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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. BJT offer alot of 'incentives' for people's vote so not entirely far fetched.
  2. Hard to believe 95% of ALL students have had a jab...maybe those over 12 years of age. My daughters old school reopened at the beginning of last week and closed again on Friday when covid cases amongst the kids started appearing.
  3. "Chalong police have been busy gathering evidence for the issuing of warrants to send to Interpol and the Canadian police in the next day or two to try and get the assassins arrested and brought back to Thailand." Maybe the cops at Chalong can give their brothers in Bangkok a lesson on how to speed up the issuing of an International arrest warrant to Interpol so as to expedite the Red Bull farce.
  4. Thai mother in law's state pension is 600 bht a month which is less than pitiful.
  5. Big private school near us has just closed again after it reopened just over a week ago because of kids catching covid.
  6. Is it just me or can anyone else see the excuse of "opposition parties are not willing to move forward with matters of governance" as the perfect reason for the staging of another coup?
  7. Won't even consider flying Thai until my family gets the refund owed for flights cancelled 2 years ago.
  8. Then you don't have to negotiate Test and Go. Unfortunately the millions of tourists who previously contributed about 20% of Thai gdp do and it is very obviously putting many of them off to the severe detriment of millions who rely on tourism for their income.
  9. At least 10, my 2 daughters and their families back in the UK. Just got off the phone with one of them and they're definitely not coming under the current entry conditions.
  10. ".....it’s difficult to tell if Prayut was unpopular...." Absolute <deleted>, he's as unpopular as an extra hole in the ass.
  11. Excellent news. Now comes the really hard part....winning the next election. To have a realistic chance of unseating Palang Pracharat my hope is that Pheu Thai and Move Forward come to an agreement on which seats they'll be campaigning in so as not to steal votes from each other.
  12. After watching the video I come to the conclusion that both drivers are morons.
  13. Reading the op my understanding is that you're able to grow any variety but the possession of extract of more than 0.2% thc is illegal. I assume any growers will be selling the plant to the authorities. As is usual with all things ganja related in Thailand until a law in in effect reality is as clear as mud.
  14. "Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana, who disclosed that the DES Ministry’s Anti-Fake News Center sifted through about 11 million potential fake news messages during January 14 and 20." If he means over the 7 day period then they went through 1100 messages every single minute of the day and 231 warranted a further look according to their criteria. Hardly a threat is it?
  15. I wonder if the Blue Diamond will resurface sometime soon after all these years and be ceremoniously handed back to the Saudis?
  16. "The country has an average of 1.03 tons of mismanaged waste each year." Hardly a major problem or is the article a quick cut and paste job that the reporter has no idea what they are writing about?
  17. Still plenty of people sick in hospital and over the last couple of years Thailand has had 10's of thousands of unexpected excess deaths.
  18. Even if Thailand has 100's of thousands of cases it's almost certain that they'll never be reported.
  19. So in a country of 70 million people, where the most contagious version of covid by far is found in every single province, official testing has found only 7000 cases. Truly remarkable.
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