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Posts posted by transam

  1. you are supposed to get back whatever you pay so what does it really matter? pay as much as your wife asks, it only leaves your bank account for an hour or so. better yet, just get a certified check from your bank account to her name so that you don't have to worry about handling real money. :whistling:

    :cheesy: Your living in marshmallow land. :huh:

    ooops, sorry, you were joking. ( I hope ) :rolleyes:

  2. I was trying to ignore it but as you didn't :bah: here l am. :D

    OP, if your not a troll they are all ' great lasses '.

    Remember you ' millionaire farang ' , will cost you more. Any tears from her then look elsewhere,


  3. Try flying with Air Brunei next time. They don't sell alcohol but if you are discrete they allow you to drink some of your duty free. One of the stewardesses even provided me with a corkscrew to open my red wine.

    I drank a full bottle of red and also drank some of my baileys. I also had a carton of beer to take through customs but I knew I was over the limit for duty free with it. The guard looked at my duty free slip and was scratching his head, then he went in to see his boss for a minute or so. His boss came out, had a look at the booze and, I imagine, what was missing. He just told me that a carton was too much to take in, only a dozen was allowed, next time don't take so much. That was it.

    Jetstar are terrible, I flew domestic with them once and never again. Saw a guy about 60, seemed a bit of a country lad with the boots and hat etc, he asked for a beer after takeoff and duly received. He then asked for another and was told he couldn't have one as the plane was decending for landing. Jeez we were still 40 minutes out. Other guys were knocked back as well, but not a girl that asked for a coke.

    Actually, British Airways were bad too. Used them on a flight to from Brisbane to Bangkok. 4 hours into the flight I decided I'd have a beer. I hit the button but no one came. After about 7 or 8 minutes I just got up and wandered up to where the stewardesses were gasbagging. I asked if I could have a beer and was told they were out. OUT!!! Jeez they really are trying to cut costs.

    There is a new airline starting soon, should have a look at them. I think they are called 'Strategic'. I think they are offering some cheap fares to Thailand as a start up. May be the beginning of another price war for us aussies wishing to hit the LOS.

    Yes, even in economy they provide parachute and goggles. :huh::D

  4. Am l not right that Muslims from whatever part of the planet do not recognise any other religion. In fact all those with another religion or belief are infidels and should be disposed of ? So how can anyone get closer. You can bend over backwards but you won't change anything.

    In the west and now east the extremes are killing their own Muslims with indiscriminate killings (bombings), a mindset that will not be changed.

  5. I live in Jomtien, and get a consistent 3-4 mb from 3BB (I pay for 5 ha ha). They were down hard here about a month ago, my friends and I had no connection for four days. When the tech showed up, he tested my router, then went outside my apartment complex for about 15 minutes. When he returned, it was back up again. I have NO idea what he did or what the solution could possible have been. All I know is it's back.

    I was told that they have problems country wide with their fibre optics connections. Usually the problem.

  6. lol, ill be practicing muay thai there, its cheaper and its just i dunno an adventure, after my stay there whether i stay the 90 days or later ill be going to thailand, and then cambo, probably spend more time in cambo as i dont really wanna go through any hassles with visas but who knows..

    now back to the original subject, and "whybother" youve posted here enough to know plenty of these guys know about KL and malaysia..and singapore..and the surrounding countries..not only they you all talk about them, so whats the problem?

    If you want you can PM me as l have a guy in KL who will pick you up at the airport, run you around and find you what ever accommodation you want. Speaks good English and is reliable.

    PS. That goes for anyone here off to KL. :)

  7. In Ubon l pay 590bht for the 5 but get 6 and *5 for upload. If l get a problem for slowness it's only with Tv though their Singapore server speed test shows 6. UK or US sites are instant, films, youtube, great. :)

    I once had a problem and it took 3BB 3 days to fix. Also took DNS off auto and put in one supplied by Tv which solved a problem.

  8. no. not another one of these guys who thinks getting laid costs nothing..

    I've been around and I have never known a woman who didn't expect some kind of compensation for sleeping with me. even if it was just a few hundred baht. sooner or later, they ask for money or they get their "cut" of your estate. :ermm:


    Sigh.. What does your experience as an old guy with a young girl from a bar has to do with real life?

    if i move to las vegas when im 60 and marry a 28 yo stripper. im not gonna expect anything but being used.

    Everyone who moves to thailand for love has issues, if you cant find love back home it's because you're not lovable or you are looking for people out of your league.

    Listen Fellaor MZ, I am one handsome man and NEVER had to look for a lady, they came to me!! I went to thailand because my wife died of cancer and I wanted a change in everything AND my wife was not a bar girl, she was a college educated woman and not as you say 28...she is in her mid 40's and someone who would not look twice at you, ok?(I'm sure)....send your picture and I'll send mine and let the people say...I have never ever gone to the bar side of towns in any place in Thailand and i avoided that crap. obviously you are one of themor the other L, the ones that make Falang a bad word in Thailand. What an idiot to assume something like that!...now we know why they say "stupid falang".....I am an educated and attractive man and you are stuck with that stupid stigma of every man that comes to thailand can't get a woman in his own country....well, I left because I had too many wanting what I had and who I am, and wanted more than I was willing to give there!........I wanted something different.....if you ever had a good wife and good everything, would not you be here making judgments on someone you know nothing about>????..........talk about stupid falang!!!..........

    you are one of those that judge before knowing anything!!.....I can afford to live in both countrys if I please....can you?...or are you stuck in a hole in khao sahn road with your p-3 judging people.....no, obviously not....you';ve never even been to thailand because that is the attitude of many ignorant people that are just plain jealous of the fact that some can afford to do those things...sorry, bud or mz....probably a mz because I have heard that same sound from some women in the USA too....wow...jealous!!!....you definitly are a woman!!!!!!!....whatza matter? can't find a guy in your country because they are tired of your kind of talk??.and looks?..yep!!!

    Totally agree and good idea if DL changes his forum name. as a picture has been painted in such a short time. :bah:

    ( but XX, bit less of the handsome man eh, we are all handsome here.:D )

  9. In 14 years of living in Thailand i'm still waiting for the first farang friend or acquaintance that tells me his lady isn't after his money or is happy to go to work and contribute to paying the incoming bills.

    It's a fact that unless you buy them a business which many idiots do (mostly bars) 99% per cent of our tilacs wouldn't bring shame on themselves with having to work for a living and put some money into the bill paying pot.

    Are there any exceptions to that?

    Let's say i've yet to meet one.

    My lady once helped me in my Guesthouse business in Phuket and her friends asked her why she was working when she has a rich farang, where all her gold was and how much was I paying her every month.

    my gf makes from 40-100k baht a month and is now paying our mortgage instead of me. and works 12-14hrs a day many days out of the week.

    my only real friend in thailand has a lawyer for a gf and she makes 10times his salary, his ex was an international engineer, she made 3 times his salary

    Ive seen a lot more of these cases, i just dont know them enough to post accurate infos

    The fact that the guy i quoted used 'tilac' means he's a monger, so maybe i should of not answered him.

    Think l better go and hang myself, good bye all. :bah:

  10. Don't think much of your friend choice. :unsure:

    Not sure why you'd assume we were friends when I went out of my way to make it clear she was no 'friend' of mine when I described the nature of our acquaintance.

    Anyone who knows how much the lady was scamming (stealing), which you have written you know her and how much she made on a regular basis, l think was your friend. :)

  11. Stressed out?

    She should be. She's a mass murderer.

    the Karma and Sin will follow her forever.

    Daft post.

    Nobody knows what ACTUALLY happened yet. <_<

    Trans maybe, but 9 people have lost their lives through this incident and someones irresponsibility.

    The way some members are posting here you would think its been a little shunt on the expressway.

    I understand that but this poster would have her strung up now when nobody has yet come up with what actually happened. If it were the girls in the car that were killed what would posts like that be saying, the van driver is a murderer.

  12. Thai kid wasn't scamming, I don't think. It's not all that an exploitable spot, he's fixed in a static position, mark is very unlikely to continue on "none the wiser", nah...I'm not seeing it. But who knows...if he gave you your recharge slip or card, he can't be scamming I don't think...


    When I returned he retrieved the card instantly (but then only about ten minutes had passed). Though I would have been happy to have just taken the card, he took my phone, which I had used to show him the 0.5 baht balance, punched in the numbers and then a message appeared in English showing the balance to be 200.5 baht.

    He had such a nice smile that I'm sure now that it was simply an honest mistake.

    ahh yeah that doesn't place him in a great position....if he had the card all handy-like for your return...leaning towards scam, if he just "oh here it is!" with the charge slip...

    I once noticed a convenience store clerk at a location near me do something that I thought odd. One week I purchased about $8 worth of gas and paid with a $20. The clerk put the $2 down on the counter as change, I picked it up and then remembered I had handed him a twenty...so I waited, and the other ten casually appeared.

    This would be one of the oldest (and most profitable) scams conducted across the entire retail industry. The delayed incoming change. A girl I knew who worked a busy weekend bar would clean 4 figures a weekend scamming drunkards with this old trick (she had a pretty ridiculous advantage, the drunks were inevitably intently focused on talking to her chest and few - if any - would even consider assessing their change for accuracy whilst trying to line up an impossibly ambitious date).

    Definitely a scam to be alert to at all times...

    Don't think much of your friend choice. :unsure:

  13. It's ridiculous, this idea that sending this child to prison could somehow be...productive.

    Just to clarify as you have quoted my post, where in it does it suggest that I am suggesting incarceration, or the benefits of such?The point really being is, will there be the usual dual standard application of the law as there was with Moo Ham?

    Your last sentence again suggests that something was said, that wasn't written by me - In the end this topic is not about the rights and wrongs of incarceration, it is about seeing that justice is seen. My own feeling, is that it wont anyway - as seen by recent incidents such as Moo Ham, Santika...

    If you understood what "the full limit" (which you demand she be punished with) actually consisted of, you'd understand why I - correctly - referenced your demands she be incarcerated. Perhaps, if I may be so bold, you might first check what "the full limits" actually are before you demand they be expressly applied to a terrified child, next time?

    In the end, this topic is about productive v counter-productive / outright destructive responses to the tragedy. It is my opinion you are calling for the latter. Nothing positive or productive is served by sending a terrified child to prison for a tragic mistake whilst driving an automobile. Why do you believe justice requires retribution in this form?

    Wouldn't justice be best served by the nation learning a lesson about seatbelts, the dangers of tailgating, the unacceptability of underaged driving, etc?

    Nah. Let's just throw a child in prison instead! She can wear our frustrations at perceived injustices in the judicial process. Because that's fair. sigh.

    The topic, or my take on it is a lot about the response of what Thais have been saying online...

    The cult of celebrity and the hijacking of discussions like this by those with agendas and axes to grind pretty much precludes the possibility that the overall voice is going one of wisdom.

    There are tens of thousands of teenage daughters currently dicing with danger / death after having been effectively brainwashed into (shortened) lives; working in the sex industry to support extended families back in their villages. Is it really the sense of 'injustice' that has so many Thais outraged at this 16 yr old girl? There just seems so many far more pressing injustices which are ahead in the cue. So many other tragic deaths which aren't generating appropriate levels of outrage. Don't you think?

    I personally think you are talking &lt;deleted&gt; and you don't understand the underlying way Thailand works. Under age driving, no problem, pay the BiB, kill some one, no problem, we are rich, pay the BiB. WAKE UP. :rolleyes:

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