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Posts posted by davejonesbkk

  1. I emailed Walen and they said you can only do a maximum number of 3 years studying Thai on an Ed visa but I can change to studying another language/course such as Chinese or Russian, I find this to be quite bizarre, how do the ministry of education conduct the 1 year interview tests when you want to extend?

    Anyway, this got me thinking what courses are available and where for Ed visas? Is it only languages you can study? I know there are ones for Muay Thai at some places.

  2. Yes I read that, most of those things in the list I dont have and/or cant get, only thing I can think of is some document from the school I go to. Someone I know just went through this when his passport and time left on his visa was very soon running out and they emailed him to say it had been rejected due to not having the right documents even though he sent a letter from his place of work and they only approved it after he spoke to them on the phone and basically said he his status in Thailand would be expired and he would be illegally overstaying soon due to them not issuing a new passport and they then approved it :/

    This makes me a little worried!

  3. I've been studying on a Thai course at a language school for a few years now, my current course and ED visa expires later this year, the school say I cant extend for another year but I see Walen have 1-10 years on their website so I guess its different for different schools? Can I change?

    Does anyone know exactly which schools offer what years and how long in total one can be on ED visas for?

  4. I only have one page left on my passport, its enough for the 90 day report stamp I need to do in April this year but I want to get the new one now and get this out of the way. There's still 4 years left on it so no worries about expiry dates.

    I have been told it is now done via post and that they are quite strict about proof of residence documents, I do not have a Thai driving license nor do I work here and apparently Ive heard that others had utility bills rejected. What can I do?

    Im currently studying on an ED visa so would docs from my place of study do?

  5. Continuing on from this thread:


    Im going to change back to 3BB, I was with them a couple of years ago and they were fine, now True is a joke here for last few months and Ive had enough, friends in same building as me say 3BB is fine though.

    So how about these fibre optic packages?


    I assume only in certain areas, are they any good or is it just more smoke & mirrors and BS from the ISPs?

  6. I had the 700 baht 15mb (I know only in Thailand speeds) for just over 2 yrs (was on 3BB before) it was ok until a couple of months ago and then it went off for a day due to something or other and then when it came back on the speeds were never quite the same, I didnt really complain until the last few weeks when it started disconnecting regularly.

    I ended up upgrading to the 20mb package for 1,200 baht a month as someone I knew before in the same building had it and said it was much faster than what he saw on my PC, of course they cam round 2 days later and installed a brand new modem+router and at first it seemed noticeably better, even some pings to UK/US slightly faster..... then that same evening (Sunday) it went to a crawl, rebooting the modem/router seemed to do the trick but now this morning I see that I dont even have full bars for the wifi signal (its 2m away from me <deleted>??) and some sites are very slow, just been pinging some overseas sites, US and UK ones getting normal pings of around 200-250 but just tried pinging Sanook.com and Truecorp.co.th and requests timed out, any suggestions on whats going on here?

    I really cant be bothered to call them up again, think I might just change back to 3BB...

  7. Ian added you.

    shoot2kill4fun1 - cant find that?

    Yeah loads of SG servers and pings around 50 even. Never seem to have as much player activity as what I see is going on in US ones and even on 40/40 player ones I never see anyone, I am getting a bit bored of the looting etc now and want to start messing with some noobs lol

  8. You should check it out, there's still lots of work to done such as more zombies needed and they still glitch through stuff but overall a massive improvement on the mod and you can go into pretty much 90% of the buildings which is a huge game changer and many sections of the map changed plus about 20% bigger overall. I've played other mods such as Dayz Origins and yes they're fun but after playing the SA with all it's improvements I couldn't go back to the mods.

    Tbh though I'm most interested in getting some people together for Arma 3 co-op games, there used to be a bunch of guys in SG who ran Arma 2 games on a private server from OMgeek.net but they haven't done any for a long time now. What's your steam username?

  9. I was a big fan of the Dayz mod and been playing the standalone since it came out on steam last week. It's still pretty rough in places and lots of things missing (hardly any zombies right now) but still a big improvement on the mod. Anyone else here playing it?

    I also play Arma 3 from time to time and I've been toying with the idea of getting a private server and would love to find some other serious players to do some real coop as playing it alone can be frustrating.

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