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Everything posted by transam

  1. Yes, only a fool would do that (BMT).............πŸ™„ Just thought, l will be seeing my old friend on Friday, never thought to ask if they still have the paperwork regarding getting nicked by pensions, will ask his wife, but it was a while back, and I may have already asked, can't remember, will come back here if they have...πŸ€—
  2. I posted my thoughts when I saw electric cables laying on the street charging a car, but I also noticed they are not in the UK........ I cannot imagine electric charging cables laying on the street being allowed in the UK, but if it is, feel free to post me photos..........πŸ˜‰
  3. But if caught bang to rights, Gov has the evidence to back up their decision, who is going to risk paying for a court case...πŸ€”
  4. "The no right of appeal" is the killer, the letter has put a few on here to bed for calling me a liar. πŸ₯΄
  5. @Tiber, where are you, some new info for you............................πŸ˜‚ BMT, where are you.........πŸ˜‰
  6. Yep, you and I have been here long enough to see what goes on farangy wise, but I must say, most of my friends do understand how to be polite, even if they don't understand. I have done a few farang funeral speeches, doing the English bit, but I always acknowledge the Thai contingent with a Wai and swady before I start.......... πŸ˜‡
  7. OK, long time ago, but.......... 1. No, there was a mandatory 1000 quid fine which he did not have to pay because it was proven he had brain surgery and his UK sister filled in his forms. I have filled in his forms for years now. Seems those who are caught bang to rights pay the fine, no court involved. They have been paid the correct pension from the date pensions determined he left the UK. 2. See above. 3. Don't know. 4. Don't know. 5. His wife told me 5000 quid, but I don't know if any other benefit was involved. Here is a page from a pensions leaflet, the bottom para explains a lot regarding the UK pension and this subject.
  8. But, my friends was reduced to the correct pension rate at the time they worked out when he actually left the UK without telling them, so not so much the word reduced, but adjusted to the correct payment amount at that time. The overpayment was fraudulent.......😎
  9. Cr@p...............πŸ™„
  10. I think many a farangy don't like to Wai because they think they don't look coool doing it, sort of below their trendy 'portrayed' image, plus they do not understand Thai culture from any level of Thai society and the Wai........πŸ₯΄
  11. No problem, I have a handbook in English here on the OP truck, if you need any more help..............πŸ˜‰
  12. Aaaah, you're that banned bloke, who keeps getting my pension stuff wrong and making stuff up, I wonder how long you will last this time...πŸ˜‚ As for my friend, he is now at death's door, yeh, sad. But you carry on with your BS, BS that never comes forward with actual Government stuff, you have had a loooooooooong time to come up with that actual Gov stuff, but you haven't, so that's twice today you get a laugh from me.........πŸ˜‚
  13. His mum, his grandmum, someone...............πŸ˜‹
  14. I gave you a laugh, because your post did make me laugh........πŸ˜‚ I feel sorry for you that you have to dribble on here over the extra pension payment to keep you afloat, if you had plenty you wouldn't risk fiddling Gov cash. But, once a fiddler, always a fiddler, eh, correct.......? 🀭
  15. Oh, me being British, and living in LOS for a very long time, I have never heard anyone say they were in the SAS.. But I do know a number of folk on here that have been in the services........πŸ˜‰
  16. On your pension claim form it says you must tell them wherever you are, I think because the UK pension is classed as a benefit, it is not like a private pension, which is how they get away with paying increases.. If LOS had a reciprocal agreement, we would get them.. You can tell them if you're going back on holiday for 2 weeks, you will get a 2 week top up... I know a bloke who is going back to UK for 6 months to get the latest pension and then creep back here, but with all that's going on now, he may do that for nothing.....
  17. Reminds me of the introduction of an automatic 100 quid fine if your tax return was late, all done by a computor for the 😱 to pay and sort out.........
  18. Oh, not interested in a bird that shacks up with murderers then, one after the other..............Riiiiight...
  19. There are probably a zillion Muslims in WSM, but not murdering Muslims.......
  20. Any cash that may have changed hands should be collected and given to the widow...
  21. Perhaps one of the 3 was loaded, perhaps they had been chatting to ISIS Rambo's on Skype who financed stuff...
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