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Posts posted by transam

  1. I totally disagree. My Garmin Nuvi 710 is a master piece. Very accurate

    and fast.


    So is the map. :)

    Does GPS tell you your a complete Twonk if you miss a turn ?

    No idea. I've never used one.

    My Mrs, with the map upside down, calls me a twonk if l miss ''her'' turn. :bah:

  2. A normal map can't be beaten. I have used it all my life, and never got lost. :)

    I totally disagree. My Garmin Nuvi 710 is a master piece. Very accurate

    and fast.


    So is the map. :)

    Does GPS tell you your a complete Twonk if you miss a turn ?

  3. Airblade is a good scooter, we have one that will be sold on soon. Boy wants something more trendy :lol:. Our PCX is the nuts, no comparison. :)

    Send him to work at school holidays. :D

    He does sod all at home let alone WORK. :rolleyes:

  4. What I beleive to be the first pics of a production model extra cab GMI-700 Colorado have now surfaced on autospinn.com:






    More pics from the source here: http://www.autospinn...B9%82%E0%B8%94/

    There's been quite a few changes from the "Show Truck" prototype, but thankfully most of the design language has made it through intact. Pity the funky rear bumper and integrated side steps have been lost though - but that was expected I guess :(

    The Fortuner next to it offers some scale - on it's own the truck doesn't appear that big, but here we can see just how much it's grown. The SUV variant (late 2012/early 2013) will be another interesting option for the segment too..

    It's a Tatatoyo. :lol:

  5. Airblade is a good scooter, we have one that will be sold on soon. Boy wants something more trendy :lol:. Our PCX is the nuts, no comparison. :)

    Hey that PCX looks REALLY nice .... might get one of them instead. Don't tempt me with any more upgrades !!

    The PCX towers above all Honda scooters. We had a Click, now have Airblade and PCX. The latter is a mile apart. :D

  6. depending on the season i pay between 280 and 420 Baht...

    ...per day :whistling:

    Show off. :lol:

    But you don't live in a condo and your bi-lingual gardener has his A/C on day and night. :)

  7. A couple of questions from a non petrol head, seriously looking at the PJS, I saw a while back there was a 3.2 version, but now all the engine sizes are 2.5, why was this change?

    Also, haven't had the chance to drive one yet, but how is the 2.5, does it have ample power?

    The Mitsubishi 2.5L was upgraded for the 2011 model year, givign it more power and better fuel economy than the old 3.2L (old 2.5L was 140HP, old 3.2L was 165HP, new 2.5L is 178HP). It's currently the most powerful SUV in Thailand until you start looking in the 3 million+ range, so yes, very ample :)

    Think it must be pointed out that high torque numbers, which is what a truck/SUV relies on at low RPM to do it's job, is at a much higher RPM on the Mitsu 2.5. For general driving, there is more user friendly grunt out there without revving the nuts off it.

    Sure MRO or Kata can provide the figures. :)

  8. I have never paid over 1,500 per month for power, and thats with 2 people not bothering to economise.

    My bill is around 4,500 - 6000 per month. I have friends that have seen more than 10,000 a month. Some aircon-units use several kilowatts per hour. At 3-7 Baht a unit, you do the math..

    ON TOPIC: I think your bill seems reasonable. A pity you have to pay in a lump sum like that though..

    If your in a regular condo YOU are being ripped off. :(

  9. You should have insisted on a meter from the outset as your bill is now guess work. Condo developments usually have a main meter then the freeholder fits a secondary meter to each condo which he sets his own tariff to make some cash on the side. :(

  10. I can drive a manual without a clutch. A Racer showed me when i was a kid. No suprise to MRO,and the other enthusiasts though. You can win a few Bucks off the Uneducated. though. .My Wife can also go up, but she cant quite get the revs right back to first. Dont try this at home.:o Made my Old Pappy livid.,he crunched every gear. Ups fairly easy, just pull through , dont drop the revs. Just for the Nay sayers. To start off.Engage first,turn the key , gun it, then do as you like, or pull second quick.

    Anyone can do that, now trying leaving the traffic lights with a heap of revs onboard without a clutch........... kinda wish you had an auto for times like those. I have always been a manual person for my daily's and my current car is my first daily auto and to be honest I love it, there is nothing I cannot do in this that I could do with a manual box.

    When the V8 goes in it will have an auto as well, A friend in OZ will be building a full manual shift kit box with a high stall full lock up convertor, can't wait, the best of both worlds and no clutch pedal.

    Absolutely, the blind will always be blind. :)

  11. A top end Vigo is fine How much do rear seats and a bit more roof cost. I cant justify the extra cost. Mitsu have completely lost the truck feeling, therefore im pro the Paj.That permenat 4Wd on the Spivo is a waste of time. Jeez ive never, apart to try it, or play ever used the Rover set up. Neither has Mr Average if hes honest.. All the Paj needs is bigger rims to fill the ugly gap thats common to all truc based Jeep wanabees.Their not as Quiet as my Cruze, so there..:angry:

    a PJS or tuna is 100-150k more in excise tax than their pickup sisters. add body, one more ac, seats and some prestige and you v got the price

    just like a Range Rover is 4-5 mill baht more in taxes than tuna and PJS ;)

    one advantage of the pickup is the long wheelbase making it a winner on long highway hauls. Especially Vigo is a great highway cruiser,

    +1 :)

  12. Poncy Vigo :o

    So l must assume a Paj is a poncy Triton complete with engine clatter eh ? :D

    Engine noise in the 2011 models has been substantially improved (it has a completely new head design - not just a VG turbo), but even without that, the clatter is only really an issue when the engine is cold - as soon as it warms up it's no more clattery than the 3.0L Toyota, and always better than the 2.5L Toyota diesel or any Isuzu engine.

    But yes, by Wandrinstar's definition, the PJS is just a poncy Triton too ;)

    I think the major difference is that Mitsu just put more effort into the interior differentiation between the pickup and the SUV, got the suspension tuning much more balanced between comfort and handling, and gave their PPV better equipment levels for a much more attractive price. Plus it just looks better :P

    Interesting to note that the 'big minor change' Fortuner is still being outsold by the PJS 2:1, so regardless of what us TV posters think, the Pajero Sport holds the crown as Thailand's favorite SUV...

    at 1.150.000 baht for a 178hp with GT kit, it has no competition. 1,3baht something for a 4x4 GT is slow selling tho

    in addition Mitsu is able to deliver, makes sales more easy ;)

    A top end Vigo is fine How much do rear seats and a bit more roof cost. I cant justify the extra cost. Mitsu have completely lost the truck feeling, therefore im pro the Paj.That permenat 4Wd on the Spivo is a waste of time. Jeez ive never, apart to try it, or play ever used the Rover set up. Neither has Mr Average if hes honest.. All the Paj needs is bigger rims to fill the ugly gap thats common to all truc based Jeep wanabees.Their not as Quiet as my Cruze, so there..:angry:

    :cheesy: OK Tom. :lol:

  13. Not a Day Goes by when i dont get annoyed at my daughter buying a Sportivo when the Paj is miles better value.:angry: The Chevy would have sent me wild.. A Truck with Seats and a Tin Roof sums the Tuna up perfectly.A poncy Vigo.

    Poncy Vigo :o

    So l must assume a Paj is a poncy Triton complete with engine clatter eh ? :D

  14. Smell of plastic. :)

    A fix for a new fridge inside was to mix Bicarbonate of Soda with water and give it a wipe around, and it works, perhaps if the smell is getting up your nose perhaps try the same on the plastic. Please try a hidden bit first in case the plastic doesn't like it. :D

  15. Are the mods sleeping or something?

    A new member comes onto TV Motoring with the member name "ThaiCruze", starts a thread about the Chev Cruze, then carries on to extoll the virtues of the Cruze with a seemingly endless barrage of posts, arguing with anyone that doesn't agree with his/her point of view.

    Umm, guys, If this isn't the worst executed attempt at corporate social advertising ever, I'd hate to see the one that beats it.

    You have a good point. :)

  16. Yep, sure do see those on the roads everyday :rolleyes: especially with granny going to the market.. Very practical that <_<..

    2 Speed Power Glide auto was the first auto used by GM (USA) in the 50's until TH 350 and TH400 3 speed took over. The TH400 was used by Rolls Royce and Jaguar and others in their big inch rides.

    Believe the point we are making is that a factory auto can be modified to handle mega horse power with a few mods where as a manual cannot.

    Someone here stated why do race trucks in LOS use manuals. Afraid the guy should consider that they can survive cos of clutch slip. Pedal to the metal, dump the clutch and the first thing the power meets is the clutch and it momentarily slips relieving stress on the box. :)

    My Pontiac was manual originally but had too much clutch slip on launch. Had a twin plate made up by McLoed in USA, fitted it, launched and blew the box too pieces, nooooo clutch slip, hence my race auto. Down side of an auto for racing is it takes HP to operate it, l believe around 40 HP for a TH400.

  17. it's definitely 10,000KM for CR-V in Thailand.

    Many factors effect this - cost and inconvenience of servicing as noted by kartman, the quality of fuel available, the environmnental conditions the car is operated in, and the duration/coverage of the warranty offered - all of which differ market to market.

    In Thailand, servicing is relatively cheap, so 10,000/6 Month intervals really only comes with the downside of some inconvenience.

    I believe all LOS car suppliers have chosen 10k km. Inexpensive labour costs, the customers feel well taken care of by servicing often, and the land of silent recalls. Most markets have public recalls. In LOS its all quiet, and thus car checked every 6 months/10k km.

    In addition the total lack of roadside assistance, yeah I know some offer 24hour roadside but it takes them 3-10 hours to arrive.

    as its free for 60-100k km, why not?

    5,000 km for Proton, plus I've been charged twice; at 25,000 km and 30,000 km, service fees ( they quoted on the receipts that the payments were for checking the car for defects ). I complained to the head office and was told that checking the car for defects ( from 25,000 km upwards ) isn't covered by the 100,000 km free service offering.

    Service intervals are to service and check for defects, that's what a service is for. Sounds a bit slippery. ;)

  18. No My Company Leases the Range Rover, I retire soon so its Pedestrian Cars for me after that.Or Cough Up big money just to go to Lotus..That's why i called in from your initially balanced posts, and Ive also tried the Fords and Mazda's But youre so Full of Cruze you dont read other posters do you.:D

    Well. You just spend your time at the dealers all day long.

    How's rolling down the windows when it rains in the Ford? :D hahaha aha. That's the funniest post ever.

    I'm still trying to work out the seat thing. ;)

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