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Everything posted by transam

  1. Oh riiiiiight, so glad you told me................
  2. I can't believe you wrote that.......🤔
  3. With care, yes.............And a bit stronger at 21.........😉
  4. Sorry, you will have to explain that one..........🤭
  5. And remind them of those folk knocking at the door on a Sunday morning selling "The Watch Tower" magazine.................................😱
  6. The thread is a subject, if you don't like birds in your garden, then move on to another subject, like pigeon pooh on your balcony........🤭
  7. And why not, do you live in a hi-rise flipping pancakes all day for amusement/hobby...?..........🤔
  8. If I were in prison, I would hate for you to turn up with your wisdom....... Plus, your life may end up in danger........😠
  9. Shame isn't it, Gazans leaders started it all for them, of course you will never accept that fact, that is a shame too...
  10. Correct, she is just a fruitcake that is now years older and should be ignored. Her parents should be ashamed for pulling her strings as a kid and creating a fruitcake..🤔
  11. Eeeeeeeeer, she's not in the UK.........Hold fire chap, I will let you know when you Scottish Nationalists have an opening, if you like........🤣
  12. They will not understand your lingo, as I don't...............😂
  13. Well, we all know Hamas don't, the executioners you seem to protect.....
  14. No, not with you in it.....................🤣
  15. We have read here many times in the past blokes bragging about they own a house, done via a "Company" that does no business. Yes, the lawyers fix the paperwork, but underneath it is a fiddle. Scrutiny by any official that deals with company stuff can spot the fiddle in no time, but it seems there are so many fingers in the pie it maybe difficult fix, as there must be hundreds of properties owned by this fiddle...
  16. TV tech is always improving, ever few months a new model, the unsold older models are not thrown away, they are sold off cheap via bulk buyers....
  17. Sadly you don't watch videos, but I can highly recommend Borough Market, Southwark, excellent choice of cheeses from around the world.... https://boroughmarket.org.uk/market-blog/press-release/have-a-gouda-time-at-borough-markets-evening-of-cheese-this-christmas/ https://bigcheeseweekender.com/ Every day there you will find many types of cheeses at this market....
  18. A cheap basic car, it does what it says on the tin, hard to beat if a runaround is all you need...🤗
  19. Seeing as I spent a great deal of my life in England I am fully aware of what's on offer, though whilst there, my favourite was Canadian Cheddar, though British Blue cheese is a close second....... I don't/didn't buy questionable cheese, I leave that too you from across the pond....🤭
  20. No, those are American cheeses, I say cheeses reluctantly........🤨
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