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Posts posted by davejonesbkk

  1. When I did this last year, a signed letter from my father and a signed letter from his company confirming his earnings wasn't enough. As we named him as the sponsor they wanted his bank statements. I had enclosed my own bank statements from Thailand and also the flight tickets the first time i applied which was not enough even though i had over 10k Egnlish in the bank for a 3 week holiday(this might be because i named my father the sponsor) They also ask for lots of pictures of you together throughout the relationship to prove that it is a genuine relationship. i also enclosed previous skype and facebook conversations with dates to show the longevity of our relationship.

    hope this helps

    so were you successful on a 2nd application and if so what/whose funds did you show them and how much?

    I have hundreds of pics of us together from the last 2+ years so that shouldnt be a problem

  2. @theoldgit - thanks for the detailed response and these are my answers:

    I have been living in Thailand for almost 12 years now and its pretty much my home, I also did my bachelors degree at an internaitonal university here, not sure if they would be interested in that though.

    Im on a non imm O visa and just did the 1 yr extension based on marriage, I did that based on 400k in the bank so I can easily show I have money.

    I have regular income each month which I can also show, so its ok for me to be the sponsor and use a Thai bank account to show the funds for the trip? I can easily show enough to fund the trip coming in each month and also I have funds in a 2nd Thai account to cover the marriage extension requirements. I will be paying for all the flights and travel expenses and can show the money to do that, we will be staying at my fathers house though, so if Im then the sponsor what is his involvement?

    About the length of the stay, 2 moths would be the max but we are also going for that amount of time as everyone in my family is always very busy with work and my father travels the country for his job so if we went for say 2-3 weeks Id only be able to see people once or twice at the weekends, if we go for a longer period then we get to see more people and its less hassle scheduling everything. Also my online business means I can be on the road for quite a while, I will still have money coming into my account in Thailand each month while Im in the UK too.

    About proving my life in Thailand apart from the 12 years Ive been here, thai wife who has taken my name, 1 yr marriage visa plus the funds in the bank and a 1yr house rental contract what else can I do to prove my life here?

    As for my wife I guess theres not much I can do? She has a very small Facebook page where she used to sell clothes and make bit of money, if they could see money coming into her account from that would it help her? Like I said no job, kids, car, house etc

    Thanks also Bredbury Blue

  3. Ive read many threads in this already but I know that it all depends on each application so Id like to get some feedback & advice from people here.

    I have been with my wife for about 2.5 years now here in Bangkok and we have lived together most of that time. We got married in January of this year legally at the amphue but we havent had the big wedding yet as it will take some planning to get all my family over here etc! My wife has officially taken my surname and her Thai id is now with her new surname.

    I do not work in Thailand however I have an online business that I get a revenue share from each month with that paid into a Thai bank account. Its not much but enough for us. My wife does not work and has zero assets, not even a motorbike or anything in her name.

    We are thinking about a trip to the Uk, we are not in a rush to go but Im thinking within the next 12 months. When we do go it would most likely be for 1-2 months to give us plenty of time to travel around a bit and see my family etc.

    For the application Im thinking of having my father be the sponsor and we will use his address. If I do this do I need to show my own money too and if so is a Thai account ok for that?

    What would my wife have to show? She has a bank account with a fee thousand baht in and im thinking of paying some money in that each month to show she has some money, will this help?

    How concerned should I be about her lack of job and assets here? Im worried they are going to see her as having zero reasons to return. We will be travelling together and coming back here together and we live in a house I rent on a 1 yr contract in my name, will that help the application?

    What do people think our chances are of being succesfull getting the visa and is there anything we can do to improve our chances?

  4. After many years living in condos Im now living in a house and even though the village Im in appears to be very safe Im still very paranoid about someone breaking in at night.

    Is it possible to get small motion detectors that I can put around the house downstairs that will set off an audio alarm if anyone moves near them or within a certain area? I dont want to get a full alarm system installed and just want something I can put around the house in strategic locations myself.

    Thank you

  5. Disappointing fight but Mayweather was class and had several game plans and showed why he is unbeaten, would like to have seen Manny get in there a bit more but I guess he was being cautious as didnt want to get caught by one of Mayweathers counters. I also think Manny has lost a bit of his confidence and sting since he got floored Marquez in 2013.

    The people saying Manny won it etc are being very sore losers and unsportsmanlike and spoiling it imho.

  6. OK thanks for the info guys, this will be perfect for me then.

    One last question, what package should I go for with the AIS fiber? They have the following below but Ive heard from people before that its pointless getting anything over 10MB or so as the international speed (which obviously Im most interested in) will always be the same...

    10/4 590baht

    20/7 750 baht

    30/10 1,190baht


  7. I use the internet a lot so I have cable with True and DSL with 3bb. If theres ever a problem with one I simply switch over to the other and never had both down at the same time.

    Im moving house soon and the place Im moving to already has a Tot DSL connection but no True cable coverage. However I have an Ais flyer that says they do fiber line connections in the area and my mrs has just called up their rep who said he can get it all installed next week.

    Does this mean it will be an entirely separate line for Ais and they wont be sharing the same line or anything like that?

    Sorry if this is a noob question!

  8. I have a pretty strong feeling that the sale of the property won't be specifically mentioned in the rental agreement. If the OP really wants it in writing, he can suggest this. However, it is up to the owner if he wants to do this since there's no legal requirement for the home sale scenario to be referenced specifically.

    I have heard of the scenario (not in Thailand) where an acrimonious landlord-tenant relationship led to the tenant being asked to vacate ASAP as the house "had been sold." Legal advice was sought but rather than persist in a bad deal, the tenant vacated. However, they did hold the landlord to the full, written, agreed and binding terms of notice to vacate as rental agreements there are grounded in legalese.

    I all reality, anyone wanting the house 'right now' is unlikely and I think the period of notice to vacate by either party is already included in the rental agreement, ie. typically 30-days notice from either party. Ideally, this must be given prior to the nearest monthly rental due date. Basically means >30 days notice. A tenant can give notice of moving or, be given notice to vacate if there's less than 30-days to the next rental due date. However, if the tenant insists, then security bonds and the like may be forfeited. If the Landlord insists, then hopefully there's recourse for the tenant via having the terms stated in the rental contract and a word with either a lawyer or the police.

    I don't think there is any legal way a tenant can stall a sale of the rental home just because they like the property.

    thanks, I had a feeling it might be a bit of a grey area, I certainly wouldnt want to force myself staying there if the landlord wants to sell but 30 days notice to leave would not be acceptable to me at all on the other hand.

  9. Is this a new rule? Just been turned away from CW with the Mrs after trying to do my first extension based on marriage. Everything was in order but as soon as they saw the non Thai name on my condo contract they said they couldnt give me it until I came back with the following:

    Copy of his passport

    Copy of his tabien ban

    Copy of the document saying the unite belongs to him

    I had double and triple checked everything here before going and was never aware of this. The immigration officer was talking about how many rules have changed to my Mrs but Im not sure if she meant the changes back in August last year or some more recent changes.

    What would happen if I wasnt able to get these documents? No marriage extension?

  10. Yes. There is a risk that this was appendicitis and that the easing of the pain is becsuse your appendix has now ruptured. The pain from appendix is not always on the right and atypical presentations are not uncommon.

    But of course you need to see a good doctor, chosen with some care. Where do you live?

    Besides appendix other possibilities are an inflamed and/or obstructed gall bladder (especially if the meal that preceded the pain contained much fat or oil) and peptic ulcer disease.

    What should be done is a physical exam, blood count (CBC) and ultrasound.

    May turn out to have been nothing but better to err on side of caution as the consequences of further delay if it is appendix will be serious.

    Ok will do that then, Im at upper sukumwit/bang na area, what hospital can I got to that isnt too far and/or ridiculously expensive?

  11. Woke up this morning and pain has practically gone, still there a bit but I hardly notice it. Should I still go to see the doc? Im not sure now, Ive had several very bad incidents with doctors here and my Mrs were they have misdiagnosed things and seemed more interested in selling pills and getting you to stay in the hospital a few nights...

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