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Posts posted by davejonesbkk

  1. Tried to open a joint bank account with my gf yesterday at a BKK bank branch and then Bank of Ayudhya and was told I needed a WP at both, I know all about the issues with bank accounts and being told you need a WP at some branches but not so at others so does anyone have any experience opening joint accounts and do they know any banks and branches in Bkk that will let us do this without a WP?

  2. this was my email I sent and reply from them:

    Im a British national living in Bangkok, I only have half a page in my current passport and need to get a new one soon.
    I would like to book an appointment to start the process. Below is my full name and 3 dates I can be available for an appointment, as I live in Bangkok I can be flexible though:
    Thursday 12th June - ANYTIME
    Friday 13th June - ANYTIME
    Monday 16th June - ANYTIME
    and same for any other day of the week, just let me know and I can come in but Id like to get the process moving soon as I need to apply for a new 1 year visa in the next 3 months and will need my new passport by then.
    My number: xxx
    We sorry to said the day you want was full.
    The firat availble date and time is on 25th June 2014 at 10.00 hrs. Would you mind if we book this appointment for you.
    More information on HMPO is available at :
    website: www.gov.uk
    Tel. + 44 (0) 300 222 0000.
  3. Im about to send an email to book the appointment today, so its most likely they will not even reply?

    I live in BKK, should I just turn up at Trendy with all the docs and photocopies etc then and see if I get served?

    I read in this thread a few months ago that some kind of proof of residence here was needed such as a Thai driving license, I do not have this, the only thing I can think of is a letter from the school I study at as proof...

    In the early days they were definitely letting people in who didn't have appointments, however recently they seem to have tightened up.

    When I was there to apply about three weeks ago, their front desk security were really strict about admission and wouldn't let me through until I gave them my name and time of appointment which they checked against a list.

    You will definitely require one piece of written evidence of name and address, a letter from the school you are studying may be ok.

    Here is the list of acceptable documents I got from HMPO:

    We have contacted our Liverpool Overseas Team on your behalf who has confirmed that you must submit at least one piece of evidence to confirm the address you currently use and it must be dated within the last year. You may choose from the following:

    Tax record e.g. letter from tax authority

    Educational record e.g. school report

    Employment record e.g. official letter from your employer

    A letter sent to you from a central, regional or local Government department

    National identity card or equivalent (or colour photocopy)

    Visa or resident permit (or colour photocopy)

    Where none of the above is available consideration may be given to bank statements, utility bills or their equivalents.

    Any documents that are not in English must be fully translated by a person who is registered to an official organisation or trade body for translators or employed by a recognised translation company. The translation must be attached to the original document and signed to confirm it is a true copy of the original.

    I can get a letter from the school no problem.

    So are they not even replying to emails requesting appointments?

  4. Im about to send an email to book the appointment today, so its most likely they will not even reply?

    I live in BKK, should I just turn up at Trendy with all the docs and photocopies etc then and see if I get served?

    I read in this thread a few months ago that some kind of proof of residence here was needed such as a Thai driving license, I do not have this, the only thing I can think of is a letter from the school I study at as proof...

  5. So in the last few months Ive actually found out that there are many different types of courses and subjects that can be done on an ED visa, ranging from Chinese and Russian languages at Walen to muay Thai and cooking courses (ok I know the latter isnt new) I was also in contact with another school recently that does computer courses and they are working on getting ED visas arranged for some 1 year courses but dont have MOE approval yet.

    So I was wondering if we could perhaps put together a list here of all the types of courses available and where for ED visas?

  6. Im not on either side of the fence here but lets not forget that it was only about 8 or so months ago (before there was pressure on the PTP) when the Gov and the Police started making statements of what was going to happen to people who were saying anti gov things on social media about the rotting rice piles and how they were going to talk to Line etc.

    So basically same same but different.

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  7. I was just about to start a thread here to ask the same thing. I have both True and 3BB and seen problems start within days of the coup, Ive not been running speed tests as they often flucuate so much and sites like Speedtest are a waste of time but Ive been getting lots of sites hanging and not resolving or sometimes just loading the basic html and text and noting more and often I have to hard refresh pages again and again, this is on both ips. Torrents have been fine as have pings on game servers though (yes the important stuff)

    Any engineers can throw light on what could be happening here?

  8. as a neutral who has been cheering on LFC all season I hate to say this but I dont think they are going to reproduce this years performances next year and they have really fluffled a very good chance at the title in the last few games

  9. Can anyone recommend any? Aside from what's in the shopping malls there seem to be very few and extensive Googling hasn't brought up much. There's a few round here I go to regularly with the mrs but they are just Thai known places and then there's Koh Lanta which is nice but we've been there plenty of times and if lime to find some new places to go to, preferably Thai food also but interested in others, thanks

  10. ugh just looked at the KO times, we couldnt be in a worse spot could we in terms of Thailand times. For the group stages it seems that the ones at 1pm local Brazil time should be ok as 11pm here but the rest are at ridiculous hrs between 2-6am :(

  11. can someone please tell me exactly what 'the united way' is regarding managers and them being given time etc etc? Its something Ive heard a lot in the last few weeks and months, the previous manager to Moyes had the job for over quarter of a century and apart from the first couple of years had huge success so how can anyone say that United have 'a way' where they give managers time regardless of results? What examples can they point to? Fergie's first few years at united was eons ago and irrelevant to modern day football...

    BBC Sport's chief football writer Phil McNulty
    Moyes sacked
    Posted at 10:34
    Lots of talk about "the Manchester United way" and stability as the counter argument to the sacking of manager David Moyes less than a year into a six-year contract.
    No club has a "way" in the modern Premier League era. There is no time to have one when the rewards for success are so great and the penalties for failure so harsh.
    If results are poor, if expectations are not met, the manager will lose his job.
    There was also talk of "The Liverpool Way" but the bottom line is always results. In a similar echo of a manager being unable to grasp the scale of his job, Roy Hodgson soon found his bags packed and outside the door at Anfield when he did not get results.
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