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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. 15 and 13 years old out at 3am?
  2. Perhaps he thought he was being hired to prune a few trees.
  3. It matters not that you think he's inexperienced, millions of Thais like his policies and want him as Prime Minister. ITV is a media company in absolutely nothing but name and hasn't been one for at least 15 years. Defaming the monarchy. Shame we cannot argue that point. All I'll say is that reform is not defamation.
  4. I will never understand how in times like these an oppressive regime can rely on a police force or military to go out and tread on the populace they've sworn to protect. The vast majority of the police and military are ordinary people most likely held in contempt by the upper heirarchy of Thai society but nonetheless they will still point their water cannon, wield their baton's or fire their weapons at crowds who merely want an overwhelming result respected. I long for the day when the police and military join hands with these people, because they are the same, refuse to obey evil orders and say enough is enough, your time is over.
  5. If you stick with the strict definition yes it is.
  6. Technically coastal is within reach of the tide so as the River Thames is tidal as far up as Teddington London could be said to be coastal.
  7. The Democrats used to have mainstream support until they threw their hat into the ring alongside the coup makers. Result has been virtual annihilation over the last decade. Never has 'som nom naa' sounded so apt.
  8. Gosh they're determined to be relegated to a totally irrelevant party aren't they. Learnt absolutely nothing from the recent election results.
  9. In 2014 Thailand stood at 85th in the world corruption index. By 2022 it had fallen to 101st so all Prayut did was let it slide down with all the other tinpot dictatorships.
  10. The yellow shirts created the chaos to scupper the elections simple as that and they succeeded as in stepped Prayut with his coup.
  11. They didn't refuse to leave as they had a duty to remain in power until a new cabinet was in place.
  12. Too fast during a rain stor.m, hopefully the driver will learn to slow down.
  13. Please show that serial complainer the oath Prayut and his Cabinet colleagues swore after the last election as it had nothing to do with the one required by the Constitution.
  14. "34,000 billion dollars" This person knows <deleted> all about what they are typing.
  15. Perfect example of the revolving door that is the so called justice system here. Irretrievably broken.
  16. Totally agree. Tesla have started a downward spiral recently with their price cuts. A couple of Thai discussion groups are suggesting the subsidy will be ending in September but when pushed nothing substantial to back it up.
  17. Possibly but we'd already paid for our Neta when the salesperson told us the subsidies would be ending at the end of the year 555.
  18. The only price rise our local dealer is talking about is an end to the Govt subsidies for ev's at the end of the year.
  19. Not enough hours in the day for Prawit then.
  20. Maths not a strongpoint of yours is it.
  21. She has all of her dad's experience pulling her strings.
  22. I think the woman has been watching way too many Thai soaps to think this crackpot idea was even close to being a good plan.
  23. You have outright just proved my point, thanks. 194 selected by the ruling junta. 50 from a shortlist submitted by the NCPO, the NCPO being the National Council for Peace and Order, again the ruling junta. The remaining 6 were the very top military commanders from all branches of the Thai Military. Every single one of them a military appointed stooge.
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