once sold a good one for 150,000 bht so I can understand somebody getting a little stressed if a couple go missing.
  2. I was over the ability of an electorate to collectively shoot itself in the crotch years ago just a shame that the majority of UK retiree's no longer meet the financial requirements to reside in Europe anymore.
  3. https://www.statista.com/statistics/520954/brexit-votes-by-age/
  4. Five countries that Brit retiree's want to retire in are in Europe but this is the group that were the largest supporters of Brexit......morons.
  5. So the protective spirit allowed him to have a major accident but then saved his life. Methinks the protective spirit thinks he's an ok bloke but useless at driving so best to find another career.
  6. Judging by all the parties in our village lately shops have already cancelled the ban here.
  7. Ordering the employer to pay arrears to employee's is one thing. The employee's actually receiving said arrears is an entirely different matter. The firm failing to pay it's electric bill and shutting down in April indicates they lack the cash required to keep going so hard to see where 19,000,000 bht is coming from.
  8. "Gen Prayut advised the public to stay apprised of these and other encouraging developments as the national outlook continues to improve going forward." Shouldn't that be "moving forward". Reads better I think.
  9. Wifeys sister got into drinking her own urine a couple of years ago too. The group she associates with which advocates the practice is a pretty hardline nationalist group so I'm not surprised Sondhi partakes of the amber liquid too. All of them are suspicious of virtually anything foreign even to the extent of avoiding foreign rice because it's obviously 'inferior' to Thai. All are staunch supporters of the institution..... I'll leave it there. As far as I'm concerned some of the groups involved in promoting the process are little more than a cult, just substitute urine for coolaid.
  10. In our village there is also a daily rate. Borrow 100 bht today and pay back between 130 and 150 bht tomorrow......insane.
  11. Taksin doesn't need to join with the military coalition parties as Move Forward have already proposed a political amnesty to enable the country to progress.
  12. I don't dispute that they are active but a media company? Not without media content and if they're no longer broadcasting that ain't happening.
  13. iTV ceased broadcasting in 2007 so a media company in nothing but name.
  14. Yes, I suggested to wifey that we pop along to our local PEA and request an off peak meter too. The plan is to try and eventually run the whole house from solar and batteries, a setup for the car as a first step......but now you've got me thinking 555.
  15. "3. Structural design does not factor in the risk posed by summer storms." Alai wah!!!
  16. Yeah, you'd think they'd have the brains to let the haircuts grow out a bit more before trying on this stunt.
  17. The average for my Triton is exactly the same, 2.5 bht per km. Less than 1 bht per km is very attractive especially as we're doing 120 kms a day on the school run...... roll-on delivery next month.
  18. Thanks very much for the reply, very interesting reading.
  19. As electricity is vat rated Govt revenue will automatically go up with increased ev ownership as charging increases.
  20. Wifey is due to take delivery of her Neta V sometime next month and is interested in charging it at home under an array of solar panels. We have a very large garden so space is not an issue. Before I go along to our local solar supplier does anyone have any pics of their own setup of similar or of a schematic of the requirements of a basic system. Thanks for reading.
  21. "....drunk husband was arrested by the police for allegedly murdering his wife out of jealousy" Should be in every journalists cut and paste to save time.
  22. The local mafia who have been dumping bodies in oil drums are getting a little worried I'd wager.
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