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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. 1 hour ago, PrikPot said:



    Not sure where you got that information from. Ask any grower and they will agree that the longer you cure it the better. The recommended minimum is usually 3-4 weeks, and many growers cut corners in order to get their products out the door faster. 


    In the case of our Vintage Thai, we are convinced the extended curing is one of the keys to its quality. 


    Sorry, I beg to differ, speaking as someone who has the experience to make the comment I did...


    Your low estimate is more than sufficient.


    To clarify, I'm talking about the time elapsed after the dried buds have been clipped from the stems.


    Curious why you didn't react to my comment about a golden colour, because some Thai strains do become quite a beautiful gold. Takes a while.

    • Confused 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, userabcd said:

    ???? could try this


    You sign into Youtube with a Google account because it's a google product, not Microsoft. You may have used a Microsoft Account address to sign in to Google, but that is only because (like Microsoft) Google lets you use any email address you want to create a Google account. It is still a Google Account.

    To change to another Google account, go into Youtube.com, at top right corner click on your account icon, then Manage Google Account, then in the Google Account click the same icon and this time Sign out.

    Now click Use another account and sign in with the MS email address you want to use instead. It should still be available as it only goes away if you close it.

    Thank you.. I'll give it a try.


    I don't know what's going on in the background, but I just clicked in the link in the thread. I clicked on several of them but only the clip mentioned turned up on my Windows sign-in screen..

  3. 33 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Nothing to do with payment, Thai people vote for their tribal leaders.

    The Thaksin family is the head of the Laos speaking people in Thailand (40% of the Thai population).

    If the Thaksin family holds that position, it's not because of ethnicity.. They are Chinese/Thai.


    I'm going to expound a little on that theme in the new thread outlining Pheu Thai party's opportunistic new/old proposal to return to the status ante regarding drugs in Thailand.

  4. On 10/8/2022 at 10:50 AM, ezzra said:

    There's no questions here to be asked, and no solution either, it's simply impossible to predict or to protect against every would me mad man who's in a an uncontrolled, drug induced psychotic rage picks up gun and goes on to kill children...

    Below is your response edited to reflect facts of the case...


    "There's no questions here to be asked, and no solution either, it's simply impossible to predict or to protect against every would me mad man who's in a an uncontrolled,  psychotic rage picks up gun and goes on to kill children.."


    Police autopsy found no drugs in his system. Of course the case is drug-related, but at the time of the massacre he was stone cold sober.

  5. 1 hour ago, MrMojoRisin said:

    I stated dishonest posts that ignore the truth are worthless - they are.



    I see calling your arguments dishonest stung you..you used the same word in your subsequent two posts.. including your most recent response to me..


    Also a little slow on the uptake since you just repeated the assertion that got your post removed in the first place..


    My suggestion to you is to quit while you are behind..    ????


  6. 3 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

    For sure innocent people were murdered during the drug war.

    Nowhere near 2000 (let alone 2500 or 3000), but still, even one innocent is too many.

    Thaksin was PM at the time and bears much responsibility for these crimes.

    Ditto Tak Bai.


    Who else should be in the dock alongside Thaksin?

    This is the heart of the issue.


    There is barely a metric where the unelected coup regimes are not considerably worse than the elected governments of Thailand yet the expat closet fascists never hold the usurpers to the same standard (how else could they publicly justify their abhorrent beliefs?).


    Who called for the drug war to commence?

    Who continued to praise the drug war as the death toll mounted?


    Is there any doubt that high ranking Thai military personnel profit the most from drugs (and prostitution)?


    Has getting rid of Thaksin (and democracy) made Thailand a better or worse place for the average Thai -  is there more or less poverty and unnecessary death in the country now than there would be had democracy been preserved and nurtured?


    Thaksin is not the problem, he never was, he represented the country moving towards a fully fledged free and open democratic society - this could not be tolerated by those who had been greedily robbing the people and land for centuries. 


    Only fools believe Thaksin is/was the problem, whether it be the drug war, government corruption, censorship, widespread extreme inequality and an injudicious judiciary.








    Ah,,So now you are willing to admit that innocents died in a flurry of extra-judicial killings.. We are just quibbling over the body count...


    And you conveniently gloss over the fact that many have recognized and applauded his revolutionary 30 baht medical program, thereby giving you license to call everyone who has a different opinion "expat closet fascists"


    Over the top much? I detect a whiff of hysteria..


    And by the way, were you living in Thailand at the time of these events?

    I was.

    • Like 2
  7. 9 hours ago, rice555 said:

     You need the DEA to take. pot off the naughty list. 

    Wasn't biden the leader in the crack law?  Also wasn't he was involved

    with Cliton's crime bill?


    Spelling is a little shaky, given you must have seen both surnames often, but your point is correct.. He was basically the man who pushed through the crime bill that subsequently saw America's prison population explode.


    It would be only fitting if he attempted to repair the damage his hard-line approach inflicted on America.

    • Like 1
  8. 44 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    That surprises me actually.

    Is it the way of this particular drug that ones mental state is impacted even when it has not recently been  taken. Like a heroin addict will thieve and lie to get some more?

    Is it the way of any drug that it continues to have an effect even when it's not being taken?


    Read that sentence again, slowly, and you will have your answer..


    For pedants, I suppose poison might qualify if it's a slow-acting poison.

    • Like 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

    Serious question do you live here? I was in a government hospital tuther week for 5 days. I was in a ward where a man was on a ventilator and he was basically dead. My wife told me the doctor wanted his wife to take him home but she refused as she didn't want him to die at home. The doctor had no choice but to keep him in.

    Serious answer... 20+ years.


    The rest of your post does not refute my reply.  The hospital wanted rid of him.

    A man basically dead but still occupying a bed and a ventilator is using valuable resources that could be better allocated.


    So where were you living until 2019?

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