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Everything posted by transam

  1. Because he has a rich wife who can pay for the ladder climb to get notoriety.............😉
  2. I am not interested in what happened 100 years ago, look what happened via Germany and Japan 80 years ago, is it relevant now, of course it's not.......🙄................
  3. If the Israeli army had not made headway, you would not hear a peep, those you say are protesting would be firmly behind the sofa............
  4. Who cares how sick and tired you are about hearing Oct 7 stuff. .....Nobody.......🥴 You just want to forget/ignore who lit the touch paper, for the simple reason, you are biased..
  5. I don't even think about it, not much point at my age.................
  6. That's what I thought. I think I used the Gov life certificate letter, which had my address in English. The good thing about an agent is that they go through all the paperwork, so there is no problem when they deal with VFS, if there is a problem they get in touch before they go. Be a real pain if one went there, and they didn't like something and sent away...😱
  7. I thought it had to be all in English for the UK end....? 🤔
  8. Indeed it does, and reminds me of someone, past.........hmmm..🤔
  9. Well, he is still partly right............😉
  10. Who-da thought......🥴
  11. To be ignored then, as every conflict is different.............
  12. I just done some stuff on a Windows 11 laptop using wifi via my 3BB router whilst using my W10 PC on LAN cable, no probs..
  13. To make a statement like that you must be on the ground there as a witness, so how about telling your first-hand knowledge here.......? 😉
  14. Haven't you got any correspondence from a UK gov source, tax etc...? They do not send it out by post, well they didn't. You can use an agent to do everything for you, they will send it back to you by post. It is what I do..
  15. Probably because the hostages are mainly Jewish, seems NM doesn't like Jewish folk.........🥴
  16. Yep, sad really, but Corbynites do that sort of thing......🥴
  17. That's according to you, a left wing junky, of which I don't take much notice of. You took no notice of the guy talking about his work and the lady in Syria then....?
  18. I thought it was a good idea to support your obvious cause..........🤔
  19. No, Mrs.Trans is brown, try again..........
  20. You could put your cash forward, there is a go-fund-me to get her back here on the dole.....🤭
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