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Everything posted by transam

  1. Was the Russian bird guilty..........? 😋
  2. Anybody else not understand this blokes few word posts......? 🤔
  3. So that's why you have been defending the Russian...........🥴
  4. Going round and round in circles with the antisemite bloke wearing a syrup.........🥴
  5. Probably...........................
  6. Says the reincarnated one.................
  7. Not surprised about what........? Give me a sensible answer as to why you run down folk for reading Yahoo news...🤔
  8. The Phuket thing was started by Dave, it has just snowballed from him, and it seems it is spreading elsewhere...... Most of LOS populace now have a smartphone, which they are glued to 24/7, so they do not miss a thing about naughty farangy's...🥴
  9. I think the winners may disagree with you........😉
  10. More like his smell, dogs seem to be controlled by smell, I hope the OP doesn't use BRUT......😆 Pepper spray sounds a good idea if nobody else is around, and walk with a stick of some sort...
  11. Hey, you don't like a bit of banter in my replies then, though it does seem you have missed quite a lot of my posts on the subject.................🤗
  12. 😂........That lot has made me smile........😂..............
  13. I think you will find that some naughty folk have been in the news back home....🤗
  14. "You would support that", who are you....?......🤔
  15. We don't use the downstairs WC for showers, but it has a floor drain.......🙄 I have given 2 possible reasons regarding smells, how about you...? 😉
  16. Indeed, but if it is hot, it evaporates, my downstairs loo needs topping up...........😉
  17. Is someone confused, do you need help.........🤗
  18. You have to keep those topped up with water if it has evaporated. It could be you are getting air blowback from elsewhere too. In which case replace the drain with a trap door type, you can buy a trap door thingy to fit those drains, though you will have to unscrew the cup off your cover...
  19. Find it yourself.........🙄 The numpties statement will arrive when they have thought of something that may work... But, that may take a rather long time, so, lay back and gaze at a clown with a cop in a strangle hold.........🤩
  20. 😂............Can't believe you wrote that.......😂 So what dodgy enterprise are you involved in.........🤭
  21. You didn't in the post I referred to, just an obvious dig at those that are going to finish what Hamas started...
  22. Oh, dear, perhaps the thought now is, thanks to Dave, all naughty folk should be tackled. If you think it's about well-off farangy's, then why wasn't it done in the past....? And don't say they are all paying under the table.........😂
  23. Great.........
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