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Posts posted by davejonesbkk

  1. Everytime I try to cook pork chops in the frying pan I seem to screw it up. It doesnt seem to matter if I have the pan on a medium heat and try to do them slowly or a heat heat and do them fast but the outside seems to cook very, very fast while the inside is still pink, I did one for like 15 mins or so last time and it was burnt on the outside but still pink in the middle. I know technically they are safe to eat once 160 F all the way through or something but there's no way Im eating it unless its fully cooked....

  2. well it seems after some googling I have found the following:

    Changing language on origin has never worked and EA dont care, theres a thread on the Origin forum going back over 2 years with people complaining every few weeks

    Not all Origin games can be bought with Paypal, BF3 being one of those

    Wow what a complete crock of sh_t, this is like the complete opposite of Steam!

    I guess that means I have to buy a physical copy, can anyone recommend a good place?

  3. I finally got round to setting up origin and now Im looking to buy a digital copy of BF3, annoyingly though after googling it Im always taken to the Thai Origin site which is of course in Thai plus when I runOrigin launcher its in Thai even though iin the settings I have it as English.

    I can usually navigate my way around a Thai site which I did but when I got to the payment screen I couldnt see any option for paying with Paypal even though Im sure Ive seen and heard of Paypal being an option on origin and I use Paypal all the time on Steam.

    Anyway around this? Is there a way I can buy say a US or Aus version online and it will work ok? Also, if I buy a 'Thai' version of the game will all the ingame options etc be in Thai?

  4. Thanks guys, got the disc drive open via the hole, same thing as above when win 7 disc in. All I get every time is Acer screen with F2 setup and F12 boot options but neither work when I press them. Tried with WIN7 disc in, with USB ubuntu drive in again and without, always the same.

    Are there no factory resets on these things?

  5. So I wanted to format my old laptop which used to have Ubuntu 10 on it and Windows 7 (32 bit I think).

    I downloaded the latest version of ubuntu and set it up to boot from a USB drive. I then booted from the USB drive, as I wanted to remove everything from my laptop I choose for the old Ubuntu 10 and Windows 7 to be removed and a fresh install of Ubuntu 12 to be setup, everything ran perfectly during the setup, I created my username and pw etc etc, then at the end it said I needed to restart which I did. After it restarted it froze on a startup screen showing Acer and F2 <setup> and F12<boot options>, I waited and waited, nothing happened, tried both the options, again nothing.

    I then manually switched it off and tried again, same thing, tried another time with the USB stick removed, still nothing. By now I realised that something had gone wrong, I couldnt get off this screen and the laptop wasnt booting from the USB drive or anything so I grabbed my old Win7 disc to attempt to boot from that and install it, DVD drive wont open, nothing happens when I press the button. OK now Im in trouble....

    Im out of options here, can anyone help? Would be much appreciated as I need to go away soon and must have access to a laptop

    My Laptop:

    Acer Aspire

    Intel i3

    2GB RAM

    Prior to this it had the following OS:

    Ubuntu 10

    Win 7 - 32 bit

  6. ah ok, on Dayz im 'David'. Im not sure how to 'add' you in this game though. Been playing it solidly for 24 hrs now and loving it, already got NVGs and a good job cos I just had to slog it from Elektro to Cherno in the pitch black and pouring rain to search in the hospital for antibiotics cos had an infection all day, need someone to give me a blood transfusion now as Im quite low, have 2 packs tho.

    Ive been on a variety of Thai, SG and JP servers, been pvp killed loads on the latter two but on the Thai ones everyone seems way more friendly, however I have noticed that most of them are on veteran so making it a bit too tough for my liking tbh. I went on the no cd key one (GGDayZ) earlier and I had lost all my gear but it was back when I went on another. There is one called ThaiDayz I want to get on as its on regular hardness but it always boots me and says im not whitelisted :/

    I will probably be on again tomorrow evening.

  7. I got a new PC 3 days ago, downloaded Origin so I can get BF3 and made an account, but when I launch it and try to create a profile it says it cant connect to the servers and please try later, even though my connection is fine. It also says 'username taken' no matter what i try even with obscure numbers and letters used.

    Been like this for 3 days now.....

  8. OK got myself an ace PC (i7, 8GB ram and Gegorce GTX 660 Ti 2GB) and played Dayz quite a bit already with a friend.

    How can we connect? Via steam accounts?

    My steam and skype ID: davejonesbkk

    Btw, do you know any asian servers that have perpetual daytime? Playing at night is too dam_n hard :/

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