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Posts posted by davejonesbkk

  1. There seem to be a lot of IT related foreigners in Thailand and at TVF.

    I find many of these people are not all there. It's as if they live in a magical world only they can see and where their delusions are their reality.

    And now you ask, ok, what's my point? Well, I see a post where someone has sold 50% of his company for 12.5 million quid and is still considering doing programing for a bed & breakfast/cooking school. Really? It's like me collecting organs from dead people or cleaning test tubes in the lab. Sure it would be fun to brush up on my slice and dice technique, not that I was very good and I was politely asked to stop mutilating corpses as no one could use the mangled bits I was allegedly harvesting, but my point is, I wouldn't want to go back and do grunt work. It's like asking an experienced sparky to go back and do apprenticeship jobs.

    So, umm, ok. I'm having a hard time on understanding the OP here.

    Im not sure how it works in other industries but what you will find in the tech industries is that they guys that 'make it' are the ones that love what they do, they usually started off doing it at a very young age and even once they have made their millions and they could easily quit and have the 'perfect life' they continue for the sole reason that they like what they do and the like a challenge. If you look at the biggest names in tech you will see examples of people who could have quit years and years ago with tens of millions, billions even to their name yet still they continue, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerburg are the obvious candidates. Look at Sergey Brin, he's one of the co-founders of Google and worth billions yet instead of lying on a beach somewhere drinking cocktails he's at TED pushing Google's latest venture 'Glass', why? Because its what he knows, what he loves and its what he does.

    I dont know the full details of the OP, this all may be an elaborate story, but I know that there are people out there that enjoy what they do (or did) and even once the millions roll in you may still want to have a quick dabble in your old trade, especially if you know that when you are doing it for fun and the bills dont matter you can take your time over it and enjoy it a little more.

    I do feel that the OP tainted his thread a little by mentioning money and that has brought out the usual TV sneerers and scorners, tbh this is a thread best suited for the tech forum where readers might get his joke/vent

    edit: due to typos as 4 large Paulaner beers drunk laew

    • Like 1
  2. Thanks for all the info guys, I basically didnt do anything further and just got on with my work on the computer as wanted to read into the situation further. It is the first time its happened and I do think it is related to the button sticking when I first turned it on, I was half asleep when I did that this morning so dont remember clearly.

    I would really rather avoid flashing my bios right now although I will look at that option if this happens again.

    I just did a restart and it was fine so should I assume this was a one off?

  3. I read elsewhere just now that flashing the bios was not advisable and I see this on that page:

    Because BIOS flashing is potentially risky, if you do not encounter problems using the current version of BIOS, it is recommended that you not flash the BIOS. To flash the BIOS, do it with caution. Inadequate BIOS flashing may result in system malfunction.

    I have never done this before btw....

  4. I have a desktop thats barely 8 months old, use it everyday, its on from 9am to midnight but never had any problems.

    Shut it down last night, just pressed the power button to turn it on, it started booting up then shut off, I pressed it again (it did appear that the power button was sticking) and the same thing happened, probably another 2 times. Eventually it started booting up but then showed a blue screen and said something like 'main BIOS is corrupt, restoring from backup BIOS please dont shut down the computer' there was a progress bar that took approx. 1 min and then booted up to Windows 7 as normal and now Im here using it and Googling to try and find out why this happened :/

    This is an 8 month old computer and it was not cheap sad.png

    What should I do next?

    My motherboard is Gigabyte Z77P-D3, UEFI Dual-BIOS

    Even though my PC is on all day, I at least have the fan on, and more than 50% of time the air con and also I have a pretty large and spacious tower with lots of vents and large fans....

  5. In 1997 there were shop houses being built everywhere for what reason I do not know there definitely was not a demand for them. Now in 2013 there are short time hotels being built everywhere again I see no demand for them. Also there are many many big box stores being built such as global house you walk into them and there are always more employees than customers how can these stores survive? All these stores and short time hotels are being built with borrowed money. To add to this the government is borrowing 2 trillion baht. I think the Thai economy is going to crash and the baht with it.

    Funny thats what I thought. But when I enquired in thai about why all the employees. It turns out that very few of the people standing around are actual employees. This goes for Glabal, home pro, and most other department stores. (the only employees may be the cashiers and people behind the desks)

    What they are is representatives from their respective companies, for example phillips, toshiba, etc. Those companies pay for salespersons to push their products. In other words when you ask a person for a recommendation or advice about a product. They will only show you their product. So you have a situation where you have competing sales persons and you can't trust anyone for advice. Look closely they will usually have a logo somewhere on their uniform even though it may say home pro, they will only push their own company's. Very deceiving.

    Actually I should start a thread about it.

    Damn I never knew that, always wondered why they would seem very keen to push certain products or why if I asked about one sometimes they would have to scurry away to get another person to talk to me about it.

    I dont shop in department stores much but from now on Im never going to ask about a product and probably just Google it on my phone.

    You should definitely start a thread about this.

  6. The guy who started the fight wasn't thinking. The guy who got hit was just letting a hoe be a hoe. If the guy who bought all the food, just saved his money and brought her back for business, none of this would have happened. But nooooo, he wants to go treating hoes like they were respectable women. Do that, and they will quickly remind you what they are.

    The only one I feel sorry for is the guy who got hit.

    Spot on.

    Often, the restaurant dinner, the club "VIP" table, the big bottle of whisky or vodka and, of course, the attractive girl are just props to show other men that he's "living large".

    Often, this kind of man has spent much of his adult life looking enviously on as his peers back home with, perhaps more money, better looks or personality, socialise with and date attractive women that he, for whatever reason, can't seem to get next to but here in Thailand - for a couple of weeks at least - he can be that guy.

    Still, there isn't anything particularly wrong with that in principle. If he wants to live that fantasy, it's up to him but it's always advisable to remember that wherever you go, there'll always be another guy who the bargirl will regard as a "better bet".

    As Zatoichi suggests, it's better to get in and get out as quickly as possible


  7. This is interesting, Ive always been curious about what the rents were in the malls. 1600 baht for a small area in MBK is much, much cheaper than I would have ever guessed. Givenall can you share what kind of shop you have there and what other costs are involved.

    As for FalangBaas comments, I wouldnt jump on him so fast, what he said about non Thais getting quoted higher prices is very true, Im always very cautious when something doesnt have a stated price.

    • Like 1
  8. You dont need to pay for a server to do your own temp mp/co-op games. You just run one from the mp area and make sure its set on internet and not LAN and then anyone can join.

    I did some co-op games last Sunday and had quite a lot of people joining within 5 mins of starting it. Unfortunately a lot of them were complete noobs who Im guessing got into Arma on the back of Dayz and it was a bit of a cluster <deleted> whistling.gif

    Some of the co-op missions can be pretty tough and if you are doing it with a team you really need everyone on voice and knowing their role plus a good leader.

    Im gonna open a game now actually and will be on it this weekend.

    Lots of custom co-op missions being uploaded to Aramholic.com now btw

  9. I had a new one built at Banana IT in Paradise Park last October, chose all the parts I wanted and they built it for free.

    i7 (only 2-3k more than i5)

    8GB RAM (that is plenty and easy/cheap to add more later)

    GTX 660 Ti 2GB (this was pricey, about 11k)

    Not sure what my motherboard is, basically the above 3 things are the most important. I also got a kick ass jet black case with lots of fans and vents so it stays cool. Whole rig cost about 35k and then got a 23 inch 1080p HD monitor for 6k.

    My rig plays the following games without breaking a sweat and they usually auto adjust to the high settings:

    Battlefield 3 (still the benchmark game for graphics in my opinion)

    Batman Arkham City

    Far Cry 3


    Arma 3

    I checked the specs for Crysis 3 the other week and I will be able to play that on high settings too :)

  10. Just bought it myself, its <deleted> great and a steal at $32. I think best way to summarise it would be as CHKilroy (famous Arma player with shacktactical) said on FB 'It's like Arma 2 but with good controls'. The graphics are also fantastic, sorry dont ask me about how it runs on low specs as I have a pretty high end PC and it runs on the highest settings automatically without any problems cool.png

    Only gripe is that unless you want to build missions (Ive never had the patience) there isnt much to do for lone players, the 4 showcase missions are good esp. the scuba one but all can be done in a couple of hours. Im going to try some of the user created ones here later today though:


    Multiplayer is hard to review because as usual there are next to no SE Asia servers. There is a Thai one thats popped up a few times in the last few days and I managed to get into a TDM players vs bots game and with the control improvements it was MUCH better to play. Ive found a few 'wasteland' ones that were ok, ping pretty high though. I did try doing some co-op missions with computer controlled squad members, tbh I didnt see much improvement with the AI from Aram 2 but it was late when I played it and didnt give it a proper shot.

    Finally there is a SE Asian games community here:


    They had Arma 2 sessions twice a week, I only played with them once and it didnt really work out well as I had some mods missing and after that I got absorbed in other games but they seemed like good guys and keen for more people to join. Im sure they will be doing Arama 3 sessions soon if not already.

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