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Posts posted by transam

  1. It's about time!

    Obama'a the man. I say scrap all the cold war hardware and built a few thousand drones.

    Obama is going to make a speech at 10:30

    I firmly believe that bush could have got him early in the game but held the delta force guys back so that bush and his buddies could milk a few billion from the defence department.

    Except it wasn't drones that got him it was old fashioned intel (or modern day I should say) combined with the best trained, most elite military boots on the ground..

    Bar one. :)

    Confused :ph34r:


    In 2002 the SAS along side Delta Force had BL cornered and SAS wanted to take him out BUT the operation was under U.S control and pulled them out, SAS wanted to go and finish the job but the U.S command :rolleyes: refused.

    Wonder why. At the time seems the SAS would have had the kill and not the U.S troops. :huh:

  2. It's about time!

    Obama'a the man. I say scrap all the cold war hardware and built a few thousand drones.

    Obama is going to make a speech at 10:30

    I firmly believe that bush could have got him early in the game but held the delta force guys back so that bush and his buddies could milk a few billion from the defence department.

    Except it wasn't drones that got him it was old fashioned intel (or modern day I should say) combined with the best trained, most elite military boots on the ground..

    Bar one. :)

  3. Sara´s bloke is acting crazy like he always does. In other posts he said he had no problems drinking and driving here. That kinda shows the kind of person he is, and he calls himself high class. :D

    I call myself middle class and comfortably well off.

    The UK police call me violent and dangerous and mentally unstable, back home I am entitled to 3 squad cars when they come to visit me, else they daren't get out of their police car and have to kerb crawl behind me with locked doors.

    There are many people like me floating around Thailand, I fit in very well with many of the locals who I consider very violent and dangerous.

    Do you really want to pick a fight over nothing with a person like us? kicking our ass, would only make our like return after dark.

    That's, of course, if you survived my Thai lady, who circles quietly behind with her rather large flick knife in hand.

    Or her Papa, who wanders around Bangkok with a loaded .357 magnum in his belly bag.

    Don't be a silly sausage, some of us are whack jobs like you wouldn't believe.

    Keep your 'street fights' purely for the forums.

    :cheesy: and all that from a bloke who not so long ago on another thread confessed that '' Jesus '' died for you. :cheesy:

  4. Oh, i foregot the offroading, they used 4.W.D for the speedbumps in Lotus, friends,well i dont consider relations as friends,they hang on the wipers for a free ride,ive not spotted pic ups full of Motorbikes either, Watermellons and Workers mainly. Ferangs wouldnt be seen dead in Trucks back Home, the power of a Woman and Alcoholl rots their brain .

    Strange post. :huh:

  5. When l was a kid we played in the street and adults took care and UNDERSTOOD kids were playing. END OF STORY. Low life's who drive recklessly around kids are shit heads, END OF STORY.:huh:

    We stand shoulder to shoulder on this one :) ..

    Well, some things are not negotiable eh. :)

  6. Unfortunately the BiB are not interested in speedsters in built up areas cos all Thais do it, only becomes an issue if a kid is killed, THEN the $ sign comes out, Thai or farang . Same as any other traffic violation that causes injury, other wise of nooooooooo interest. :rolleyes:.

  7. If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

    Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

    I wouldn't let my children play in a busy street.

    Did what to a child of yours?

    Drove past without running them down?

    How fortunate you are, some children don't have any choice..Like blaming a rape victim sickening train of thought you have, I'm starting to suspect you being the other party...

    I was brought up not to let my kids play in the street.

    Only lower class parents ever did that in the UK.

    You must be a youngster, us oldies had a life of fun and (near) no worries for parents. Didn't lock doors, could leave stuff out side, shame today's thoughts about kids, safety and theft have changed. :)

  8. And people wonder why I say negative remarks about the overall mental capacity of Thais. The world EXPECTS Thailand to be the hub of pedophilia, and letting kiddie porn run rampant is only reinforcing that stereotype. You'd think the authorities would do EVERYTHING they can to help abolish that terrible reputation but they don't. Geniuses? I think not.

    A principle way to stem the tide would be a drastic cut towards foreign arrivals. With little or no market, the kiddie-porn, and related activities, might just disappear. Or not...:jap:

    NOT, Thais buy the stuff.

  9. When l was a kid we played in the street and adults took care and UNDERSTOOD kids were playing. END OF STORY. Low life's who drive recklessly around kids are shit heads, END OF STORY.:huh:

  10. If you have a fight with someone, always be the first one to call the police and press charges. It doesn't matter who started and who won, the one who called the police first has always an advantage. Always be the first to call the police, even if, actually especially if, you're the one who beat the sh_t of the other guy.

    As it's the girl who called the cops, you're presumed guilty. But if they just asked you to shake hands, it means they realized who is right and who is wrong and they just try to save face. If you had called them first, the situation would have been more in your advantage.


  11. That all sounds well and good, but you won't be able to help your children much if you're thrown in jail. I believe there are any real parents on this thread. Everybody want to blame everyone else for not keeping their own children safe. Why are the kids playing in a road where people drive by at 40K?

    IMO, think more carefully about who is responsible for your childs safety. When its too late its too late, no yelling, arguing, or threats of not be able to ride for a long time will suffice.

    If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

    Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

    Maybe there's no where else for them to play?? And the speed is not supposed be 40 MPH or anything even close thorough a residential neighborhood, mindless post...

    Anyone who says "mind your own business" is one of these careless, inconsiderate trouble makers themselves and having children and living on the street it is HIS BUSINESS. The OP did the right thing but now he should have a nice spiked stop stick available at the ready to take the tires from under this drunk monkey and his GF..

    I'm afraid the mistake the OP made was hesitating and not getting to the police box first maybe even earlier to lodge a complaint as he mentioned this has happened before this incident, then when this event occurred it may have been more in his favor....

    The only such confrontations I've had here have all been with expats, it's shameful and another one almost happened the other night. We were eating at Food land when a group of expats and their wives (I'll refrain from mentioning nationalities but let's just say they're a southern hemisphere former penile colony of a former European empire) decided that right next to our table was the place to socialize when they could have moved a mere few feet away and bothered no one.

    One of them was a big guy (read fat) and his back was to me and his rather large arse right in my face while I was trying to eat. To make matters worse they were blocking off both the customer service desk and the entire aisle so that people had to squeeze by them across our table to get by and one guy almost swiped off a glass of water and a plate of food with a laptop he had hanging across his shoulder in the process of trying to get by his fat arse, it just barely missed the glass and went right over top of the plate of food..

    Several Thai's had tried to walk past this guy and brushed him but he never got the hints and Thai's being non-confrontational weren't likely to ask them to move directly and after several people going by barely passing I figured they might get the hint but no joy :( ..

    Finally I politely but firmly interrupted and asked if they could move a few feet from our table and out of the aisle as they were creating a bottle neck which prevented people from passing and one of them was very apologetic and accommodating though I was pretty peeved they hadn't noticed and I had to mention it at all.. The fat arse however sarcastically raised a salute to me and were it not for my family being there and the other guys sensible and considerate apology the fat arse would have been spitting blood.

    I asked nicely and clearly they were being rude not only to me but to every person who tried to pass, why be an arse for his own lack of decorum and consideration and not just apologize and move on thereby disarming the entire situation. Yes there's some really snotty, rude expats here for certain and this really creepy feeling came over me afterwards that brought back past life stresses and made me very uncomfortable about expats in general I'm sad to say..

    Well done Warps, unfortunately there are those who think they are above others cos of numbers, size or just a farang in LOS, but you did good. :)

  12. you were right in my eyes,sounds like he is some small time thug his money should run out soon or get caught doing something else, karma my friend.

    its a shame with your wife and any other witness around and on your own property the police did not take your side,pm if you have any more problems my wife's family are well known in Pattaya and l am sure one of them would gladly have a word in his ear and you would not see him again in your area riding a bike.

    First class post. :)

  13. In any conflict where arms are used, people are killed or wounded by friendly fire, ANY. ;)

    Yes of course but........Isn't it ironic that the reason NATO is there is supposedly to enforce a NO Fly / No Conflict situation.

    Would you say mission accomplished then?

    I think WE don't know what's actually going on behind the scenes, same as in the Balkans genocide, which only came to light to us after it was over.

    There are regimes now that deny the holocaust ever happened, even the German civilians at the time could not believe it till they were shown. Wait and see.

  14. I've had an electric shock many times here - thank god they have a high voltage and low current that hasn't killed me.

    Think the stuff that gives you a belt that doesn't kill you is low wattage, lucky it wasn't a kettle or heater, but even low wattage can stop your heart.

    Anything in my place with a 2 pin plug now has a 3 pin plug using an earth from chassis of a suspect appliances, but l do have an earthed 3 pin sockets outlets. :)

    When l rented a place, had a washing machine delivered, they set it up, 2 pin plug, fixed an earth to the chassis, banged a nail between the tiles on the floor and wrapped the earth wire round it. :lol:

  15. The only good outcome of this crime is that it will break up Nato. Who in EU can sand behind murder of childen?

    No fly zone?


    There was no crime. The military compound was a legitimate target.

    You make a definitive claim that the bombing of a military command and control center will break up Nato. On what basis do you make that statement aside from your own personal political views?

    I really don't think the typical citizen in the EU cares about the fate of the Gaddaffi clan, nor will anyone save for the usual crackpots and extremists, be calling for the dissolution of Nato. I believe that you will find that the joint French and British operation will be applauded.

    It was Saif Gaddaffi's decision to use his family as a "human shield". No one forced Saif Gaddaffi to keep his family in a military compound.He made the decision and the responsibility is his alone. Nato did murder any children. The children were located in a military target and were casualties of the Gaddaffi decision to wage war on the Libyan population.

    The Libyans that were killed were in a military target. The target had been targeted repeatedly. The previous targeting of the Gaddaffi military headquarters would have been a wake up call to a rational person that it was not appropriate place to shelter in. Nato provided advance warning to Gaddaffi that the compound would be targeted. If murder has been committed it is at the hands of the Gaddaffis. No one made Saif hide behind his family.

    I would go further to say that Gaddaffi would willingly sacrifice family to use against NATO or whoever.

  16. The west has been waiting for an opening to take this action to solve the stuff that Gaddafi has been involved in over the years, WHICH has cost the lives of many innocent folk in the UK and Ireland, and of course the world over, including Libya.

    Different l know but many lives were lost to quash a tyrant 60 years ago to make the world a safer place.

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