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Posts posted by transam

  1. If there is rust you will never get rid of it. In the UK there was stuff that you put in the tank and shake it around but tank must be removed first from the motor. :huh:

    PS. Thought we were talking pickled onions.

    Talking about pickle onions mine are all ready now rolleyes.gif

    Lucky sod. Mine are so hot and not to good that l can't eat them but l will try again. :)

    The mrs will eat em though. :D

  2. Yes indeed. THROW away the key, what a grub :annoyed: deserves no mercy.

    I agree drunk drivers deserve no mercy at all.. Thai or foreign.


    Lock him up. Don't let him buy his way out.

    The family of the dead Thai man may hope that he does buy his way out.


    I know a drunk Thai who killed a Thai on his bike and the drunk was on the wrong side of the road in his truck. Family and you know who were happy with the pay out. :huh:

  3. If there is rust you will never get rid of it. In the UK there was stuff that you put in the tank and shake it around but tank must be removed first from the motor. :huh:

    PS. Thought we were talking pickled onions.

    I certaintly will get rid of it and the reason it's there is because I left the tank for a long period with gasohaul in there, it attracts moisture

    I can also add salt to the vinegar which makes it a bit more potent, once done then baking soda to neutralise the acid and a good flushing with water then dry quickly, add meths to the next petrol fill which binds with any water left in there and that should do it

    Cool, good luck. :)

  4. If there is rust you will never get rid of it. In the UK there was stuff that you put in the tank and shake it around but tank must be removed first from the motor. :huh:

    PS. Thought we were talking pickled onions.

  5. Fortuner has a full time 4x4, IOW it is always in 4x4 mode. The second gear stick is to change from ordinary 4x4 to Low series 4x4 for serious pulling or off road driving. Can only be engaged when auto in Neutral and vehicle stand still, and can not be used on dry paved roads

    Had a chat to my chum today who has a Smart auto. And no it is not full time 4x4 it is 4x2 to make it 4x4 you have to use the small leaver to engauge. It dose not have to be stationary, you can change as long as it's under 80kmph. So no switch. It has only been in the last two year's that the Fortuner has been full time 4x4. The smart it over two year's old. So not full time, It's the same as the manual/auto set up on Vigo or Fortuner pre 09 come to that. And can be used under/in any condition's.

    hmm, my 2005 Fortuner was a full time 4x4 during the 40k km I kept it. The small lever engages 4x4 LOW.

    Vigo 4x4 part time or any other part time 4x4 can NOT be used on dry paved roads without premature damages

    Well you live and learn about the first part. All the fortuner's I've been in prior to the new set up had 4x2 or 4x4 up to you. But according to Toyota you can use 4x4 set up under any condition. Must admit that's what they told me when I had my "Vigo", not Fortuner. Only one draw back it use's more fuel.

    Hmmmmm, When l bought my 4x4 Vigo in 07 they said no problem in 4x4 anywhere any time but don't engage or disengage over 80kmh. But, l must admit that the LSD' s do fight on dry roads.:huh:

  6. Put a tester, Liv to neutral then Live to earth to be sure you are earthed. You can buy 3 pin plugs but l haven't found one with an internal fuse. 2 pin fit in 3 pin outlets, but item not earthed.

    My place has earthed outlets and l have run earth wires to the chassis of stuff with no earth. :)

  7. OPs post has been edited, as parts of it was naming and shaming Thais

    Please keep it sivilized and within Forum rules

    Did you know thailand has had the strictest motorbike emission requirements in the wolrd for a while, just recently matched by those introduced in EU?

    and all new diesel vehicles will within this year have emission on par with Europe, Euro IV.

    Thai government is focused on environment

    Unfortunately ' locally ', in the sticks the local gov do not give a shit about anything except sitting in a bar in the afternoons. I had a few problems in the area, they said we will write letters, they sent the letters, they were ignored, so end of story. I complained, they shrugged their shoulders. :ermm:

  8. Who really knows anything about Muslims today? I mean with all the Rhetoric coming from various Government officials and born again Christians and Israel. In the Western countries, Muslims, Christians, and Jewish groups have formed such as Interfaith dialog groups consisting of Muslim's, Christian's, and Jewish people.

    In Thailand, they have some but they don't involve Thai government, which are viewed as being more of the problem then the solution.

    One example of shared cooperation between different faiths here in Bangkok, is the Mercy Center, located The Human Development Foundation, located behind Tesco/Lotus on Rama 4 in Klong Toey. If you ever had a chance to visit this place, they are helping children suffering from HIV/AIDS, Homeless people and so on. You will see Muslim's, Christian's and Buddhist's actively volunteering or working there. I've had the pleasure of working with Father Joe a few times, and he has a good heart. You can check out their site at: http://www.mercycentre.org.

    A quote from the Dali Lama, that streses the need for Dialogue.

    "War seems to be part of the history of humanity. As we look at the situation of our planet in the past, countries, regions and even villages were economically independent of one another. Under those circumstances, the destruction of our enemy might have been a victory for us. There was a relevance to violence and war. However, today we are so interdependent that the concept of war has become out dated. When we face problems or disagreements today, we have to arrive at solutions through dialogue. Dialogue is the only appropriate method. One-sided victory is no longer relevant. We must work to resolve conflicts in a spirit of reconciliation and always keep in mind the interests of others. We cannot destroy our neighbors! We cannot ignore their interests! Doing so would ultimately cause us to suffer. I therefore think that the concept of violence is now unsuitable. Nonviolence is the appropriate method."

    Dalai Lama quotes (Head of the Dge-lugs-pa order of Tibetan Buddhists, 1989 Nobel Peace Prize, b.1935)

    So, in conclusion, governments cannot solve these issues only individuals.

    I like the Dali Lama's idea

    Unfortunately one of the major players in the conference is Islam. And they have no problem killing themselves. to them it is a way of life. The Koran urges them to kill the infidels. So they divide into separate sect's say the other one is a infidel and kill him also. To them life is cheap makes no difference what religion to them particularly if you are a women. Now how are you going to find some one to represent them much less get them to agree to what position to take.

    I guess one can hope dosen't seem to be a lot else.

    I really love American narrow-mindedness, you would make a perfect white supremacist in a region of the world full of Asians, some of them communists, and some of them hate you just as much as you hate them, but they keep it quite. I am Muslim and you offended my people. So please show me the passage instead of spouting your hatred. Show me the passage, rip it out and show me.

    It,s in your Koran. And no I don't hate you. I hate any religion that condones Terrorism and treats women the way Islam does. If it is not in the Koran you better get busy and tell Bin Laden. And as for your narrow minded point of view. I do live in Asia. and if you had the sense God or Allah or what ever gave a goose you would see that I am not a White supremest. That I take a strong dislike to some of the posters here on TV who do nothing but bash Thai's I have Thai friends I like Asian's that is why I live here.

    You talk about narrow minded what Muslim country advertises itself as open to all religions. In Malaysia if you try to leave Islam they can punish you. How are the Christian's being treated in Egypt and Iran? You don't even have a clue to what open minded is.:(

    You are a big part of the problem in the world. Instead of condemning Bin Laden and the others like him you defend him and send him a check. If Islam would stop supporting these people there would be a lot more peace in the world today.

    Thank you for that.

  9. pjclark1 - I misread your last line. I thought you said..

    'have you met her in prison'

    Nearly choked on my beer. :D

    Inmysights, yes it is common for Thai men to pay sin sod to Thai brides.


  10. Am l not right that Muslims from whatever part of the planet do not recognise any other religion. In fact all those with another religion or belief are infidels and should be disposed of ? So how can anyone get closer. You can bend over backwards but you won't change anything.

    In the west and now east the extremes are killing their own Muslims with indiscriminate killings (bombings), a mindset that will not be changed.

    As a Muslim, they accept are told to accept other people from different faiths. Christian, Jews, Buddhists, Hindi, and so on. Though, each religion has some members, who are extreme in their views, no question about it. Now, the big problem in Southern Thailand and youth. They don't really don't know how to read the Koran or interoperates its meaning. Their "teacher" tells them what it means from a certain point of view, the wrong point of view. Recognized Muslims are going down there to teach these youth, what is right and what is wrong. My neighborhood is about 70% Islam, and they tolerate others just fine.

    Well there you go. I guy writes a book which isn't clear in it's meaning. Same with the Christian Bible, so people choose to give it a different meaning and distort stuff, but both have been written by a bloke and NOT by whatever/ whoever is up there. ;)

  11. Forget delivery. Once a minute old it's naff. Take a ride for a fresh one, wish l could but we don't have burger joints in my location. :(

    The more I think about it, I think you are right. Just a craving and a little lazy after the holidays. Think I will just go on down and get fresh. Thanks :rolleyes:

    I'm very jealous now. :annoyed: But :thumbsup:

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