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Everything posted by transam

  1. As far as I know, they stopped all payments to foreign wives, even those linked to their husband via their own N.I. number years back. 2010, no more pension top up for a foreign wife, those who were getting it, the payments were stopped in 2020.
  2. I was responding to your post....................🙄
  3. You would make excuses for the Nazi SS, who were basically eliminated after the war for their genocide of the innocent.......🤔 But, there are many fruitcakes out there...........
  4. Not your Daily Express, The Guardian, they cannot be anti on everything, as you conveniently scrambled to pointed out........🤣
  5. I would agree with that............
  6. Why not reply to me, take me off ignore, answer some of my questions instead of hiding behind Hamas...........🤨
  7. I sift through what columnists writes in many sources, your "The Guardian" is manned by anti lefty blokes, which is right up your street, and laughable.......🤣
  8. Yes, these Putin fanboys on here, cannot see the wood from the tree's.........🥴
  9. You're having a laugh, you are protecting terrorists with your constant covering their atrocities..🥴 You should be ashamed of yourself.........
  10. Yes, you can't work out refund procedures, just spend your time complaining on here instead of working out those procedures. I have never had a problem getting my money back, even on an obvious fake phone.........
  11. "The Guardian" yet again, are you on a retainer..............🤣
  12. Oh dear, more bad news for you..................🤭 https://uk.yahoo.com/news/armenian-leader-announces-plan-leave-142212881.html
  13. But I am not a liar, you are, did you forget........🤫
  14. Yeh, riiiiiiight, though your leader has done far worse than that, and YOU know it.....😅 How many Generals have disappeared, how many rich guys are dead, even the "shadow" President is dead..........You must think we are all daft.....😂
  15. Perhaps it's because we are not and never have been Ukrainian. I am more interested in daft questions, I am more interested in the murderous invasion by your chum, that you seem to rejoice over, incredibly sad..............😬
  16. Again you missed out, the same happened to your Russia (USSR), the same for them is happening in Ukraine, so much so, taxes are going up to pay for another failure. Even now asking for munitions from communist countries.......😋 But, I give you credit for standing by your chum, even if it is bluster........😉
  17. Yeh, riiiiiiight.............For me, your stuff is to be avoided, but needs a reply, a reminder that there are "Reds under the bed" .............🥺
  18. The bloke should be put out to graze on the same stuff he started out on. He is also an embarrassing tool, taking the p_ss out of the BBC...........
  19. And none of you Aussies don't......😱
  20. "The Guardian", whodathought...............🤭
  21. You're down on your luck then...........😢
  22. More nonsense from the Red side....... You remind me of Lord Haw-Haw......😬

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