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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. Tankbag: I ordered from Dennis Kirk and got a small size with magnets. Barely held a six-pack; used it daily for years. Think small

    I have a tank bag that Honda sold here in Thailand for the CBR 150 a few years ago. Believe I paid about Baht 400. A little bit bigger than 6-pack size with multiple pockets. Magnetic. Also has a top strap for carrying and thin backpack straps which should be cut off as they interfere with the magnets. I use it everyday.

    Worth going to a few Honda dealers to poke around or inquire about ordering.

  2. My TGF just got off the phone with the prosecutor and he knew nothing of jindas incarceration and to push him to find out is difficult so we had to leave it at that...It is hard to get used to dealing with things here...in Canada we would be able to find out easily...but...This Is ThailandI was given full executorship of my brothers estate on August 10, 2009 and was told by the court clerk the papers would be ready in 3or4days...we reluctantly hung around Ranong to wait for these and went into the court on the Friday and guess what...no papers...then it is we will call you when they are ready...still no call yet...The court clerk doing the paperwork actually sat in the court corridor chatting with Nee(accused murderer) for about 10 minutes one day during the criminal trial which I thought was rather odd...


    Your TGF?

    Thought the last thing to enter your mind would be a Thai girlfriend......

    And no, I'm not tarring all Thai females with the same brush but still.....better safe than sorry.

    Don't fall into the old "But my girl is different" routine.

    Lots of temporary company available.

    The only reason I am saying these things is due to the circumstances of your stay in Thailand.

  3. You did not say where you are , there is a shop on Cental pattaya road who sell second hand goods, Also there is a shop in Syborghoues, think thats how you spell it,,

    If that is an attempt to spell Soi Buakhao, it is the most creative I have ever seen! :)

    Not that my version is more correct but at least it's easier to guess. :D

  4. pkspeaker,

    From your posts it's obvious you don't own a home, you've never owned a home, and you'll never own a home. It's not obvious why you're so upset about things that you neither understand nor concern you.

    "I went to the Ocean 1 website....They have two webcams where you can watch the activity going on at the site...it updates almost continuously. "

    Yes, there is an Ocean 1 website and, yes, it does have two webcams. What is your point? Does a website and webcams make it seem a viable project to you. Here's something simple you can do: send the Ocean 1 developer an email, and tell us if they respond. I've sent them several messages - although I have no interest in the project - and they haven't responded to any of my requests for information.

    "I don't know much about construction..."


    That" You don't have a home and not to worry about things that don't concern you.." crack was pretty snarky hhgz.

    First you misread his post regarding the length of time to put in the foundation and then you get him confused with a post from Donx and deliver the above statement.

    For a good tussle you have to keep up... :)

    And he has an excellent point about taking developer's claims with a pinch of salt.

  5. OK, again to all of you speculative punters who have absolutely no formal training in Thai law, let alone international law...I am not saying that palms were not greased, in fact they get greased everywhere, just look at the latest scandals in Chicago or NJ. But the Thai court's judgement rang true within the boundaries of international law. Under the prescripts of int law Colombia is a "contested state" under a condition of "belligerency." Which means outside STATES or INDIVIDUALS are free intervene exactly because to outcome of the conflict is "contested." And that is what the Thai court said today (by the way much more consistent with int law than the US State Dept). The FARC are not on Thailand's list of "terrorist organizations." Although the FARC is on the US list, but so is Cuba, so is Hamas, so is Hezbollah, all of which are NOT terrorist organizations. The Thai court's ruling is completely consistent within the constrainsts of international law. The US is proposing to build FIVE more military bases withing Colombia (as of this week) and any asshol_e who has the temerity to pick up a gun to challange THAT occupation will IMMEDIATELY be labeled as a "terrorist" by the US administration. Hillary, Barak and the rest can just go sit on their fingers and twirl. Under every definition of international law the FARC DOES HAVE belligerency status, which means that selling weapons to them is neither a violation of Thai law nor international law. And if you want to dispute me on this fact, simply pick up a book on internatonal law and go to the concept of "status of belligerency." THEN get back to me.

    So I looked up "state of belligerency" as you suggested.

    Highly unlikely that concept of international law was a cornerstone of the decision, as the last time it was applied to a "single state" was in the American Civil War!

  6. I joined Thai Visa appx. three years ago. One of the major reasons was to use it as yet another avenue to keep abreast of the news in Thailand, a country my wife was born in 55 years ago. Until then I had no idea of the strong hatred that (it seems) the vast majority of Europeans have for Americans. A few people I know have learned a little of that dislike on visits to England & France. As I learned the extent of that hatred reading the Thai Visa posts each day I have since tried to relay that to anybody I ran into in the U.S. (a huge country with many differences in different states and regions). Seldom in my life have I heard Americans criticise Europeans. So they have no idea the hatred Europeans have for them - even though most Europeans know no Americans nor have they visited the U.S. except in such places as New York or Calif. where most Americans would say do not represent the vast majority of Americans politically or morally. I have invited every American I know to join Thai Visa to see what Europeans think of them and then decide if they want to spend their money in Europe. Sure, Europe can do without American tourists just as the U.S. can do without European tourists. I now live permanently in Phuket but, through the internet, continue to try to inform Americans what they are thought of by Europeans. My father was wounded and almost killed fighting in Europe and tens of thousands of American soldiers were killed and wounded badly and suffered the rest of their lives fighting in that war in which they thought they were helping their allies. Many Americans were isolationists (and I wish the country was isolationist today) and tried to stay out of the war but FDR was ready when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. He had been arming the British for more than a year. Had I been Pres. and had my way, I would have stayed out of the war and quickly established trade relations with Germany as soon as it was over.

    Have you ever heard the phrase....."What have you done for me lately?" :)

    Seriously though, I'm afraid you will have to add Canadians, Australians etc, in fact thinking citizens of most countries to your boycott list.

    You are personalizing the issue and missing the point. At some point you will begin to resemble the average German citizen just prior to the beginning of WW2. Any criticism is seen as unjustified. Only later did reality set in. This is not say that the USA is equivalent to Nazi Germany but to show an extreme example of a decent people led astray and not appreciating how "rogue" their government had become....by stages.

    The USA has a lot to answer to at some point. We are not all smoking wacky tobacco here. People are upset with American foreign policy. Live with it or agitate to change it. The average American citizen is a good as any other citizen. "We the People etc." But you will end up carrying the can for your government's policies. It ain't fair but it's life.

  7. [quote name='nakachalet' date='2009-08-11 00:16:43' post='2934010'

    when you guys deliberating on this arena, pls be kinder, tries to focus on the exact track.... there are many many thai men and women who make honest living out of this specialty, some with over 900 credit hours of classroom learning and compulsory hospital experience participation.... which is not an easy career at all for those serious practitioners.... even though monetary return after graduation is a bit better.

    I would like to know where one would find such masseuses, assuming we are talking about something more than regular Thai massage. Because, truth be known, I am no fan of the run-of-the mill Thai massage.

    To me it seems more like acupressure treatment combined with assisted stretching, usually administered totally by rote.

  8. Well...it is amusing to see these job advertisements. There is an argument to be made that an employer has the right to hire whomever they want to hire. If that extends to an attractive secretary, so be it.

    However, it's more common to see an age-range requirement. Most of us here on TV would fall outside that range and therefore be somewhat unemployable.

    Like Alan Greenspan said about the banks, that he did not believe they would ever do anything that was not in their best financial interests, but they did just that.

    So if a presumably male employer would prefer a beautiful but dim secretary more than an efficient but plainer secretary, it's possible that the Darwinian process will soon see him uncompetitive.

    But, until he goes bankrupt, there is no question his office environment will be very pleasant. :)

  9. What's really funny (or pathetic) is that you joined this forum over 6 years ago in 2003 and are still unable to read the very simple sentence in Thai script that says (to paraphrase) "If you buy a sausage (sai grog) they will warm it up for you". They should be laughing at you not vice versa.

    Here it goes again ...

    Considering that you think it's appropriate for you to be a rabid anti-Thaksinista, Jingthing, why wince when someone suggests that it's appropriate for a long-term resident to learn to speak and read Thai? :)

  10. Does anybody knows where to find Real Helmets in Pattaya?

    Shop mentioned in above post has huge Real advertisement out front. :)

    Just remembered that the Mityon shop on Thepprasit and Soi 7 also have Real helmets.

  11. Webfact

    Thanks for your response but not sure I understand you 100%.

    I have been using OpenDNS for well over a year after problems with Maxnet's servers. I changed the DNS server info in the Network Connections control panel-tcp/ip-properties.

    Today I checked this info and had been reset to obtain dns auto.. not by me.

    Question was can Maxnet do this from their end or pehaps a MS security update did this. Anyway no connection to internet using OpenDNS but immediate connection using obtain auto.

  12. Just on a whim today, I visited the OpenDNS website. in the past it always said.."you are using OpenDNS". Well, it did not say this so I checked my network connections.

    It was set to obtain dns automatically. Hmm. I have never set this option. So I input the OpenDNS addresses and try to surf. Nada, no connection. Replaced with the obtain automatically. Surf no problem. Hmm.

    Is it possible Maxnet can reset my connection? This thread doesn't have much info. But someone said that DNSAdvantage was also affected.

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