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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. I think there was an inversion weather event last night.

    All the little and not so little fires lit by the Thais to burn garbage resulted in the smoke staying close to the ground.

    Combined with the mist we still have this morning, it really reduced visibility when looking out from my balcony.

  2. ^^^

    This is true. I've been watching EPL on Sophon every Fri ( 'til Sat a.m.) and Sat (same) for several weeks now. Since the start of the season actually. I think there was one weekend they did not not broadcast EPL.

    Some nights you have a choice of games as they broadcast different games on different channels.

    The channels are in the mid to high thirties.

  3. Or a max weight limit for passenger + bags together? then charge for any excess weight abov

    This is the only fair answer

    I weigh 70kg. Why should I have the same baggage allowance as someone who weighs 90+ kg?

    If I fall under the set figure ( passenger plus baggage ), I should get more baggage allowance. Simple logic. And yes, you should be containable in the seat you pay for. No "spillage" into the seat I paid for.

  4. [quote name='bkkjames' date='2009-12-01 15:56:36' post='3176382'

    On that note, when was the last time you heard about Lewis Hamilton's mother / roots? Is he considered Thai? I doubt it. Willing to guess that 99.9% of the local population here wouldn't know of his Thai roots. At least he gets paid not to crash his car.

    Are you in possession of secret information? :)

    This was news to me, so looked him up in Wiki.....

    His Mom is white and his Dad is of Grenadian origin.

  5. The most common 2nd language is English for now. The next generation might learn Chinese instead. Good luck learning to read that.

    It seems logical to say that Chinese will become the next lingua franca, but it will never happen.

    That is because the Chinese ideograms are a major stumbling block. Unless you live in the culture that uses them, it is a major undertaking to learn the thousands of characters needed to become literate.

    I studied Japanese for several years and while reasonably proficient in the spoken language, I had only managed to memorize about 500 of the Japanese ideograms (Kanji). In order to read a newspaper, you must know approximately 4000+ Kanji!

  6. I'm both amused AND disgusted at how many posters who either don't have kids or who aren't the full time care giver of their kids claim that "women"are living the high life on the child support payments they receive.

    More likely just barely making ends meet & no social life. There may be some who got a good deal but most don't & those left with the kids sacrifice much more than those who leave.

    I'd love to hear opinions after YOU are the ones sat at home night after night & dealing with each & every issue/problem that comes up in your kids lives while your ex wives travel to Thailand to go bar hopping or hook up with an new guy, possibly having more kids & then shirking their financial responsibility to the first kids. Gawd, the hypocrisy.

    Oh & please remember, we only have the op's side of the story. I can be quite sure that his ex would have a totally different one. Somewhere in the middle might lie the truth. :)


    Are you aware that 75% of divorces in the West are initiated by the woman?

    The days of marrying the nubile secretary after ditching the wife are long gone.

  7. Simple answer is there is nothing comparable to Viagra for women.

    The reason is also obvious to anyone who thinks about it longer than it takes to post the question.

    Viagra is not a sex enhancer, it is a sex enabler. No stiffy, no sexual intercourse. Women do not have the same problem.

    As for an aphrodisiac for women, rest assured the Pharma companies are investigating.

    In the interim, many of the above suggestions will work just fine. :)

  8. My long awaited review (ha ha)

    Bun good

    Burger, nice sized, great taste of the grill, no gristle, still tasted like Thai beef but the grill taste compensates

    Cheese, good portion of pepper jack, very good

    Cost 95 baht

    Minor nits -- cheap Thai ketchup was being dispensed out of expensive imported Ketchup containers. I feel that is wrong to misrepresent that way.

    Special sauce -- it didn't wow me, I could hardly taste it. I also wonder if it contains mayo. That would be bad to eat mayo sitting out all the time in the tropical sun. I am pretty sure there was also a pure mayo container offered, again sitting out in the tropical sun, that could make you very sick.

    Overall -- best burger I have had in Thailand which is made more incredible by the low price. I would pay 95 baht for it in the US but of course I have had much better burgers there (its the beef) but much more money. I see why people compare it to the old "Clown Alley" place in San Francisco, similar style.

    Suggestion -- keep the mayo in the fridge and don't misrepresent the ketchup

    Jt likes it! :)

  9. Andrew, did this topic inspire your sub on stick?

    To hear your tale, it must be a depressing book.

    I just can't be bothered to read (bar)girl-done-me-wrong stories anymore.

    The reason you might want to read it is because it is the first bar-girl-done-me-wrong novel. By many years(mid '50's).

    Also, Andrew's opinion is only one man's.

  10. Geesus mother McRee, Aussiechick's turning into one of them! Cheese burger with bacon sounds as appetizing as an Aussie burger with mustard 'n' mayo! :)

    A burger needs a good squirt of Rosella. Do I need to bring my own over?


    And not that low salt low fat sh1t either!

    Yes, you had better bring your own, as I have never seen that product before. Then again, I've never been to Australia.

    What about the beetroot? :D

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