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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. Thais (and other Asians) prefer to be light skinned as darker skin is an indication of engagement in manual labour. Dark skin = low class job.

    Totally true.

    Yes, endure has it spot on. My husband likes to go fishing and is fairly dark because of it and often gets comments that he is too dark. Has had bad service from time to time from people who assume he's poor because he's dark.

    It goes something like this.

    For farangs dark skin symbolises affluence, that is they have more time for leisure like going to the beach, golf or any outdoor activity that will make someone's skin darker signifies someone is rich.

    It is the opposite for Asians.

    Dark skin signifies someone is low class as the only people that will expose themselves to the sun are farmers and labourers.

    So at the end of the day it is all about money.

    I think that is why farangs find dark skined asians atractive. :)

    The "dark skin = leisure time" has not been around that long in Western countries. Certainly much less than 100 years. Prior to that, the upper classes (those with leisure time) would have had much less sun exposure. We humans have evolved to notice things. People who labor in the outdoors get darker than those who do not.

    As for farang "preference" for dark skin, I believe it is a myth. We simply have more opportunity to meet the darker Thais in the tourist towns we frequent. It is more that we do not discriminate (hopefully) based on skin tone. This answer always confuses the Thai people who ask me why farang like "black skin".

  2. [quote name='Scubabuddha' date='2009-06-11 17:54:46' post='2798200'

    <deleted> is going on here!!? There is no mention of swine flu or North American Flu anywere in the initial reports. H1N1 covers a lot of different influenza. This is common flu that people are testing positive for. If swine flu wasn't in the headlines now, this would never have been done or printed. Many people never even show symptoms with the common flu! Like the woman in the report. Now the TV media is incorectly reporting it as swine flu!! Oh dear..this is comming off the rails quickly!!! This reads like a bad sci-fi. Qucik, somebody smack some common sense into these people!!!! Officials and media alike!!!

    Another one who pipes up after reading the last 2 posts! :)

    Identified in several posts and news reports as H1N1.

  3. Bloody Farangs coming here with your desease and destroying our tourists inductry.

    I'm not going to insult you because it is probably against the rules of this esteemed Forum, but I deeply despise you and your unfathomable ignorance.

    oh please lighten up just a little bit of tongue in cheek. I am farang but not a grumpy old man.

    Actually, grumpy old woman would be more correct, would it not? (Recalling your previous posts)

  4. Remember a while back they were saying wearing face masks were ineffective in protecting against swine flu?

    Well, watching coverage of the outbreak in Australia, I see that all the healthcare workrers and airport personnel were wearing them.....

    I predict a new fashion statement is on the way for Pattaya!

    ......heading to the Pharmacy to stock up! :D

    People wear face masks to protect others and not themselves, as a general rule.

    Do you really think that is the case? :)

    Indeed I do, unless of course they are of a type that is designed to protect the wearer and filter in bound air, most masks bought over the counter and used by medical staff are not of that type. surgical masks are designed to trap exhaled particles rather than filter inbound air. Google the subject and check it out.

    I actually went to the 3M website a couple of months ago to learn about how well their masks would work. The masks they sell are not capable of screening out the virus, even the medical versions, because the wearer's breath will moisten the fabric and compromise the ability to screen. So yes, I know you are (probably) correct.

    So why are all the Aussies in the front-line wearing them, was my actual point. :D

    If it's good enough for them.....

    But a room full of gogo dancers wearing only face masks is a picture I could make a bundle with...if I could only know who would buy those pics. Maybe the same ones who bought the autopsy photos of David Carradine. :D

  5. Remember a while back they were saying wearing face masks were ineffective in protecting against swine flu?

    Well, watching coverage of the outbreak in Australia, I see that all the healthcare workrers and airport personnel were wearing them.....

    I predict a new fashion statement is on the way for Pattaya!

    ......heading to the Pharmacy to stock up! :D

    People wear face masks to protect others and not themselves, as a general rule.

    Do you really think that is the case? :)

  6. Remember a while back they were saying wearing face masks were ineffective in protecting against swine flu?

    Well, watching coverage of the outbreak in Australia, I see that all the healthcare workrers and airport personnel were wearing them.....

    I predict a new fashion statement is on the way for Pattaya!

    ......heading to the Pharmacy to stock up! :)

  7. 1. I have been made uncomfortable watching American-produced porn ( hey, it's free from the internet!) in mixed company, where the male actor seems inordinately interested in grabbing the throat of the female actor. This usually results in my female co-watcher asking " Why does he do that?". My response is "I don't know! It's scary!" This seems to allude to partnered "breath control" a la the plot in "Rising Sun" mentioned earlier. Even though that movie is several years old now, maybe this activity is becoming more mainstream in America.

    Done right, many women I have been with _really_ appreciate it. If you try it and don't like it, fine, but don't discard the idea beforehand...

    What about the ones who think you are about to murder them? :)

  8. I know what spades means! But when used in the phrase BACK IN SPADES the word SPADES has a completely different meaning! Jeez!

    And you are wrong BACK IN SPADES is NOT offensive, at least in the US; spades does NOT refer to people when used in that incredibly common usage phrase. It means IN THE EXTREME.

    Jingthing, Of course the phase " Back in Spades" is not offensive. I did not say that.

    Please re - read my post. Please.

    I said that the word " Spades " was an old derogatory term for blacks , not often used anymore in America, but I guess still used in England.

    Now, when you said the the Phrase "White folks back in Spades" , it would be interpreted by some as a double entendre joke for those people who *DO* know the double meaning of the term "Spade". And not to imply that you purposely wrote that in mind.

    From The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition:

    Spade ( meaning 1 )

    1. A sturdy digging tool having a thick handle and a heavy, flat blade that can be pressed into the ground with the foot.

    2. Any of various similar digging or cutting tools.

    tr.v. spad·ed, spad·ing, spades

    To dig or cut with a spade.

    Spade ( meaning 2 )

    1. Games

    a. A black, leaf-shaped figure on certain playing cards.

    b. A playing card with this figure.

    c. also spades (used with a sing. or pl. verb) The suit of cards represented by this figure.

    2. Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a Black person.


    in spades

    To a considerable degree: They had financial trouble in spades.

    Jingthing you used the Idiom of the word, but as you can see above, it does has multiple meanings.

    All I did was simply to just point that out.

    So relax, you unintentionally made a funny joke. And I am not offended.

    Khao jai mai khrap ? :)

    I like your last two posts Narachon. I don't recall seeing you post before but you sound like a well-informed jai yen kinda guy!

    It was a cute word-play. All the more so if Jing didn't realize it. :D

  9. My earlier posts asking about the methodology of this particular case of AEA have been largely ignored.... even though most of us seem to agree that it was the probable cause of death.

    A couple of points....

    1. I have been made uncomfortable watching American-produced porn ( hey, it's free from the internet!) in mixed company, where the male actor seems inordinately interested in grabbing the throat of the female actor. This usually results in my female co-watcher asking " Why does he do that?". My response is "I don't know! It's scary!" This seems to allude to partnered "breath control" a la the plot in "Rising Sun" mentioned earlier. Even though that movie is several years old now, maybe this activity is becoming more mainstream in America.

    2. In the case of DC, supposedly it was a case of AEA. No partner. We don't know for sure if both wrists were tied or only one. If the Thai Rath picture is real, both wrists are tied above his head.

    The progression of events has to follow this timeline to make sense......

    The throat is constricted minimally, pressure increasing as stimulation increases. This seems to require at least one free hand!

    Iminent orgasm has to coincide with maximum pressure to provide the "high", followed by decreasing pressure to allow surviving the event.

    In the case of DC, the DNA "evidence" will be very close to hand...no time for tissues! If this is the case, it's pretty obvious what took place as you can not stage this kind of evidence.

    3. The ex-wives will know if this is what he was into and have more or less confirmed that it fits in with what they experienced living with him.

    A few more points..

    Several posters have said this is a sordid story. Why is that? It was masturbation. Unfortunately, a dangerous form of masturbation to be sure, but masturbation nonetheless. A very common event (not the AEA).

    I also think that someone introduced DC to this activity. Probably through partnered breath control, because AEA would be in the same category as bomb-making as something you don't want to be self-taught. :)

  10. Clearly it was AEA. He had the rope around his neck, over the rod in the closet and then around his hands. I bet if they measured, if he was sitting on the bottom of the closet with his arms raised over his head, the rope would not be tight. It would take him folding his arms over his head like throwing in a football (soccer ball) to make the length shorter (his arms and the rope). If he passed out, he would fall, his arms would stretch out making the length longer again, and relaxing the rope. Maybe the knot did not loosen due to the type of rope, or some other problem.

    OK...We are getting closer to an explanation of the actual logistics of the alleged activity.

    Without an explanation though, of how he was able to stimulate himself to orgasm. C'mon. We've had every other type of speculation so far. And no, I don't think I am being morbid or sensational. After all, this is the crux of the matter!

  11. North Americans among us may remember that during the famous "intern incident" concerning former President Clinton. the television networks had to relax their reporting guidelines in order to explain exactly what had taken place. That included explaining the "stained" dress.

    Perhaps then, it is permissible for someone to explain the logistics of the scene.

    The attached photo does not seem like a true picture. Perhaps a staged photo trying to capitalize on this sad event. If the asking price was not to high, many organizations may have purchased just to get a scoop. It also contradicts the description given by cyborg that only one wrist had rope attached. Also does not look like a suite in a 5 star hotel in the picture.

    If it is a true photo, how does he achieve the orgasm that is the main purpose of this activity? Both hands are well away from the penis. And though some women are reputed to be able to orgasm "hands-free", I am pretty sure that this is a rare talent in men. When they are alone.

  12. Unfortunately for your purposes, Jomtien is a suburb.

    Having lived in Jomtien for 7 years, I can confidently state that you will end up going into Pattaya for your fun.

    But that's not a bad thing. Head into town to party, return to Jomtien for a good nite's sleep. Unless you are into long-time. :)

  13. Why would it be hypocritical?

    Praying for good fortune whilst selling their body for money! would this be classed as hypocritical?

    What do you think The Lord Buddha's take on this would be? Approval?

    Do you know what "Hypocritical" means?

    Hmmm....So, selling (renting out, actually) your muscles or your brain is ok, but selling (renting out, actually) your genitals puts you beyond the pale, forfeiting your right to pray for a better or more prosperous life?

  14. While most responses so far are concentrating on the fact that falang are perceived as being wealthy and therefore a good catch, I think it is just as important to note that over 50% thought we are kinder and more respectful of women.

    Given the discrimination that the darker-skinned Isarn women face in Thailand, The fact that falang are apparently colour-blind is also a powerful factor. It must be empowering to Isarn women to know that there are men in this world who appreciate the beauty of many of them and are not hung-up on how dark or light their skin.

    So there is the immediate benfit of feeling wanted but also the benefit of light-skinned offspring in the future. Which is a considerable benefit for those children in colour-conscious Thailand.

  15. I first landed in Bangkok in late 1971. At that time, they used to collect you from the airplane, after disembarking using those old roll-up stairs, with articulated buses.

    My first impression was that I had landed in a sauna! :)

    I was just in time to experience my first Thai military coup. Thanom led a coup against his own government, followed less than 18 months later by the infamous massacre in October 1973.

  16. As I said I have experience on both motorcycle's and the Boxer 250 RS I can get as high as 140km/h, with still having the idea I can get more.... The 3 Honda CBR150R's I ever rode I was not able to go over 115km/h, also it toke me remarkable more time to get to that speed.

    Richard, I'm calling BS on this.

    I know you have had some on the forum saying you were anti-Cbr150R but I gave you benefit of the doubt.

    I have been to your web-site many times to read articles and on there you mention owning and riding several types of bikes. So you aren't a bike-newbie who could be forgiven.

    As I have said in other posts, I have seen an indicated 155kph on my Honda 150. Even allowing for 10% error, that is 140kph.

  17. I've been to MANY of the language schools in Pattaya.

    I am studying with another girl from Japan who has only been here a few months and she can almost speak/read/write as much Thai as I can..


    Why is that Meg?

    I thought you have been here for several years and have a Thai b/f.

  18. Malaysia is living in the dark ages. I spent time there on the way to London ..but in future I refuse to even use AIR ASIA --if it means changing flights at their airport. I'm sure they will get the message soon and fly from BKK'.

    Even the cabin crew were.. :o well Melay.

    Lets take a look to Singapore and Indonesia then...

    Dear webfact....

    Do you even know who those fellows are in your avatar?

    Methinks you fly a false flag!!

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