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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. A&W have never been known for burgers.

    I agree with that. Always thought of them as the ROOT BEER place. Period.

    No! :)

    They never really advertised to compete with Wendy's etc., but predated most competitors by decades.

    They make good burgers.

  2. Injury avoidance is a key part of the workout if you want to do it a long time and improve, not injure, your body. Not all have perfect form. Fewer yet as the weight gets heavy. Machines can replicate full range of motion with less chance of injury. So the classic compound exercises are not the only way to go.

    I dont agree with you and many of the top trainers also dont agree with you. Machines are nice for gym owners so they dont have to hire trainers to supervise the ppl in the gym. Im not saying that machines are not usefull but they can never replace compounds. You don't stabilize yourself when you use a machine so you dont get as much out it then what you get out of a compound.

    Well, it's OK for you to disagree but I'm not sure about the top trainers. :)

    I would bet that you will find HammerStrength machines or similar in the training room of most. professional sports teams. I see them in the background during interviews on tv all the time.

    They can supplement or replace compounds. Up to you. :D Local joke. Actually, for the reason I mentioned, heavier weight with less risk of injury, it is a valid reason to go this route. Not all (many?) of us are 21. So compounds may be better but not necessary.

  3. The OP has faded into the background. Which is just as well. He was a dreamer not a doer. The clue was in the " I'm an average guy with average build but willing to do extreme workouts". If he was willing to go extreme, he would not be average!

    As for the rest of you guys, can't we all just get along? :) Most of you are working out but one or two of you (strangely) seem to think you know all the answers. Nobody knows all the answers. There are many good ways to get fitter, and most of them have been covered.

    Well, can you explain what "Fit" Means to you? Because its such a broad term. Lose fat? Gain Muscle? Run farther? Get stronger? Because unfortunately, without pushing yourself further than you would normally, or going harder than you did previously did last time, and doing this consistently, you will never really see any change. Doing the same light weight everyday, or swimming the same distance everyday, or running the same time everyday, and never trying to push yourself to get better time, weight, distance, then nothing will ever change.

    Fact is, with gaining muscle, there is only one way.

    Guaranteed, someone that comes to the gym, and wants to get "fit", who does the same light weight every other day, without effort or struggling, will never change his body, nor, will be become "fit". Why? Because hes doing the same thing he could do already.

    And yes, one or two of us in here very much DO know alot about training.

    Yes, I'll grant that you obviously know a lot about training. But you are not the only one (or two). Unless you are a certified trainer ( the real kind) or sport M.D., you are just a gifted amateur.

    I don't know anyone who goes to the gym to do the same "light" weights everyday, unless we are talking about fat girls. Everyone knows you need progressive resistance ( with possible exception of the OP). The question then becomes how to use this concept to become fitter, which covers everything you mentioned with the running part being questionable unless you like to run.

    Injury avoidance is a key part of the workout if you want to do it a long time and improve, not injure, your body. Not all have perfect form. Fewer yet as the weight gets heavy. Machines can replicate full range of motion with less chance of injury. So the classic compound exercises are not the only way to go.

  4. Cheeseburger in Paradise! That American creation which I crave. - Jimmy Buffet :)

    My favorite comfort food. Jing is right. A decent burger at a decent price is long overdue. Could be done from a shophouse. All the best burger joints are like that. Not fancy restaurant burger prices either. Money bank etc.

  5. They have been having a soft opening for a month or so.

    I was keen to try their burgers to compare to home. No Papa or Mama burgers. Just the usual single or double. Sorry to say, the double cheeseburger was not great. To my horror, it was not as good as a Micky Dee double-cheese! :)

    Love their Root Beer. i buy it at Tesco. 6 cans for 66 Baht.

  6. The OP has faded into the background. Which is just as well. He was a dreamer not a doer. The clue was in the " I'm an average guy with average build but willing to do extreme workouts". If he was willing to go extreme, he would not be average!

    As for the rest of you guys, can't we all just get along? :) Most of you are working out but one or two of you (strangely) seem to think you know all the answers. Nobody knows all the answers. There are many good ways to get fitter, and most of them have been covered.

  7. I had Leowood laminate installed in my condo. It looks great and makes a nice visual change from all the tile you see everywhere. I used the 8mm.

    However, I live in a sea-fronting condo and my windows (sliding doors actually) are not 100% water-tight apparently. After the first rainy season I noticed that right in front of these sliding doors the laminate started to swell very slightly. Under the right light conditions this swelling was very obvious. I had these doors removed, re-siliconed and replaced. Then I replaced the damaged boards.

    One year went by and now we are in the rainy season again. Damaged boards again.

    My new plan is to install a tile "landing" in front of these doors.

    The laminate boards are manufactured from pressed wood and any sustained water contact will ruin them.

  8. hey so... what stops english radio from playing Carabao and Loso and Asanee-Wasan and the sorts?

    Jeez. You don't think the 50 or so Thai FM stations playing Thai music is enough? :)

    BTW, I like Thai music. I just need to get back to my roots from time to time.

    To Howard... nope, using an analogue dial, i cannot get 105FM. On my car radio (digital), as you mentioned, no problem.

  9. Interesting input from Howard.

    Two points. First, although I'm aware of 105FM, it was not standing out while spinning the dial. Literally. I could not distinguish it from usual Thai stations. I will try again. Secondly, it seems you liked their music as well. The adventurous part was the part I liked. I was telling people about 88.5FM and saying their play-list was as good as I had heard anywhere.

    Unfortunately, "retro" stations don't do it for me. And stations that have heavy rotation from previous decades, unless we are talking about the true quality as Mobi notes, are not getting me as a listener.

    Also, due to Howard's use of the past tense with regard to 88.5, is their demise "official"?

    Finally, someone is using that frequency (or close to it-analogue dial) right now and for the last few hours. All BBC News though so far. No music yet.

  10. 88.5 Fm has been off the air for over a week now. Which is a shame as they had a good play-list. Twirling the dial looking for alternatives has been disappointing. A few months ago, there seemed to be about 5 English language stations, but now all I find is 96 FM (Yesterday). Argh! It's bad! I mean really bad. You have to be over 70 y/o to enjoy that station! :)

    Have I missed the other stations?

  11. Ah...well, I suppose the question is perceived by whom in Thailand.

    I agree that Thais would have difficulty judging national origin by accent only. I, however, do not have that difficulty. Here in Pattaya, it is all too easy to tell that the majority of the "low quality" tourists/residents are Brits. Over-represented and over here.

    So because the large majority of British people are hard working and cosmopolitan and would like to retire early to a life abroad. we are ""low quality"residents" that are "Over-represented and over here."

    I imagine you are American, with this grandiose view of every thing that you behold. But imagine that the vast majority of yanks do not even have a passport. And your Armed forces believe its a good idea to have convicted criminals in the Marines. Tells us a lot about the Land of the Good.


    That doesn't give you much to work with, does it? :)

  12. Ah...well, I suppose the question is perceived by whom in Thailand.

    I agree that Thais would have difficulty judging national origin by accent only. I, however, do not have that difficulty. Here in Pattaya, it is all too easy to tell that the majority of the "low quality" tourists/residents are Brits. Over-represented and over here.

  13. Cognos

    Like your friend livinginexile, whom you defended against one of my riposte to a thread very similar to this one, you seem to have a bee in your bonnet this week! :)

    Stirring the pot is one phrase that leaps to mind. Why take the time and trouble to summarize another thread and start another topic the regurgitates same?

    You are happily ensconsed in Lotus Land with plenty of access to herb. :D You have obtained your 3rd world bride, after exploring the nightlife in Pattaya. :D Now, like many reformed sinners, you return to the scene of your former depraved actions to enlighten the poor lost souls still living here. We should repent at the earliest opportunity!

    Spare us more of your navel-gazing please! At least for a week or two.

    Tourists come and tourists go. Make of that as you will. Mai pben rai.

  14. Livinginexile, its a veritable contradiction, and only God could explain the Thai psyche, or anyone elses for that matter. Canada is hardly better... eg's..the government cancelled the fiancee visa 5 years ago ( you f'n lucky brits,aussies,yanks etc. who still have it..).. my wife could have got here 2 years earlier if they still had it...Canada is one of the the most strict countries to let immigrants in, yet paradoxically Canada is the ONLY westernized country with ZERO data on human trafficking ( a new law here..if you got your wife pregnant in Thailand or anywhere and she had the baby prior to getting the visa to come to Canada..the new rule states the baby would NOT be Canadian..lovely eh mate??)..yet there are massage parlours all over the place in Vancouver and elsewhere with thousands of illegal thai/filipina/chinese etc. immigrants working as VIRTUAL SEX SLAVES working on premises as we speak (i did some homework)..why do the Canadian authorities turn a BLIND EYE HERE?? ..because some of them use the services...same same Thailand... my bpen rai..my cow chai.. :D ..btw keep it up bro..

    Rant. :)

  15. Wasn't this fellow's last topic about the hypocrisy of the girls working at Nana? Apparently, obviously for research purposes only, he wanted to know why they would pray before going to work in such a hel_l-hole.

    Completely glossing over the fact that he was in the same place! :)

    I see a trend here and it isn't pretty.

    Find a new hobby.

  16. Hi,

    I recently realised that my Sophon TV sub has no CNN. Have Sophon got rid of it? I have a condo in Jomtien Viewtalay 5D. The Sophon sub I bought a few months ago when it first started in my block had CNN but I can't seem to find it any more. Anyone know more?

    Gone. Traded for Al-Jazeera.

  17. Anyone who has to write 600 books is a sham, an obsessed liar, a nutter... !!!

    Oh Nampeung!! :D

    Strong words. Thought you were trying to come to terms with your situation by leaving emotions like this behind.

    Your other thread re your illness is very good and made me think about things I like to push to the back of my mind.

    BTW, I met Rajneesh and attended a couple of his talks in the early '70's. This was before he went super-nova and global. The talks were at his apartment in Bombay (Mumbai) and he spoke standing in front of the largest private library that I have ever seen.

    He was certainly charismatic and radiated great presence. However, I never became a follower and watched his rise with great interest. The Rolls-Royce thing was over the top though. :)

  18. Wealth in general trumps the skin color issue, especially for men. Because being dark is only a general indicator of your working class (or not) status. If you are dark like a bar of chocolate but show up at the land department with a 50 page stack of chanotes, it's of course a much clearer indicator and you'll likely not receive an oz. of discrimination.


    ^^ :D

    We humans can be practical to be sure.

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