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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. does she? The only agenda here is to prevent idiots using the ladies forum as their own personal firing range. Sorry if you are unhappy about it but it's worked fine so far for the past 6 years. We have a zero tolerance policy of women haters, trolls & flamers in here so I suggest if you don't like it you refrain from viewing this section. It is very very simple to do.

    If you have any further issues with the moderation of thaivisa then contact support (at) thaivisa.com. This is not the thread for it.


    I was responding to sbk the poster not sbk the moderator.

    And I will dip into any forum I please. Thank you very much for your suggestion though.

  2. Read everything interesting on TV today and decided to peek into the Ladies Forum whereupon I found this thread.

    It got quite good as it went along. The Op is obviously not a troll. They don't invest as much effort in laying out their premise, in my experience.

    Unfortunately, in his effort to enlist some female perspective, he has run up against sbk, who cuts western men no slack whatsoever. :)

    She defends her turf like a pit-bull guarding a bone. No concessions. It's one thing to protect the integrity of the forum, but sbk has an agenda every bit as rigid as the misogynists she rails against.

  3. PattayaParent

    Nope again. Sara is used for vowels. "R" is a consonant.

    Many British based transliterations insert an "r" to indicate a long vowel but this is an oddity unique to British speakers of English.

    I remember hearing for the first time a Brit pronouncing the name of my country, Canada, and clearly hearing an "r" sound at the end.

    R as in Raw Reua is a consonant usually pronounced as an L

    However the walking stick letter at the end is Sara AR.....a Thai vowel of which there are 21 others...

    No such animal as Sara "ar". :)

    Yes, Raw Reua is often mispronounced as an "L".

  4. PattayaParent

    Nope again. Sara is used for vowels. "R" is a consonant.

    Many British based transliterations insert an "r" to indicate a long vowel but this is an oddity unique to British speakers of English.

    I remember hearing for the first time a Brit pronouncing the name of my country, Canada, and clearly hearing an "r" sound at the end.

  5. It's the translation that's to blame.

    All the signs say Pattaya in English wereas the written Thai has the name ending in sara -ar.

    So the English comes out with a flat 'a' sound on the end instead of the correct elongated 'aar' sound.

    If the signs were written as Pattayar then more likely it would be pronouced correctly by most people.

    Nope. There is no "r" at the end of Pattaya unless spoken by some Brits. And they are wrong. :)

  6. Through my observations I've found the happiest westerners seem to be the ones who've usually married a Thai from the same social group as themselves which, for want of a better phrase, would be middle class. Usually fairly near in age as well.

    When I see some of the village horror stories that westerners shack up with I just thank the lord that isn't me. Their faces look like they're in a living hel_l. It's almost as if they set out to find the lowest piece of immoral dross they could and then marry her.

    Sorry. Got to call it as I see it.

    you make a good point and am sure you are right,a huge age difference does n't usually work.


    But until it goes off the rails, it's a hel l of a ride!! :)

  7. It would be beautiful poetic justice, if only for the fact that Ms. Renson's relatives will never receive their rightful inheritance. Wow, what a compete fool. His wife too. How could he not know that this would come back to haunt him? I guess he was counting on being able to hide out in Thailand with all that money for the rest of his life, but didn't count on the astounding scope of his wife's gambling habit. Amazing.

    Of course the relatives will receive every penny due to them. The first £1 million of loss (at least) will fall upon all the honest solicitors who are obliged by law to contribute annually to the Solicitors Compensation Fund. Any remaining deficit will be paid by the firm where the fraudster worked.


    No harm, no foul then.


  8. The usual looney-toons come out of the woodwork every time steroids and other "illegal" drugs are the subject of a news story.

    Tut-tutting about all those depraved drug-takers while downing the alcoholic beverage of choice. :)

    We cannot change their attitude but we can rebut them and hopefully induce the realization that while they are entitled to their opinion, it's not necessarily an informed opinion. :D

  9. oevna, I think you miss my point.

    The story could have been run without identifying them other than nationality. Rape and sexual abuse victims are treated in this way, although for different reasons.

    The fact the story is "news" should not obscure the fact that this couple could well receive life-changing punishment in Iran for what is perfectly normal activity (not doing it on the beach :) ). If I was the editor and found out this to be the case, I would have difficulty sleeping at night.

  10. I do it all the time, whenever I am angry I start insulting royalty or presidents, it just depends where I am..

    After that I start asking stupid trollish questions and SHOUT ON FORUMS, also I start calling people on forums idiots when they think something is wrong or funny with my strange question.. :D


  11. Qatar English language newspapers are suggesting that upon arrival back in Iran that they will both be arrested.

    The 'stoning' stories are exaggerated though, it looks as though they will both receive a lengthy prison sentence and (financial) seizing of financial assets.

    If that is the case, then this "news" organization has done a bad thing. :)

    I'm sure however titillating this story was, that none of us would wish to see the couple subjected to Iranian "justice".

    We could have had the story without identifying them. Remember , in the internet age, we can all pay big-time for a momentary lapse in judgement.

  12. In stead of in 2 pages, OP's question could have been answered in 1 word: Nobody

    For a nobody, he sure gets to drive some nice cars! :) Near his gym on Soi 16 off walking Street, he parks his Lamborghini alongside 2 Merc 500s. Different models.

    On that note, today i was following an Aston Martin Vantage with red plates.

    Note to self: inquire about becoming Buddhist if can get guarantee to be reborn as millionaire (Euro) in Thailand....

  13. Yes, let's see this thread stay alive.

    BTW, does anybody remember what happened to the policeman who killed that British couple in Kanchanaburi about 3-4 years ago? I think he was convicted but many long-term residents doubted he would spend much time behind bars. i.e. due to connections, he might still be listed as being incarcerated but in reality he would be out on "permanent day pass". :)

    Like many countries who do well from international tourism, the Thai government (of all stripes) proclaims that all perpetrators of serious crimes against tourists will be subject to swift arrest and prosecution. Unfortunately, more often than not, the official response is to find a "fall-guy" and/or let the case slowly fade from the public eye.

    The famous saying about the blessings that Thailand enjoys, "fruit on the trees and fish in the rivers and ocean" seems to have given them the disposition to pick only the low-hanging fruit of tourism. They are not willing to do the heavy-lifting.

  14. The only thing I don't believe is that she is a tourist coming to Pattaya for a holiday.

    She's probably a supportee awaiting the arrival of one of her supporters. Who takes 2 cellphones on holiday? Where is her luggage?

    Any Thai girl with "game" is going to have 2 phones. :D

    The luggage was strewn around her when the BIB arrived. :D

    Oops. Just read the update. Naughty girl. :)

  15. I personally know several people injured by these scum, who know full well there are going to hurt people by deliberately causing the victims motorbikes to crash.

    How do you know the victim was riding a motorcycle?

    I should have made it clearer that I was also talking about the thieves that attack other motorbike riders. Aside from the horrible incident with the Scottish lady, the other riders usually have a lot of road-rash and sometimes broken limbs.

  16. This "trick" of bag-snatching from the back of a motorbike has been injuring tourists and Thais alike for years!

    I personally know several people injured by these scum, who know full well there are going to hurt people by deliberately causing the victims motorbikes to crash.

    Perhaps this poor Scottish lady's injuries might be the tipping point. There are many ways, chiefly informants I would think. for the police to catch the perps. It is frustrating to see the Thai government fail to protect the people, both foreign and Thai. Not to mention the self-interest of protecting a revenue stream from tourism. Each of these events is talked about by the victims and results in a perceived bad crime problem in Thailand.

  17. Aside from the pleasure these pills have given untold millions of men (either men who could not previously achieve an erection or from recreational users bound to maximize a night's pleasure) and the women who were able to enjoy their effects, the pills have had a very significant effect on the price of endangered animals, and through inference, is probably helping to save them.

    One report I read stated that the black-market cost for a tiger carcass in China pre-viagra was about $50,000. A few years after viagra use was common, the price of a tiger had fallen to about $10,000. THe main reason is that one of the most compelling reasons for the consumption of animal parts in Sino-based societies was for increased sexual performance. And expcet for the placebo effect, consuming the wide variety of animal parts had essentially no impact on sexual performance.

    So when the average Chinese man seeking a boost had a choice for a $10 tiger misture which did not work or a $1 viagra tablet which did work, it is not too hard to figure out which one came on top.

    There are still many perceived uses for the various animal products in Sino-based cultures, but the sexual aspect of it has been trmendously reduced. And that has lowered the demand for these animals, thereby lowering the monetary worth of them.

    It has been my contention for quite some time that there should be a statue of a big blue pill out in fron of the World Wildlife Fund headquarters in Gland. Perhpas nothing else has contributed as much to the conservation of wildlife.

    You are absolutely right, bonobo!

    This was my second thought when I first heard about Viagra..... the first was "Woohoo!" :)

    I don't suppose it would be PC for the manufacturers to highlight this probably unintended consequence as it might be seen as a knock on Asian cultures. But would be great PR in the West if everyone knew they were saving endangered species while they were having fun! A truly win/win scenario!

  18. The Euro was a gamble from it's beginning a while back. It first stood below the Dollar, now the Dollar is lower. What good that did to the world, showed us, and more has to come I guess...

    it did NOT "first stood below the dollar" :) after its inception one €UR bought USD 1.18 - perhaps you tell us your thoughts on "what good that did to the world"? :D

    If I'm not mistaken, it debuted at approximately USD 0.89.

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