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Posts posted by davejonesbkk

  1. Yeah Ive been watching YouTube videos and also reading extensively about hows it all pvp now and the problem with hackers etc. I have also been reading the fanboy rage arguements between dayz and warz and which came first. The graphics on warz do look much better but I watched a couple of pvp videos the other day and it looked very call of duty with a couple of guys with heaps of weapons running around sniping people with extreme ease. I find the over all dreary look of Day z much better tbh. Im definitley open to trying all versions though.

    I'll be up for co-oping too , looking to try Arama2 also and BF3 for sure.

  2. Ok thanks. Ive been reading about it on a lot of websites and blogs and there seem to be quite a few people saying that it was awesome when it first came out but is now being ruined by people just sniping others for no reason and hackers, is this true?

  3. Thanks, are you referring to servers for Arma 2 or Day Z? I didn't think there would be Thai servers for either...

    Tried any of the Aus or NZ servers?

    I'm asking because I've had my eye on getting a gaming PC for a while now and mainly for these 2 games so wanna make sure I can play them before forking out the cash!

  4. I was watching this documentary recently:

    At aorund the 13.30 mark the presenter talks about how he is someone who is thin on the outside but fat inside ie lots of fat around his organs and in his blood, he found this out accidentally it seems and also it can easily lead to diabetes. This got me wondering, I dont think I ever had a full health check up and maybe I should get one? I would want to have the fat content of my body and blood etc measured and tested for numerous ailments and anything else I should be aware of.

    Where can I get this done and how much would it cost?

  5. Too early to say maybe but I think it's going to be a long hard season for Liverpool, ok only 1 game played but really could anyone see the slightest change from last season? They just don't have the quality in key positions all over the pitch, Skyrtle and Aggar not good enough at all for th level they want to be at, Downing is a joke, can't see Carrol improving at all and his confidence must be shot to sh@t right how, Suarez needs too many chances to finish....

  6. I had mine stolen a few days ago here in Phnom Penh, I was just at the central market here (like their version of MBK) looking at phones. There are several stores selling obvious fakes and they do tell you that they are fakes, (plus they are like $65 USD lol) but then their are shops that have the samsung logo and are selling 'originals' for around $400. They have all the box and packaging etc and look the same, I have inspected a few and im not sure if its me being paranoid but I think they could be every so slightly thicker, but of course without my original to test against who knows.

    Is there anyway to check for sure that its an original? I intend to do a full demonstration before buying.

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