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Posts posted by transam

  1. I am now classed as a senior but from 14 years old wore Levi jeans and T shirts, for the last 30 years Custom cars on back and front the T's which l still wear today in LOS, so where does that put me in your thoughts. :)

    I had a double take the other day, l saw an old farang guy in Tesco's who's hair was dyed blacker than coal that looked ridiculous, could have been a wig, dressed all in black, shirt open with a big medallion on a huge chain on show :bah:. Perhaps he thinks he looked cool to the ladies but from a farangs point he looked like a circus presenter.

  2. rolleyes.gif Following my 1st post approx 1hr ago I am back to follow up my interest and make a comment I have what I call my wife and her daughter 14yrs old they both ride a motor bike the wife wears a skid lid all the time the young wears hers until she is out of my sight

    when I ask why she takes the skid lid off she pretends not to understand which angers me. I have now come to the conclusion that I am wasting my breath but see,ing how I have not seen many of her school chums 3/4 on a bike without skid lids and BIBs outside the school allowing this I now understand that there is not much LAW in Thailand.

    As posts have stated the BIBs are only interested in TEA MONEY. In the 4yrs I have been here I have had a motorbike and car licence THAI I have only been spoken to by BIBs once and they only asked where I lived and that did not cost anything touch wood but I never ride a bike without my lid on I have known a few mates in the U/K who are now dead and seen many accidents here and that did not have to happen mostly because of what I call STUPIDITY .

    As for the punishment of parents HOW can you Punish if there is no LAW

    Surely you can impress upon a child there will be no more money forthcoming from you if she does not wear a helmet at all times when on a motorcycle.

    Since I bought a car, I've been aguing with my wife about carrying my four year old daughter on her thing while seated on the front passenger seat of the car. We both wear seatbelts, and I've preached to her endlessly on the dangers involved, but she either gets angry ( mumbling that I don't love my daughter ), or she ignores me. We almost had an accident oneday and my daughter flew to the windscreen, but instead of blaming herself, she got angry that I slammed on the brakes too hard.

    I believe these people are too hard-hearted that it's difficult to impress anything on them or to change them.

    I think most here will agree with your scenario, perhaps cos a farang must always be perfect so always at fault when a problem, even from your nearest and dearest. :unsure:

  3. rolleyes.gif Following my 1st post approx 1hr ago I am back to follow up my interest and make a comment I have what I call my wife and her daughter 14yrs old they both ride a motor bike the wife wears a skid lid all the time the young wears hers until she is out of my sight

    when I ask why she takes the skid lid off she pretends not to understand which angers me. I have now come to the conclusion that I am wasting my breath but see,ing how I have not seen many of her school chums 3/4 on a bike without skid lids and BIBs outside the school allowing this I now understand that there is not much LAW in Thailand.

    As posts have stated the BIBs are only interested in TEA MONEY. In the 4yrs I have been here I have had a motorbike and car licence THAI I have only been spoken to by BIBs once and they only asked where I lived and that did not cost anything touch wood but I never ride a bike without my lid on I have known a few mates in the U/K who are now dead and seen many accidents here and that did not have to happen mostly because of what I call STUPIDITY .

    As for the punishment of parents HOW can you Punish if there is no LAW

    The Law is there when it suits them.

  4. I am a new to thaivisa, having lived in Thailand 4out of 5yrs and shortly to return I have seen many many things here that are impossible for me to believe and understand I could tell of these things but I would not like to bore you. I have followed Thaivisa for a few yrs and found it interesting to read what other people think and write. But for me the most important thing is this is Thailand and life and culture is very very different from the U/K. I am saddened to see 9 deaths any where in the world and my heart go,s out to their family's saying this I understand somebody must be held responsible and accountable.

    Firstly a driver with or without a licence and being under age. really end of story for that person plus any persons assisting her which seems to be many. The outcome of this carnage is not going to be quick end easy but will take quiet a fair time. I do hope I am not intruding on your site but I read it every day. As for the outcome of this matter and loads of things people think are wrong in Thailand that is going to take centuries to put right.

    But remember in LOS not just a few drive under age or no insurance or no crash hat but probably millions, cos the policing is virtually non existent and the populous know it. Until the police start policing nothing will change.

    People on Tv in the past have said '' they don't work cos of low wages '', <deleted>. I sat in my garden and did my own survey. Sat for two hours ( with a beer of course ), pen and paper, after dark. Bikes and cars, no lights, under age kids, no helmets. All stuff covered by Thai Law. Knowing roughly the fines, in 2 hours l came up with 20,000 bht, IFFF, the police nicked and fined them. But they prefer to sit in a bar talking rubbish all day or moon lighting, running their own business.

    Bundles to be earned and more important, lives saved. .

  5. I think the OP magically changes into his super-suit in under a second................

    We never thought of that, perhaps it's the real Spider Man, oooooh. :ph34r:

    Under a bridge

  6. Can you please post a list of the illegal thing you have done, your bench mark so to speak. I would like to know what I can and can't get away with in your eyes. I love hooker…………Am I safe...Am I safe?

    It would seem I would be OK punching people, if I thought they had committed a crime I don't like, or had not taken part in.

    OK, you asked for advice, well, this is my opinion; let's start with the facts; you are in a strange country, strange culture and you don't speak the language, you know the police force is very corrupted and you want to either run around wearing your undies over your trousers, punching people, or if they are bigger then you, report them to the BIB for a crime, but only if it's more serious, (in your eyes) than any crime you have…….or may commit in the future. Is that about right?

    Yer! All sound good to me! Go for it. Either way I think you will need good life insurance.

    You beat me too it. :)

    The OP does sound like a plonker but Troll does come to mind. :rolleyes:

  7. Usually caused by the tracking out of correct angle. Sometimes caused by hitting something hard ( Curb etc ) and bending the track rod a fraction. Of couse they want the sale of new shocks where having the tracking adjusted costs penny's. :)

    PS. Power steering can cause it too if you corner fast at speed regularly.

  8. dominique355 has made the point that seems to have been missed by most. Initial accident reports stated that the girl had just returned from America. It is quite possible therefore that she already has a drivers license albeit for another country. Of course this would not be valid in Thailand because of her age. I do not offer this as an excuse for her actions, just something else to consider amongs all the other factors surrounding this very sad incident.

    If I'm not mistaken, in the US if you're below 18 you get a drivers permit that requires an adult to be in the car at all times when you drive. Even then you're not allowed on the Freeway.

    In this case she did not have an adult in the car, plus she was on the tollway. I think this is a moot point.

    However I do agree with the article from the Nation.

    As an American I had a learners permit at 14 (had to be accompanied by a licensed driver when driving). After passing the written and driving test at 16 years of age was issued a drivers license which had NO restrictions. Could drive anywhere as an adult.


    Yeh, imagine back in the 60's with those street 300/400 hp rides at 16. :).

  9. What, pray tell, is "the axle issue"? Is it that well known? Sorry for my ignorance if it is discussed earlier in this or another thread.....

    Yes it's around in other stuff that a few Pajaro owners have had their rear ends develop axle whines. Mitsu have repaired then replaced under guarantee but still have probs. One member states that Mitsu knows of the problem. ;)

  10. My Mitsu dealer called me yesterday, he confirms that the 'new' PJS is waiting for me THIS week for a test drive, woohoo.

    He will call me once more again, when the car is ready for me this same week :)

    This means that all Mitsu dealer will have it in their showroom this or next week, and if not, you can at least order your new PJS :)

    Ask if it comes with a spare rear axle as standard. :unsure::D

    will do when im there :)

    Joking aside, press them on the axle issue, l know they will lie but reassurance would be nice. :)

  11. My Mitsu dealer called me yesterday, he confirms that the 'new' PJS is waiting for me THIS week for a test drive, woohoo.

    He will call me once more again, when the car is ready for me this same week :)

    This means that all Mitsu dealer will have it in their showroom this or next week, and if not, you can at least order your new PJS :)

    Ask if it comes with a spare rear axle as standard. :unsure::D

  12. In a Thai society where it is '' OK '' for people to drive under age l don't feel that us farangs can really comment on this one tragedy. Go to any school and you will see 10 year olds driving motor bikes sometimes 4 up and a copper is controlling the traffic for them :huh:, and these bikes can kill.

    IF it is allowed by the law on the street then nothing will change. Every day past my place hundreds of kids on bikes going to and from school, under age, no helmets all with the parents knowledge.

    Sad for the 9 victims but what if just one died, you wouldn't have heard about it cos this type of accident happens every day.

    As for her being to young to drive, well you can ride a bike that can kill at 15 so the to young theory doesn't work for me.

    As for license, l have been to a Thai driving test a couple of times and it is a joke, don't even go out on the road so even if she had a license she could have been useless like most other drivers here.

  13. The issue is not with the parents, the issue is with dogs, which are filthy animals. On this occastion you may have seen what they've been up to. Just think what dogs do and eat when you're not paying attention. They're pretty much large rats.

    Tend to agree that the street dogs eat anything, crap included and then nose around humans. As for the OP's western, a little presumptuous hmmmm. :huh:

  14. I think it's time to reduce the adult age to 16 or younger now. I felt that the teenagers nowaday know everything and do not listen when the adults try to tell them something.

    The most important right of a child is to be child, with all (ir)responsibilities and behaviour that comes with that.

    I agree with your statement Mario, wholeheartedly, however, when we let out children become the drivers of motor vehicles there is also a level of responsibility that goes with that. I mean, a motor vehicle is a loaded gun, in this case more than 1000kgs of gun.

    If you were addressing the simple 'mistake' of a child who, being unlicenced and according to the law, not allowed to drive a car, but drove and was caught doing so by police. Then perhaps there child made a mistake. :ermm:

    However, when that child then proceeds to do x, y & z in that motor vehicle, are they all to be classed as 'further' mistakes to the original mistakes? How many mistakes can the child keep making before its held accountable? :ermm:

    What age in Thailand can someone 'legally' obtain a drivers licence?

    If that age is less than 18 (the aged people are deemed to be adult) then at least at that age the child should be held fully accountable for their mistake's especially in the situation where the act of x, y & z results in a death. The only difference in this scenario is the process involved in the child being held accountable ie: the processes of the police & courts etc.

    As you know, one of the things they look at with children is, did the child know what they were doing was wrong. I can see there might be a case with a really young child (7-12 years), perhaps for some even higher, but having said that, we are talking about a child who in a very few short months will actually be 18. Did she know what she was doing was wrong?

    I wonder how many times the child has been making these mistakes for? Perhaps the Police investigation might reveal that the child was making these mistakes every day for the last 12 months, maybe it won't, maybe this is the first time. Alot can be said on the issue, can't it?

    Whatever happens, I hope that justice prevails and I hope that no idiot thinks he can take the law into his or her own hands. When thinking about the entire situation I don't think anyone can seriously suggest that this child intended for any of this to happen & for most people involved in something like this, perhaps more than 99%, this is a life changing moment.

    So much life snuffed out, so terribly sad.

    She is accountable, but to a lesser degree than an adult. Childrens rights and repsonsibilities grow with the years. As they get more and more mature, so grows their accountability.

    The sad thing in Thailand is that there is no efficient law enforcement for traffic laws. One sees that when mini vans are driven beyond capacity, so when things go wrong it goes more wrong than should have been. Every day I see motor cylces being driven by 12/13 year olds with 3 people on it, I can't count the number of motorcucle accidents. But every year I attend at least 1 funeral of a student, killed in am motorcycle accident. If only they would wear helmets, some major injuries would be prevented. Not to mention parents driving a motor cycle while their 2 year old desperatly hangs on to the motor cycle.

    It is in that enviroment that this girl drove a car.

    Absolutely and the thing that annoys me is the parents of these too young bike riders let them do it, mainly cos they can't be bothered to take them themselves but when they are killed it's the other guys fault, not the parents.

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