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Everything posted by transam

  1. Wrong, we can all move to any country that has a reciprical agreement with the UK Gov. and spend our pension there... There is a list, which YOU can look up, places like the Philippines, USA, Europe. But sadly we cannot go to places which has historical links to the UK, like, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, now isn't that strange...........
  2. What on earth could someone like you teach...........? 🤐
  3. You are the one that is "whinging", and I bet she can spell it..........
  4. Well you go get a job then.........
  5. Oh, the envy of some people.......................🤣 But me being a nice chap, I could go through the ropes for you, on how to get a yellow book, in the simplest way possible, just for you...................🤗.............😂
  6. Wrong, but you must hold up your "Red" end, eh...........😂
  7. Then I don't see why you were complaining..........🤗
  8. Well, do a bit of homework then, and get back to us.........
  9. Dianne Abbott is an embarrassment for Labour and the House of Commons...... Starmer knows it too........🥴
  10. There are a few of those on here, they are so dopey, they don't understand there is a large long-time British contingent on this site. Stupidity at its finest..........😝
  11. I am, but we all have off days, and for sure if I were in the UK now, I would not be a happy bunny any day........😬
  12. Pretty boring, immigration office with no officers, chopped a tree down, fixed a strimmer, replied to a few on here, so yes, boring, but keeps the gray cells from depleting even more....🤪.
  13. Blimey, you can talk...........😝
  14. Try 1939/45 for fixing aggressors regarding civilians..........
  15. You should catch up on history, you could start off at the English Longbow.....
  16. I know about you, and you know it...........🤔

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