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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. Children can catch covid as easily as anyone they just don't usually get as sick as adults and those with preconditions. The fact that they are more likely to display few or no symptoms makes them a big risk to older people as they can still pass on the virus whilst appearing healthy.
  2. Simply, testing helps identify where the virus is. Every case you find early helps stop the virus in it's tracks. Testing can identify the type of virus and if it's mutating.
  3. Big trade deal expected with India to begin talks in little over a months time...Thailand is small potatoes in comparison.
  4. Yes, same for my daughter's kids back in the UK. Thai Govt come up with these schemes but just aren't prepared to foot the bill and want to pass it on to cash strapped parents instead.
  5. Same here, never knew of any local infections here in the village a few months ago but recently there have been many, even people we know and a local isolation center has opened just a couple of km's away. This is in Kanchanaburi.
  6. Herd Immunity with Delta seems a pipedream to some virologists. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/12/herd-immunity-is-mythical-with-the-covid-delta-variant-experts-say.html
  7. Yeah ain't that the truth, no way do most people want convicted drug traffickers in positions of power.
  8. No it's not, the WHO position is that the percentage needed to achieve herd immunity from covid-19 is unknown. https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/herd-immunity-lockdowns-and-covid-19
  9. Spot on. My 2 daughters and their families usually visit every year but they are just not prepared to jump through all the paperwork hoops and the quarantine so they'll be holidaying elsewhere.
  10. A UK doctor is legally obliged to put the correct cause of death on the Death Certificate. It is inconceivable they would list covid as a cause if they died in an accident. Do not confuse dying within 28 days of a positive test with what appears on a death certificate.
  11. Wifey had a couple of phone calls this morning. Turns out a person with the same first name is suspected of having covid in her small town and they were enquiring if it was her. It's not wifey but a short phone call to somebody more in the know got the response that contact tracing has taken place but only those with a raised temperature, even close and at high risk, are having a covid test. No wonder case figures are so low.
  12. It always seems to be the mega rich who go on most about self sufficiency and basically telling those who have the least to be happy whilst remaining poor.
  13. Re the 1 million dose show scheduled for Friday, my appointment for a shot yesterday was cancelled and I was asked to instead show up on Friday. Many others at the same hospital also had their appointments rearranged for Friday. The whole exercise is meaningless if shots are just being cancelled on one day to boost the numbers on another.
  14. Thanks for the tip, I'll let wifey know she can stay at home on Friday.
  15. Yep, and doubly inconvenience them too by cancelling appointments and then make them wait longer queued at the rescheduled event.
  16. Went to my hospital today for my second shot of AZ. No vaccine available and was told to come back on Friday because it was being saved for the big show then. Alot of ****** off people in the queue as well as me.
  17. "The Manager report was surprisingly lacking in predictions of numbers or revenue." Hardly surprising after the failure of the Phuket Sandbox which reached only 25% of the predicted numbers. Tourists would be crazy to come here with the constant flip flops, odious paperwork and testing, and mixed messages from various Govt departments.
  18. The military junta and now the civilian govt have been throwing money into the Thai Airways pit ever since they took power so they are as culpable as anyone for the whole sorry mess and vast losses that are continuing to be racked up.
  19. Just like the new Thai/Burma border crossing near Kanchanaburi. Years ago land in the sleepy village of Phu Nam Ron, which is right on the border, was worth 10k bht per rai. The locals couldn't understand why people from Bangkok were suddenly buying as much land as they could. Later the upgrade to International crossing was announced with all the subsequent development and the price of land rocketed x100's. Some very rich people got even richer.
  20. The majority of the teachers in my daughter's school haven't even had their first shot yet, this is in Kanchanaburi. Absolutely appalling failure of priorities imho.
  21. If that's the case I strongly suspect the 'journalist' found a stock photo and inserted it into the article without bothering to read the caption....shoddy work.
  22. You're not wrong....at my daughter's school I found out today that most of the teachers have not even received a single dose yet. Absolute madness.
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