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Posts posted by transam

  1. YES



    Are you saying that the South Africans are better than the ozzies as well ? :unsure:

  2. Cheers. I've got a mental image of this chimp in a police uniform screeching and bouncing up and down on some blokes car bonnet, bending the aerial in half, ripping off the wing mirror and then frenetically wanking with a big grin on its face as the bloke says " Excuse me is there a problem officer?"

    I'll settle for the chimp in uniform as in Ubon there's nothing else to enforce the new crack down. :rolleyes:

  3. Your last repentance, then send all the non natives home that are getting hand outs FIRST, because they can.

    Your words not mine "IF a UK native CAN claim whatever, what does it matter" and your correct if they are receiving benefits they should not be entitled to then yes send them back , sorry that may not sit well with a certain group but its true.

    Repentance??? why did you have to bring god into this ha ha.

    I am sure we have enthralled the thaivisa members enough for the evening , peace out Dumpling.

    How did Repentance get in there :lol:, Should be sentence, :lol: Think l clicked wrong in spell check or something, sorry.

  4. IF a UK native CAN claim whatever, what does it matter where he or she has their feet up ? All this they are in the sun is <deleted>, IF they cannot work it doesn't matter where they are. Claiming for non existent stuff is a different matter. .

    well yes I agree location does not matter but someone who is claiming enough to travel all over the globe is going to ruffle a few feathers , most benefits paid out are for health reasons.Now if someone is sick then surely travelling half way across the world will raise an eye brow or two."Claiming for non existent stuff" is that not benefit fraud the whole topic of discussion which I whole heartedly agree should be stamped out to save those who truly need and deserve the benefits the state offer.

    I would also like to add just because you can does not mean you should.

    Your last repentance, then send all the non natives home that are getting hand outs FIRST, because they can.

  5. GOOD! never claimed a penny in my life even when I was entitled.My family taught me self respect and to have a strong work ethic along with some pride.To many U.K nationals see it as money you must try to get by any means with out seeing the cost in high taxes and national insurance .A tough stance is needed in many areas before its to late and many think it already is.

    OK, you are the perfect UK citizen BUT the rest of the poor planet is eager to get into the UK for the free bee's, and many thousands have, thanks to you and me. First sort out that lot, then sort out the natives. :huh:

    YOU are keeping terrorists families in luxury, sitting about doing sod all.

    Did I not say a tough stance in many areas ?

    Immigration being one them.We could get into the hoops we have to jump through to get our Thai families to the U.K but that is drifting off topic, benefit fraud is the topic and to me if you do not have the money to support your self in a foreign country then you should head home.Double standards are the curse of it, if the government is paying for its nationals to stay in another country why shouldn't it pay for foreigners to stay in the U.K? think of that way and may be you will see the long term picture this could benefit those of us living away and our families.

    IF a UK native CAN claim whatever, what does it matter where he or she has their feet up ? All this they are in the sun is <deleted>, IF they cannot work it doesn't matter where they are. Claiming for non existent stuff is a different matter. .

  6. GOOD! never claimed a penny in my life even when I was entitled.My family taught me self respect and to have a strong work ethic along with some pride.To many U.K nationals see it as money you must try to get by any means with out seeing the cost in high taxes and national insurance .A tough stance is needed in many areas before its to late and many think it already is.

    OK, you are the perfect UK citizen BUT the rest of the poor planet is eager to get into the UK for the free bee's, and many thousands have, thanks to you and me. First sort out that lot, then sort out the natives. :huh:

    YOU are keeping terrorists families in luxury, sitting about doing sod all.

  7. man, is this gonna be a long thread :rolleyes:

    Forgive me if this has been brought up already as i have only just started to read, but just to add something the OP might want to know.

    I have heard that if you marry a Thai who owes money you are also leagally liable for that sum..EVEN if you didnt know previously and she didnt tell you.

    I have no idea if this is 100% correct though, maybe someone in the know can set it straight..

    Ask Sid. :lol:

  8. I am at an airport in Taiwan and on my way to Bk tomorrow. I have got many good ideas here and in pms.

    Believe it or not I made all that money through teaching english in Japan. I don't think I am the type to lose it all again. :)

    I will read and digest more over next couple of days.

    Now I'm confused.


    That is just too funny.

    All these good folks offering you their advice and you either playing them like a fool or previously a liar.

    So, which is it?


    speak up now sid, no need to be shy

    +2, in anticipation, wait a mo, just topping my beer up. :huh:

  9. The downside getting married; is getting married :D . My advice is to just have fun as long as you can and get married as late as possible. Don't forget the baggage that comes with the Thai girlfriend after she becomes a wife :D
    Baggage? Whatever might you mean...?? :):D

    I think he means the MiL...

    What?! The MIL is one of the best of the extra perks that come with marrying a Thai woman! Or lady, even.

    Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. :bah:

    You millionaire farang, family pay no money to keep mum, kup kun ma krup. :)

  10. If I remember some week's ago T/A, you had a number plate that had V8 on it and you think chrome bit's on light's look Tacky/Naff !!!!!!!!!!!!! Christmas TREE. Happy new year.

    That plate never saw the street, only the computer monitor :D. Happy New Year to you too.


    Note the discrete Bentley style ' Stainless Steel ' grill inserts. Cool eh. :lol:

    Very Nice. No wonder there's a shortage of tooth brush's in Thailand you must have bought them all to keep the discrete bit's clean.

    Naff chrome/SSteel bit's round the head light's would, me think's, add that extra touch of class.

    Noooooo, they already have the chrome discretely ' inside ' the headlight unit.

    Stainless steel, no clean, no brushes. :D

  11. Then there are the farang Thai wannabes, these people really annoy me. You know, the ones that can speak fluent Thai, shout it out at the top of they're voices in public, just to make sure that everyone is aware of their brilliant command of the Thai language

    I am very mindful of this perception. So when I speak Thai when seated near to someone who looks like an old ill-adjusted buffoon who can't even order a plate of rice in the language of the country where he lives, then I make sure I use both Thai and English when speaking to any Thais in attendance, to ensure everyone feels included and understands me. (This is typically in bars).

    I do this especially if I get the impression that the Thai I'm speaking to has some kind of relationship/acqaintance with said buffoon; then it would just be rude to yap only in Thai and thus exclude the guy.

    Well l can't order rice, so buffoon l am. But l can spell acquaintance. :lol:

  12. Our water pressure alters day to day so l have a 1000 ltr tank and a pump that doesn't have a pressure vessel attached. It sorts pressure out internally and is great. Slightly more expensive but good. Think around 6000 bht for a 250 watt quality unit for 2 story house.

  13. Think many change their accent a bit cos even Thai English speakers or want to try do not understand dialects from different regions, and so speak so Thais can understand better. My mrs has trouble with US and North of England English, mind you so do I. :)

  14. If I remember some week's ago T/A, you had a number plate that had V8 on it and you think chrome bit's on light's look Tacky/Naff !!!!!!!!!!!!! Christmas TREE. Happy new year.

    That plate never saw the street, only the computer monitor :D. Happy New Year to you too.


    Note the discrete Bentley style ' Stainless Steel ' grill inserts. Cool eh. :lol:

  15. What a miserable attitude from "Village representative" Chalong Loysamut. He should be thankful the developers have decided to not add the last two floors.

    I were them, I'd tell the "representative" to shove it, stick on the last two 100% legal floors and add a 20 foot high sign on top advertising the condo.

    BUT, who ever gave planning permission in the first place should have looked at the bigger picture, taken into account those who have already purchased their property with the views etc. :)

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